满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Once upon a time, a man was walking on a...

Once upon a time, a man was walking on a mountain when he found an incredible cave with all kinds of treasure inside it. So he gave up his job, his home, and his friends, and spent all his time guarding the cave.

He was so dedicated to it that he hardly ate or drank, and before long he fell ill. One day, when he could hardly move at all, he decided to share the treasure.

He crawled into the cave to get a handful of jewels, but discovered, to his horror, that it was empty except for a small emerald (绿宝石). The man took it and gave it to the first person to come by, a woman.

Then an old man came by. “What bad luck!” the man said. “Just a moment ago I gave a woman the last of the treasure I was guarding.”

“Are you sure there is nothing left?” the old man asked.

The man took him into the cave, where they found a chest with jewels and some bags of gold. The man was shocked, and the old man explained to him, “At last! At last! At last someone has broken the spell of this cave. This is the Cave of Treasure, and you’re the first to have passed its great test. Many have dedicated their lives to this cave, only to end up realizing there was nothing here …”

“And why does this happen?” the man asked.

“This magic cave has only as many riches as your own heart. When someone discovers it, the cave fills with the treasure they bring with them, but later, when they have devoted themselves to guarding the treasure, their hearts become empty, as does the cave. The only way to fill it is by filling your heart with all that is good, as you did by giving the woman that last jewel.”

From that day on, the man understood that it was better to share than to keep. Thanks to the cave and the old man, he became noble and generous.

1.Why did the man give up his job, home and friends?

A. Because he possessed a variety of treasure.

B. Because he devoted himself to a great test.

C. Because he had to guard the treasure cave.

D. Because he wanted to find the treasure cave.

2. What did the man find when he showed his cave to the old man?

A. All kinds of treasure.                                B. A chest with jewels and gold.

C. A small emerald.                                        D. A handful of jewels.

3.What do we learn about the people who dedicated their lives to the cave before?

A. They all found the cave empty at last.

B. The old man freed them from its spell.

C. They all filled the cave with the treasure they had.

D. They thought it was better to share than to enjoy the treasure alone.

4.What can we learn from the text?

A. Different people have different views.

B. Treasure only belongs to those who possess it.

C. Some people never learn what is really valuable.

D. Purely material things cannot make us truly wealthy.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文通过一个充满珠宝的洞穴的故事告诉我们人生中重要的真理:要与人分享,单纯的物质并不能让我们变得富有。只有当我学会了与人分享的时候,才是真正的富有。 1.细节题。根据文章第一段最后一句So he gave up his job, his home, and his friends, and spent all his time guarding the cave.可知他这样做是为了保护这个洞穴。故C正确。 2.细节题。根据The man took him into the cave, where they found a chest with jewels and some bags of gold可知他们进来的时候,里面有了很多的珠宝。故B正确。 3.推理题。根据when they have devoted themselves to guarding the treasure, their hearts empty, as does the cave.可知如果看守这个洞穴的人的心灵是空的,那么这个洞穴里的宝贝也就没有了。故A正确。 4.主旨大意题。本文讲述的人要学会分享,单纯的物质并不能让我们变得富有。只有当我学会了与人分享的时候,才是真正的富有。故D正确。 考点:考查人生百味类短文

At the age of three, I was discovered to be totally deaf. Having consulted many specialists, my parents made a(n)      that would forever alter my future.      sending me to a special education school for the deaf, they chose an ordinary one for me. All of my schoolmates and teachers there would have      hearing.

I experienced great      throughout my primary school because, in addition to the problems of      with the other students, I also      with most of my school work. I seemed to spend every spare moment doing homework just so I could     .

     for me, Mrs. Jordan, my 5th grade teacher, changed all of that with a simple three-word phrase.

One morning, she asked the class a question. I      her lips and immediately raised my hand. Here was an opportunity to impress the powerful teacher and even my classmates. Although a little afraid when I heard my named called, I felt unusually      because I was sure I had the right answer. I took a deep breath and      answered Mrs. Jordan's question.

Her response      all of us. Mrs. Jordan enthusiastically      her right foot on the floor and turned her right hand around in a full circle      it pointed directly at me. With shining eyes she cried, "THAT'S RIGHT, STEPHEN!"

For the first time in my young life, I was an instant star. My heart burst with     .  Smiling widely, I sat a little taller in my chair. My confidence      like never before. I decided right then and there that I would make a(n)      in this world. No matter how many      I might come across in life, I knew I could overcome them.

The very three-word phrase entirely      my young life. From that day on, my grades and speech improved greatly, my      among my classmates increased, and my viewpoint on life did a complete turnabout.

1.A. decision             B. effort                     C. commitment         D. attempt

2.A. Apart from                  B. Rather than C. Regardless of        D. Instead of

3.A. strong                          B. normal                   C. weak                       D. sharp

4.A. excitement                 B. sympathy               C. anxiety                   D. authority

5.A. making up           B. getting away          C. coming up             D. fitting in

6.A. struggled            B. handled                 C. impressed             D. absorbed

7.A. leave behind     B. turn out                 C. take off                  D. keep up

8.A. Gradually           B. Eventually              C. Luckily                    D. Subsequently

9.A. found                           B. read                        C. observed               D. appreciated

10.A. confident                  B. embarrassed         C. frightened              D. jealous

11.A. carelessly                  B. nervously              C. casually                  D. naturally

12.A. fooled                        B. delighted                C. surprised               D. upset

13.A. hit                     B. stepped                 C. placed                    D. settled

14.A. unless                        B. since                       C. after                       D. until

15.A. regret                        B. pride                      C. envy                       D. courage

16.A. increased                  B. declined                C. escaped                  D. built

17.A. fortune            B. impression             C. living             D. difference

18.A. feelings            B. obstacles               C. competitions         D. opportunities

19.A. devoted           B. surrounded           C. occupied               D. transformed

20.A. hardship           B. character               C. popularity               D. health



Being quick-minded and good at creating a win-win situation, the young manager was sent to sign the document _____ the committee.

A. on account of    B. on behalf of    C. in favour of    D. in honour of



Sometimes parents’ control of young kids will be thought to be such an invisible rope, with which to tie them tightly, that they _____ tried to cut it.

A. thoroughly      B. visually        C. desperately    D. appropriately



Not all parts of the interior (腹地) of Australia are easily _____, because it is very hot and not many people live there.

A. admirable              B. available     C. adjustable      D. accessible



 The performance of this reasonably priced digital camera is _____ in quality to that of more expensive ones.

A. beneficial       B. fundamental    C. comparable   D. competitive



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