满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Thank you for sending us ____ fresh vege...

Thank you for sending us ____ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us ____ great service.

A.不填;a                   B. the;a                    C.不填;不填           D. the;不填


A 【解析】 试题分析:第一空泛指“各种新鲜蔬菜”,其前不用冠词;第二空a great service意为:帮了大忙。句意:感谢你们给我们送来各种新鲜蔬菜。你真是帮了我们一个大忙。 考点:考查冠词的用法。















3.参考词汇:基础—foundation 汉语拼音—Chinese pinyin

 The students of Grade 12 had a discussion about whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.










[1]People with lower intelligence are more likely to be unhappy than their brighter colleagues, according to UK researchers, Their study of 6,870 people showed low intelligence was often linked with lower income and poor mental health, which contributed to unhappiness. The researchers are calling for more help and support to be targeted at people with lower IQs. Their findings were published in the journal Psychological Medicine.

[2]The researchers analyzed data from the Adult Psychiatric Morbity Survey in England. One of the questions was:“Taking all things together, how would you say you were these days—very happy ,fairly happy or not too happy?” The highest part saying they were “         ”was found in people with an IQ between 120 and 129-43% said they were very happy..

[3]However, the highest proportion saying “not too happy”was found in people with an IQ between 70 and 79. The study said lower intelligence was linked to lower income, worse health and needing help with daily life, such as shopping or housework—all of which contributed to unhappiness.

[4]Dr Hassiotis said:“There is some evidence that long term strategies directed at young children from poor backgrounds can have a positive impact on IQ, wellbeing and life opportunities”. Such interventions(干涉)are likely to be costly, but the initial costs may be offset(抵消)by future benefits such as a reduced reliance on state benefits and better mental and physical health”.

[5]He added that the study was particularly helpful as it identified some of the factors(因素)that influence the association between IQ and happiness. The study also emphasized the interventions to prevent lower IQ leading to greater unhappiness.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?(no more than 10 words)


2. Fill in the blank in paragraph2 with proper words.(no more than3 words)


3.Costly as the interventions(干涉)are , why is it worthwhile to do so ?.(no more than 10 words)


4. What did Hassiotis want to stress in the last paragraph?(no more than 6 words)


5.What does the word “which” referred to in paragraph one ?(no more than 6 words)




Why are people interested in eating raw foods or whole foods? One reason is that eating these types of food reduces the risk of acid accumulation in your body.

Raw and whole foods are usually digested more efficiently than cooked and refined foods. When we cook foods, we destroy the natural enzymes (酶) that are part of the food in its raw form. These enzymes were intended by nature to help us digest the food. When we consume food without these natural enzymes, our bodies either digest the food improperly or allow too many nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream. In both instances, the result is obesity. When too many nutrients are absorbed at once, the body grows fat. Improperly digested food moves slowly through the digestive tract, where it becomes increasingly acidic. To protect its vital organs from this acidic waste, the body changes the acid into fat and stores it safely away from the organs.

Processed foods contain chemical elements, which might confuse the appetite mechanism that tells us when we’ve had enough to eat; as a result, people often overeat. Processed foods also upset the digestive cycle. The body will either identify these foods as allergens and then store them safely away from the organs as fat, or the remains of undigested food will become acidic and enter the bloodstream as acid waste, which will stick to the blood vessel walls and block the passage of vital oxygen and nutrients heading for the body’s cells. The body’s metabolism (新陈代谢)becomes inactive, and the result is weight gain and obesity.

The accumulation of acid in the digestive tract makes digestion increasingly inefficient. When that happens, even healthy foods can become acidic and the food allergies will become more common.

To stop this vicious(恶性的)circle in its tracks, people need to consume food and supplements that will neutralize (使…中和) the acid already accumulated in body. Eating the right types of raw and whole foods can help. It’s also important to restore your enzyme balance. You need to identify and avoid the foods that cause acid accumulation and consume the foods that increase enzyme production. If you truly want to change and help your body heal itself, you need to take an active approach.

1.What is the main purpose of this passage?

A. To advocate eating more raw and whole foods.

B. To tell the differences between raw and processed foods.

C. To inform people of the harm of processed foods.

D. To warn people of the problem of obesity.

2.It can be inferred from Para. 2 that __________.

A. it is essential for people to protect their vital organs

B. foods with natural enzymes help people keep fit

C. we’d better be cautious about raw and whole foods

D. giving up cooked and refined foods is a new lifestyle

3.Processed foods are unhealthy because they __________.

A. destroy body’s cells                        B. are difficult to digest

C. may lead to obesity                                  D. stop body’s metabolism

4.What is likely to be talked about following the last paragraph?

A. Active approaches to avoid acid.

B. Different causes of acid accumulation.

C. Correct ways to cook raw foods.

D. Suitable types of raw and whole foods.

5.What can we learn from the text?

A. Processed foods are good for our appetite mechanism.

B. Eating the right types of raw and whole foods does good to our body.

C. The accumulation of acid in the digestive tract makes digestion more effective.

D. Processed foods also comfort the digestive tract.



Of the thousands of different kinds of animals that exist in the world man has learned to make friends with an enormous number. Some are pets, and offer him companionship; some give protection, and some do hard work which man cannot do for himself. Dogs, which serve man in all three capacities, are found in various species in all countries of the world. The Husky can live in the cold polar regions, and the Saluki is at home in the hottest parts of Central Africa. The inhabitants of certain countries are dependent for their very lives on the camel. In the West Indies the little donkey, strong and sure-footed, carrying heavy loads even in mountainous places, is a familiar sight.

Trained and tamed for many generations, domestic animals are not accustomed to roaming in search of food and shelter. They look to their masters to provide for their needs, and as long as these are supplied, they are content to do what their masters require.

  All domestic animals need proper food. It must be suitable for them, sufficient inquantity, fresh and clean. Some people feed a pet dog or cat on odds and ends of table scraps(剩饭), and then wonder why the animal seems tired and dull. The quantity of food depends on the size of the animal and the amount of exercise it takes. Overfeeding is as bad as underfeeding. Containers for food and water must be washed regularly if the animal is to maintain good health.

Even well-cared-for animals may sometimes fall ill. If this happens, the wise master seeks the best advice he can get. All sorts of medicines and treatments are available for sick animals, and in some countries organizations exist to provide them free or at a cheap price. Useful, friendly, hardworking animals deserve to have some time, money and attention spent on their health.

1.What main idea does the author want to convey in the first paragraph?

A. There exists thousands of species of animals in the world.

B. Man came to establish a close relationship with a number of animals.

C. In some regions a donkey seems to be a very useful beast.

D. An animal will be useless unless domesticated.

2.When an animal doesn’t get enough food, it will probably _________.

A. refuse to obey its master                              B. immediately fall ill

C. require its master to offer some food                  D. seek for food on its own

3.Which of the following is NOT true of dogs according to the passage?

A. They can act as friends, guards, and servants to man.

B. They have great adaptation for the environment.

C. There live a great variety of species of dogs on the globe.

D. The Husky and the Saluki are the strongest species ever known in the world.

4.To keep a domestic animal physically fit, its owner is advised _________.

A. not to hesitate to spend enormous amount of money on it

B. to pay attention to its proper feeding

C. not to allow it to take excessive amounts of exercise

D. to join some sort of pet-keeping organizations

5.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. Domestica ted Animals—Man’s Best Friends.

B. Proper Diet—the Road to Health.

C. The Advantages of Raising Domestic Animals

D. Some Tips on Pet-keeping.



Looking back on my childhood. I am convinced that naturalists are born and not made. Although we were brought up in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon abandoned their pressed flowers and insects. Unlike them, I had no ear for music and languages. I was not an early reader and I could not do mental maths.     

Before World War I we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the dim memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toys. Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door. But I do have a crystal clear memory of dogs, the farm animals, the local birds and above all, the insects.  

I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love of the natural world, and my enthusiasm has led me into varied investigations. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil reading about other people’s observations and discoveries. Then something happens that brings these observations together in my conscious mind. Suddenly you fancy you see the answer to the riddle. Because it all seems to fit together .This has resulted in my publishing 300 papers and books. Which some may light honor, with the title of scientific research.  

But curiosity, a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist? One of the outstanding and essential qualities required is self-discipline, a quality I lack. A scientist can be made a naturalist. If you can combine the two, you get the best of both worlds. 

1.According to the author, a born naturalist should first of all be _____           

A. full of ambition               B. self-disciplined

C. full of enthusiasm           D. knowledgeable 

2.The first paragraph tells us that the author _____

A. lost his hearing when he was a child

B. didn’t like his brothers and sisters

C. was interested in flowers and insects in his childhood

D. was born to a naturalist’s family

3.The author says that he is a naturalist rather than a scientist probably because he thinks he __    

A. just reads about other people observations and discoveries.

B. Lacks some of the qualities required of scientist.

C. Has a great deal of trouble doing mental arithmetic.

D. Come up with solutions in most natural ways.

4.The author can’t remember him relatives clearly because__

A. He didn’t live very long with them

B. He was too young when he lived with them.

C. The family was extremely large.

D. He was fully occupied with observing nature.

5.Which of the following statements is true?

A. The author believes that a born naturalist cannot be scientist. 

B. The author read a lot of books about the natural world and oil industry

C. The author’s brothers and sisters were good at music and languages.

D. The author spent a lot of time working on riddles.



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