满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It will not be long before that young jo...

It will not be long before that young journalist _______ me again.

A. will meet     B. met         C. meets         D. would meet


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查时态:句意:不久之后那个年轻的记者就会和我再次见面。这句话使用的是句型:It will be+一段时间+before…,因为主句是一般将来时,所以从句是一般现在时,选C。 考点:考查时态

No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to ______.

A. the other      B. another       C. any other     D. other



In 1778, Joseph Banks was elected ______ president of the Royal Society, ______ position he held for 42 years.

A. the ; the        B. a ; a       C. 不填 ;a        D. a ; 不填



---Excuse me, could you tell me the time, please?

---Sorry, I don’t have a watch with me.

--- _________.

A. Thanks a lot       B. What a pity

C .I’m sorry to hear that        D. Thanks anyway



下面这幅照片展现了志愿者慈善义卖活动(Charity Bazaar)的情景。请根据你对照片的理解用英语写一篇短文。你的短文应该包括以下内容:

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Scientists, doctors and mental health professionals have been studying the connection between colors and mood for years. Many now believe that colors can not only bring about emotional reactions, but can also correct mood. Colors behave in three basic ways: active, passive and neutral (中和的).

Active colors are warm colors, including yellow, orange and red. These colors bring confidence. Warm colors can also bring cheerful attitudes. Yellows and golden colors work well in offices, kitchens and study areas. Reds heat up a room. Passive colors or cool colors make people calm, quiet and satisfied. Bedrooms, private areas and bathrooms are great places for blues and greens. Beige, gray and white are thought of as neutral colors. They help to put the focus on other colors or serve to tone down colors that might otherwise be overpowering on their own.

You can easily change the look or feel of a room by making good use of different colors. Mixing and matching colors is an excellent way to balance color and emotion, and provide a welcoming feel for guests.

To create a feeling of warmth and comfort in a room, use bright, warm colors like yellow, orange and red. These colors are good choices for rooms that appear cool due to limited sunlight. Yellow adds cheerfulness to dull rooms. You can add yellows to rooms which are not closely related to happy thoughts, such as kitchens and laundry room. In rooms where there's plenty of sunshine, cool colors can provide a calming environment. Sage greens and sky blues are perfect for bedrooms, playrooms and activity areas. Neutral colors, such as pale gray, white and beige, send a peaceful message to your brain. It's not a coincidence that most doctor's offices, coffee shops and mental health centers are decorated in neutrals.

To make your wall color choices better, pick out furniture that will provide a visual contrast. Cool colors make a room seem larger than it is and warm colors make rooms feel smaller.

Title: The 1. ____________ between colors and mood

Commonly believed effects of colors

2.____________ emotional reactions and correcting mood

3.____________ of colors and their effects

active colors 

●bringing 4.____________ and  cheerful attitude

passive colors

●making people calm, quiet and bringing people more 5.____________.

 neutral colors 

●helping to put the focus on other colors or tone down 6. ________ colors

7. ____________ to balance color and emotion

●using bright, warm colors to make a 8.___ , cool or dull room  warm and comfortable

●using cool colors to create a calming environment in a bright room 

●using 9._________ colors to send a peaceful message

Tips on picking out furniture

Picking out furniture that will give a visual contrast to 10. ________ wall color choices 



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