满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

At the meeting, the old man _____ some g...

At the meeting, the old man _____ some good advice about bringing down the market price of housing.

A. came out                                           B. came about     

C. came along                                   D. came up with


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语:A. came out 出版,发行,B. came about 产生, C. came along出现,    D. came up with提出,想出,句意:在会议上,老人提出关于降低市场的房价的建议。行选D。 考点:考查动词短语


1. 确定新的学习目标                                   2. 改进学习方法

3. 学会独立生活                                           4. 参加各种课外活动

5. 处理好与同学的关系

注意:1. 短文内容要连贯、完整             2. 词数:100左右

My dear teacher,                                                                         











                                                                                                                                                     Yours sincerely,

Li Hua









My friend Nick told me story about his experience back in the US, which was very interested. One day he was having a yard sale and the old man living next door come by to help. As the old man looked over the things in the yard that was to be sold, he stopped at a box of golden ball for Christmas trees. On the box was a card say, “25 cents each.” “You will never sell these for that much.” he told Nick. Convinced, Nick has brought the price up to 10 cents a piece. Without a moment’s delay, my neighbor picked up the box but announced, “I’ll take them.”





1.被划分成     _____________________

2.起飞           _____________________

3.取得进步     _____________________

4.是…的缩写            _____________________

5.换句话说     _____________________





1.My history teacher is very a____________. He always makes us laugh in his class.

2.Please read the i_____________ first before taking the medicine.

3.I’d a__________ it if you could turn the radio down. I’m doing my homework.

4.The teacher has built a good r__________ with his students. All his students respect and like him.

5.He is busy preparing for a job i____________.

6.The problem is very important. You should take it ____________(严肃地,认真地).

7.I was ____________(尴尬的)by his comments about my clothes.

8.The poet gave a vivid ____________(描述)of the beautiful scenery.

9.Doing enough ____________(翻译)exercises can improve your writing.

10.The long cycle ride made him ____________(疲惫不堪的).



The first moment came when I was in the local dollar store. There was an older woman in front of me just wrapping(包裹) up her goods.   1.   

    Before I could even offer to help, the young cashier gave her a big smile. She said, “Oh, don’t worry about it,” and sent the woman on her way.

    As I came up she said, “It’s only a few cents. I can’t make a big deal out of it.” I responded, “Here’s the seventeen cents.   2.    In this way your cash won’t be short.”

      3.  We passed a young man whose arms and face were covered in tattoos (纹身). He wore torn clothes and sat on the sidewalk with a sign that said “Homeless—Hungry—Sick.”

    Now as we passed I was thinking “Junkie (有毒瘾者)”.    4.    But, as we went a little further, I said to myself, “Who am I to judge? I should just put something in his paper cup.”

    At the same moment my son said, “That man is homeless, hungry and sick. I want to help him.”

    I gave him some money and told him he could put it in the cup. As I watched the young man gave my son a big smile and said, “Thank you!” My son told him, “No problem.” When my son came back to me he said, “That was good. Now he can get better.”

     5.   And, once again, I learned that children are often our best role models for the acceptance of others.

A. You did a really nice thing.

B. It was an automatic reaction (自动反应).

C. His sign says he needs more clothes.

D. The rate (几率) of people giving her money is low.

E. Just two little moments, but they taught me lots.

F. The second moment came when I was walking along with my son.

G. When she came to pay for them she discovered that she was seventeen cents short.



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