满分5 > 高中英语试题 >









I still remember my middle school life in that small town. I am then in a school for students from Tibet. As we all left home at a early age, we met lots of problems in our daily life. We had to do the washing, cleaning and shopping by us. However, we seldom felt lonely or helplessly. We enjoyed our happy life. At weekends, we would play basketball, swam in the pool or go for a picnic. We are lived in a big family. We treated each other brothers and sisters. If any one of us had any difficulty with his studies, the other student would help him out. It has been five years when we graduated, but those memories are as sweet as never before.


 am →was  a→an  us→ ourselves  helplessly→helpless  swam→swim  are lived→去掉are  each other ∧brothers →as  student→students  when→since  never→ever 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了作者回忆中学时的生活,他很小的时候就离开了家,在学校他们自己洗衣服,打扫卫生和买东西,周末在一起打篮球、游泳或去野餐,彼此之间被看成兄弟姐妹,无论谁有学习困难,其他的同学主动去帮助这位同学,他们过得非常开心。作者至今仍然记忆犹新。  考查动词。根据上文I still remember my middle school life in that small town.及then 这里指的是过去在中学的时候,故用过去式was。  考查冠词。因为我们在很早的年龄就离开家了。这里early是元音因素开头的前面用冠词an。  考查代词。我们不得不自己洗衣服打扫卫生和买东西。这里指by oneself 表示某人自己,故用反身代词ourselves。  考查形容词。这里or连接的是并列的连个形容词,helplessly是副词,无助地; helpless是形容词,故用helpless。  考查动词。这里would 后动词原形,swim与play和go是并列的,故用swim。  考查动词。我们生活在一个大家庭。这里we与live之间是主动关系,故用主动语态所以去掉are。  考查动词。我们彼此把对方看成兄弟。这里是短语treat sb as 把某人看成;故加上as。  考查名词。如果我们中的任何一个同学有困难,其他的同学应该主动出来帮助他。这里其他的同学应该是复数students。  考查连词。这里固定句式it has been some time since 自从……以来多长时间了。故用since。  考查副词。但是那些记忆仍然像以前一样非常甜蜜。never从不;ever永远. 考点:。


A. Varieties of college dictionaries

B. Accessing electronic dictionaries

C. Elements under a dictionary entry

D. Complete editions of dictionaries

E. Using dictionaries for particular fields

F. Features (特点) of college dictionaries


         You’re probably most familiar with college dictionaries, often called abridged dictionaries.Although abridged means “shortened” , these dictionaries contain more than 150,000 entries and provide detailed definitions that are sufficient for most college students and general users. College dictionaries also contain separate lists of abbreviations, biographical and geographical names, foreign words and phrases, and tables of measures. Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary and the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language are college dictionaries.


         Unabridged dictionaries contain as many as 500,000 entries and provide detailed definitions and extensive word histories (etymologies). These dictionaries, possibly in several volumes and mostly found in libraries, are excellent sources for scholarly inquiries. Unabridged dictionaries include the Oxford English Dictionary and the Random House Dictionary of the English Language.


         A dictionary entry has many elements: multiple definitions, syllabication (音节划分), preferred spelling and pronunciation (some words have more than one acceptable spelling and pronunciation) , and part-of-speech labels. Some entries also include plurals, capitalized forms, synonyms, antonyms, and derivatives. Americanisms and etymologies may be provided along with usage notes, cross-references, and idioms.


         If you prefer using the dictionary on a computer, you can obtain CD-ROM versions of many major dictionaries. In addition, you can access numerous electronic dictionaries, such as WW Webster’s Dictionary, on the Internet. Online dictionaries allow you to enter a search word (you even get help with spelling) to see a definition, and sometimes even an illustration. Online dictionaries also offer additional features, such as word games, language tips, and amusing facts about words. Some online dictionary services allow you to access numerous dictionaries, both general and specialized.


         Specialized dictionaries provide in-depth information about a certain field. For example there are dictionaries for the specialized vocabularies of law, computer technology, and medicine. In addition, there are dictionaries of synonyms, clichés, slang, and even regional expressions, such as the Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE). There are also dictionaries of foreign languages, famous people’s names, literary characters’ names and place names.



It is 4 o’clock in the early morning. Everything but the computing room on the campus of the university appears as quiet and misty as the mysterious hell. In the computing room, 30 students with sleepy eyes, sit still at their desk, beating the dirty and worn keys. Staring at the colorful screen, they tap continuously for hours. For the other parts in the world, it might be in the middle of the night, nevertheless here time represents nothing. It is an entirely enclosed field. These young computer “hackers” are tracing a sort of stimulus (刺激), a drive so exciting and absorbing that it ignores nearly anything else in their lives and becomes the focus of their being. They are addicted (上瘾的) computer programmers. Some of these students have been glued to the console (电子设备的操纵台) for no less than twenty hours even with no break for meals or rest. Some have been sleeping on sofas and chairs in the computing room, trying to struggle for a few moments’ rest but hating to get too far away from their addicted machines.

         It is not necessary for most of these students to be at the computing room in the middle of the night. What they are working belong to no assignments. They remain there because they desire to be — they can not resist the attraction of the computers.

         Furthermore, they are in groups instead of being alone. There are hackers at computing rooms all over the country. In the unimaginable way, they focus on nothing but computer. They escape from schooling and live beyond friendship; they might have difficulty being employed, choosing to travel from one computing room to another. They may even give up personal health.

         “There is one hacker in my memory. We actually had to lift him away from his chair to feed him and arrange him to rest and sleep. We truly worried about his health,” says a computing science professor at California University.

         Professors of computer science are nowadays paying more attention to this hacker phenomenon and are on the watch for future hackers and more and more severe computer addicts. They believe firmly that hackers are not simply resulted from the close relationship with a machine. It is the result of social relationship with the attractive thinking machines, which are becoming nearly universal.

1.We can learn from the passage that those at the computing room in the middle of the night are      .

A. students working on a program

B. students using computers to amuse themselves

C. hard-working computer science majors

D. students deeply fascinated by the computer

2.Which of the following is NOT true of those young computer “hackers”?

A. Most of them are top students majoring in computer programming.

B. For them, computer programming is the only purpose for their life.

C. They can stay with the computer at the computing room for nearly two days.

D. Their love for the computer is so deep that they want to be near their machines even when they sleep.

3.It can be reasonably inferred from the passage that ______.

A. the hacker phenomenon exists only at university computing rooms

B. it is not very easy for the “hackers” to find friends or jobs

C. university computing rooms are expecting outstanding programmers out of the “hackers”

D. the hacker phenomenon is partly due to the lack of the computing rooms

4.According to professors of computer science, the hacker phenomenon can be described as      .

A. positive                B. disgusting

C. worrying              D. admiring

5.Which of the following may be the most appropriate title for the passage?

A. The Charm of Computer Science       B. A New Type of Electronic Toys

C. Future Computer Programmers         D. Computer Addicts



In a world with limited land, water and other natural resources, the harm from the traditional business model is on the rise. Actually, the past decades has seen more and more forests disappearing and globe becoming increasingly warm. People now realize that this unhealthy situation must be changed, and that we must be able to develop in sustainable (可持续的) ways. That means growth with low carbon or development of sustainable products. In other words, we should keep the earth healthy while using its supply of natural resources.

Today, sustainable development is a proper trend in many countries. According to a recent study, the global market for low carbon energy will become three times bigger over the next decades. China, for example, has set its mind on leading that market, hoping to seize chances in the new round of the global energy revolution. It is now trying hard to make full use of wind and solar energy, and is spending a huge amount of money making electric cars and high speed trains. In addition, we are also seeing great growth in the global markets for sustainable products such as palm oil, which is produced without cutting down valuable rainforest. In recent years the markets for sustainable products have grown by more than 50%.

Governments can fully develop the potential of these new markets. First, they can set high targets for reducing carbon emission (排放) and targets for saving and reusing energy. Besides, stronger arrangement of public resources like forests can also help to speed up the development. Finally, governments can avoid the huge expenses that are taking us in the wrong direction, and redirecting some of those expenses can accelerate (加速) the change from traditional model to a sustainable one.

    The major challenge of this century is to find ways to meet the needs of growing population within the limits of this single planet. That is no small task, but it offers abundant new chances for sustainable product industries.

1. The traditional business model is harmful because of all the following EXCEPT that ______.

A. it makes the world warmer

B. it consumes natural resources

C. it brings severe damage to forests

D. it makes growth hard to continue

2.What can we infer from Paragraph 2?

A. China lacks wind and solar energy.

B. China is the leader of the low carbon market.

C. High speed trains are a low carbon development.

D. Palm oil is made at the cost of valuable forests.

3.To fully develop the low carbon markets, government can ______.

A. cut public expenses                       B. forbid carbon emission

C. develop public resources                   D. encourage energy conservation

4.We can learn from the last paragraph that businesses have many chances to ______.

A. develop sustainable products

B. explore new natural resources

C. make full use of natural resources

D. deal with the major challenge

5.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To introduce a new business model.

B. To compare two business models.

C. To predict a change of the global market.

D. To advocate (提倡) sustainable development.



Dear Betty,

My roommate’s family wants me to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with them in their home. I accepted the invitation, and I’m excited about going, but I’m a little nervous about it, too. The social customs in my country are different from those here, so I’m a little worried about making mistakes.

    Should I bring a gift, such as candy or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a little late? At the dinner table, how can I know which fork or knife to use? How can I let the family know that I’m thankful for their kindness?


Knowing Nothing

Dear Knowing Nothing,

It’s a good idea to bring a gift when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always welcome, or you can bring a bottle of wine if you know the family drink it.

    You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Don’t get there early. If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them.

    Try to relax at the dinner table. If you don’t know how to use the right fork, knife or spoon, just watch the other guests, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, don’t be shy about asking the person next to you; it’s better to ask them than to be silently uncomfortable and nervous.

     If you like the food, say so. Of course, you’ll thank the host and hostess for the meal and for their kindness. It’s also a good idea to send a card to thank them the day after.



1.Knowing Nothing wrote a letter to Betty to _____.

A. tell Betty some good news          B. ask for some advice

C. answer some questions                      D. invite her to dinner

2.According to Betty, Knowing Nothing ______ when going to a dinner party.

A. can only bring some flowers

B. can’t bring wine

C. should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late

D. should arrive twenty minutes late

3.Betty does NOT advise Knowing Nothing to _____.

A. relax at the dinner table                B. watch the other guests

C. ask the person beside him              D. keep silent at table



① On Friday, January 14, 2005, my cousin, Kara Rose, came into the world. ② She looked perfectly healthy from the outside, but on the inside, the doctors had failed to discover a serious problem. ③ She often had trouble breathing and then turned blue. ④ The doctors found that Kara had been born without part of her heart. ⑤ They didn’t think she would live long enough to leave the hospital. ⑥ When she was four days old, she had her first operation. ⑦ My family stayed together during this hard time, hoping everything would turn out for the best.

Kara’s strength and determination to live were strong. Eventually, she could go home. We all waited patiently for new technology that could give Kara a new heart. When she was eighteen months old, her parents took her to a famous surgeon who performed a series of operations. There was no guarantee she would make it through the operation, but she succeeded.

Kara grew stronger every day, and it was not long before she was well enough to be around people. She had an amazing character and always wore a sweet smile. When she fell asleep against my body, happy and content, I realized how valuable life really is. As I took her in my arms with her warm breath against my neck, I decided to live every day of my life to the fullest.

This child, who is 15 years younger than I, has gone through more suffering and pain than I ever have. I admire her strength and determination. Kara has taught me that no matter how bad things seem, they can work out in the end. Knowing this small, beautiful child has made me a stronger person, I now believe that difficulty can be beaten.

1.Kara often had trouble breathing because ________.

A. she didn’t stay long enough in the hospital

B. the doctors failed to discover the problem

C. she was born with an incomplete heart

D. her first operation was not successful

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A. Kara’s determination helped her get through.

B. The new technology gave the family the hope to live on.

C. Kara eventually recovered at the age of 15.

D. Doctors were confident in the success of her operation.

3.The writer wants to tell us that _______.

A. younger people often suffer more pain

B. strong-will helps defeat difficulties

C. experienced doctors can make miracles

D. medical technology is developing fast

4.Where should the sentence in the box be added in Paragraph 1?

I was also anxiously hoping the doctors would be able to make her life longer.

A. After Sentence ①.                                             B. After Sentence ③.

C. After Sentence ⑤.                                            D. After Sentence ⑦.



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