满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “I’m so sorry!” was my     . Then he said, “Excuse me too ... I didn’t even      you.” We were very    , the stranger and I. Then we went on our ways after saying     .

But at home, a different      is told. How we treat our      ones, the young and the old. Later, in the kitchen, as I cooked our supper, my      entered, very still. When I turned, I nearly knocked her down. “Get out of the way!” I      at her. She left, with her little heart broken. I didn’t      how hard I’d spoken.

That     , as I lay awake in bed, God’s quiet voice      to me and said, “While with strangers, you are polite,      with those you love, you didn’t do it properly. Go and look right now on the      floor, you’ll find some flowers there by the door. Those are the flowers she     __   for you. She picked them herself—pink, yellow and blue.”

By this time, I felt      and small and now my own      fell. I quietly went to her bed, “     up, my dear daughter.” I said. “Are these the flowers you picked for me?” She smiled, “I found them on the tree. I knew you’d like them,      the blue.” I said, “I’m so   __   that I missed them today ... And I shouldn’t have shouted at you that way.” She whispered(低声说), “Mommy, that’s okay. I still      you anyway.” I hugged her and said, “I love you too and love your flowers, especially the blue.”

1.A. rule                      B. reply                        C. step                         D. truth

2.A. see                  B. tell                           C. get                           D. take

3.A. nervous                   B. alike                          C. polite                       D. confident

4.A. welcome             B. thanks                C. hello                         D. good-bye

5.A. story                    B. message                  C. notice                D. activity

6.A. crazy     B. loved                       C. blind                        D. brave

7.A. mother                         B. husband                  C. daughter                 D. son

8.A. smiled                           B. looked                     C. shot                         D. shouted

9.A. lie                                  B. care                         C. attack                      D. realize

10.A. noon                           B. afternoon               C. evening                   D. night

11.A. looked                        B. pointed                   C. spoke                      D. listened

12.A. when                          B. but                           C. unless                      D. besides

13.A. kitchen                       B. bedroom                C. dinning-room         D. library

14.A. brought                      B. bought               C. stole                          D. paid

15.A. excited                       B. sad                           C. happy                      D. great

16.A. leg                          B. head                         C. tears                        D. feelings

17.A. Look                            B. End                          C. Dress                       D. Wake

18.A. especially                   B. specially                  C. except                     D. except for

19.A. brave                          B. lazy                          C. sorry                        D. excited

20.A. hate                            B. love                         C. miss                         D. beat


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.D 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.B 【解析】 试题分析: 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了我和陌生人之间的相撞,彼此之间很有礼貌。可在自己的家中,对自己的女儿却大声怒吼。后来,作者反思自己的行为并感悟到亲人之间更应该相互理解和关爱。 1.B考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。此处rule规则; reply回答;step步骤; truth真理。我撞上一个陌生人,当他通过的时候,我回应(reply)“对不起”。 2.A考查动词词义辨析。此处see   看见;tell告诉,辨别;get得到;take拿。我甚至没有看见他。 3.C考查形容词词义辨析。此处nervous紧张的; alike相像的; polite有礼貌的; confident有信心的。根据文章的“I’m so sorry!” Then he said, “Excuse me too可知,他们都很有礼貌。 4.D考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。此处welcome欢迎;thanks感谢; hello问好; good-bye再见。说了再见之后,我们各走各路。 5.A考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。此处story故事;message      信息;notice通知; activity活动。但到家,一个不同的故事产生了。 6.B考查形容词词义辨析。此处crazy疯狂的;loved     可爱的; blind瞎的; brave勇敢的。我们是怎样对待我们的亲人的,孩子和老人。 7.C考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。此处mother   母亲; husband丈夫;daughter女儿;son儿子。在厨房,当我做晚饭的时候,我的女儿进来了。根据后文中的She whispered(低声说), “Mommy可知,是女儿。 8.D考查动词词义辨析及语境理解。此处smiled    微笑;looked   看;shot  开枪;shouted大喊。我转身的时候差点把她撞到,我向她大喊(shouted)“让开”。 9.D考查动词词义辨析及语境理解。此处lie撒谎; care关心;attack攻击; realize意识到。我没有意识到(realize)我说得多么强硬啊! 10.D考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。此处noon中午;afternoon下午;evening傍晚;night夜晚。根据后文I lay awake in bed可知,是在夜晚。故选D。 11.C考查动词词义辨析及语境理解。此处looked看; pointed    指出,spoke    讲;listened听。上帝平静声音对我说(spoke to):对待陌生人的时候,你很有礼貌,但对你爱的人的时候,你做得不恰当。 12.B考查连词的用法。此处when  当……的时候;but但是;unless除非;besides另外。上帝平静声音对我说:对待陌生人的时候,你很有礼貌,但(but)对你爱的人的时候,你做得不恰当。 13.A考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。此处kitchen厨房; bedroom卧室;dinning-room餐厅; library图书馆。根据前文的提示in the kitchen,可知选A。你去看在厨房的地板上有一些花。 14.B考查动词词义辨析及语境理解。此处brought带来;bought买; stole偷; paid付钱。那些花是你女儿给你买(bought      )的。 15.B考查形容词词义辨析。此处excited兴奋的;sad悲伤的;happy高兴的;great伟大的。在那一刻,我感到悲伤和渺小。我的眼泪流了下来。 16.C考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。此处leg腿; head头; tears     眼泪; feelings感觉。在那一刻,我感到悲伤和渺小。我的眼泪流了下来。 17.D考查动词词义辨析及语境理解。此处Look看;End结束; Dress穿衣服;Wake醒来。我悄悄的走动她的床前说:醒醒(wake up)。 18.A考查副词词义辨析及语境理解。此处especially专门地;尤其是;specially特殊地; except除……之外;except for除去,指整体中的美中不足。我知道你喜欢花,尤其是蓝色的。文章最后有提示:especially the blue. 19.C考查形容词词义辨析及语境理解。此处brave勇敢的;lazy懒惰的;sorry难过的;excited兴奋的。我很难过我没有看到它们。我不应该对你大喊。 20.B考查动词词义辨析及语境理解。此处hate恨; love爱; miss     想念; beat打,跳动。妈妈,我爱(love)你。 考点:考查人生百味故事类阅读。

–I have some big news for you. You’ve been accepted as a member of our club.

   --______ That’s great!

A. Have I?     B. Pardon?     C. Congratulations!     D. Good idea!



The day        I have been looking forward to will certainly come.

A. when             B. which             C. on which                 D. in which



I’d like a room          windows look out over the sea.

A. whose            B. which             C. where            D. that



It was from my best friend Jane ________ I learned the truth.

A. which       B. that       C. who       D. whom



They showed great interest in everything they saw        they visited the farm.

A. for the first time             B. at the first time               C. at first            D. the first time



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