满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I know you are very ____ice-cream, but y...

I know you are very ____ice-cream, but you will gain weight if you eat too much.

A. fond of      B. tired of                 C. full of                     D. afraid of


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查形容词短语:A. be fond of喜欢,B. be tired of厌倦于C. be full of充满….D. be afraid of害怕,句意:我知道你非常喜欢冰淇淋但是如果你吃的太多就会增加体重。选A. 考点:考查形容词短语

 I don’t think she is a nice woman; I am _____ her empty talk.

A. grateful for   B. tired of    C. crazy about         D. concerned about



 _____ your classmates and you will make more good friends.

A. Worry about   B. Fall in love with  C. Think about   D. Get along well with




1. 努力学习,拓宽知识面; 2. 发展才能,提高个人素质;3. 加强合作精神,培养团队意识;

4. 了解社会需求,做好人生规划;  5. 你的观点……

注意:1. 词数120左右  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3. 文章开头已写好,不计人总词数。

What We High School Students Learn from the Job-hunting Crisis

As we all know, the employment situation is getting more and more serious now. Being high school students, what can we learn from it?















Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people spend so much time at malls that they are called "mall rats". Mall rats shop until they drop in the hundreds of stores.

    People like malls for many reasons. They feel safe because malls have police stations. Parking is usually free, and the weather inside is always fine. The newest malls have beautiful rest places with waterfalls and large green trees.

    The largest mall in the United States is the mall of America in Minnesota. It covers 4.2 million square feet. It has 350 stores, eight nightclubs, and a large park! there are parking spaces for 12.750 cars. about 750,000 people shop there every week.

    The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina Minnesota. People love doing all their shopping in one place. More malls are built around the country. Now malls are like town centers where people ____________________. They shop, of course, they also eat in food courts(广场) that have food from all over the world. They see films at theaters. Some people even get their exercise by doing the new sport of "mall walking". Others go to malls to meet friends.

    In some malls, people can see a doctor and even go to the church. In other words, people can do just about everything in malls. Now people can live in their favorite shopping center in fact.

1.Why do people like malls? (please answer within 10 words)


2.What does “mall” mean here?


3.Except shopping, what else can people do in the mall? (please answer within 30 words)


4.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (please answer within 10 words)


5.What is the best title of this passage?




I am Sergey Brin! I was born in Moscow. In 1979, when I was 5, my family immigrated to the United States. I remember that on my 9th birthday I got my first computer “Commodore 64”.

Later I graduated with honors in the University of Maryland in Mathematics and IT. The main field of my science research was the technologies used to collect data from unsystematic sources as well as large quantities of texts and science data. I was the author of dozens of articles in leading American academic magazines.

The greatest event in my life happened when in 1998 I was preparing for the defense(论文答辩)of my Doctor’s degree in Stanford University. There the fate made me meet Larry Page—a young computer genius. Larry belonged to the intellectual society. Larry and I quickly became friends when we worked together.

We were searching day and night on the Internet. We were finding a lot of information but with the feeling we still couldn’t find enough of what we were looking for. Naturally the idea for a search engine that would allow specific information to be found in the endless pool of data was born like it came to us. It wasn’t our plans but we gave up the education at the university. You know the next part, maybe we managed to turn an ordinary garage in Meplo Park, California, the U. S. A. into our first office, in which Google was born. With excitement we typed the name of the thing which we created with love on September 14th 1998—www. google.com. Now, after those years we bought this garage. As a symbol it will always remind us that everything is possible.

1.Sergey Brin actually graduated from ___.

A. the University of Maryland         B. the University of Moscow

C. the University of California         D. Stanford University

2. From the passage we know that Larry Page ______.

A. was Brin’s important partner in starting Google

B. was born in a rich merchant family

C. was once a student in the University of Maryland

D. was a professor from Stanford University

3. Which is the right order of what happened?

a. My family moved from Russia to the U. S. A.

b. I met Larry Page.

c. I was given a computer as a present on my 9th birthday.

d. Google was born in an ordinary garage in California.

A. c-a-b-d                    B. c-b-a-d            C. a-c-b-d                          D. a-c-d-b

4.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. The History of Google                         B. The Great Contribution of Google

C. The Great Success of Google                    D. The Birth of Google

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The main field of my science research was computer.

B. I wrote many articles in leading American magazines.

C. Larry is one of my classmates.

D. When I was 5, I got my first computer “Commodore 64”.



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