满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

John is very lazy. He falls ______ behin...

John is very lazy. He falls ______ behind among the students.

A. very                  B. still                                         C. more        D. far


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查副词:very 一般修饰在形容词之前,still 用于比较级的情况较多 ,more后接名词或多音节形容词,表示比较级,短语fall far behind意思为“远远的落后于”。 在这里使用far 不仅算是固定搭配 从意义上也可以这么理【解析】 约翰非常懒 在班里他远远落后其他同学。所以选D。 考点:考查副词

The government must be very _____ about setting policies and make no decision until they are quite sure it is the right one.

A. particular          B. concerned                       C. cautious           D. certain



I don’t understand how he can say that everything is fine _____ it’s so obvious that it’s not.

A. unless           B.  in case        C. so that              D. when



Please remember to _____ a stamp _____ your envelope before you post it to your friend.

A. attach; to                         B. fasten; to                                  C. tie; to                      D. stick; by



--- Have you heard that Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature last year?

--- _____. He has made a positive contribution to that field.

A. Congratulations   B. You must be joking

C. He deserves it   D. By no means



The boy talked his mother _____ buying him a home computer.

A. of              B. over                               C. to            D. into



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