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Here in China, as the awareness of clima...

Here in China, as the awareness of climate change improves, realizing a low-carbon way of life, also known as reducing your carbon footprint, is a growing trend among young Chinese.

Zheng Xiyu works at  1.  office in Beijing’s Central Business District.Every day,  2.   takes her roughly 40 minutes to go to work by bus.But she is thinking of  3.   (switch) to a different way of transport--a bicycle.When buying clothes, she will choose those purely made of cotton, 4.  it takes less carbon to produce cotton clothes.She’s also adapting to a vegetable diet as livestock(家畜) can make many contributions  5.    today’s most serious environmental problems.

A recent survey shows  6.   78% of all the 17,000 people questioned have developed environmentally friendly habits in their daily lives.They are doing things, such as taking reusable shopping bags to the store and setting the air conditioner at a temperature above 26oC in summer.

On many popular  7.    (society) networking websites, people are advocating a low-carbon lifestyle.Their tips include using the stairs and public transport more frequently  8.   elevators and cars.They hope this lifestyle  9.   (become) more than just a trend within certain groups.

As the most populous nation on the planet with the world’s fastest growing economy, China has become the second biggest emitter(排放者) of greenhouse gases.The recent extreme weather in the southern regions reflects a serious environmental challenge.Experts say there is no time  10.    (delay) with the effort to reduce carbon emissions.


1.an 2.it 3.switching 4.because/as 5.to 6.that  7.social 8.than 9.will become 10.to delay 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了为了我们今后的生活,我们在日常生活中要时刻注意要提倡低碳生活,不要太浪费能源,给环境带来危害,中国已经成为排放温室气体的第二大国,所以中国人一定注意要有环保意识。 1.考查冠词。这里是第一次提到他的工作的地点,所以用不定冠词an。 2.考查固定句式。这里是固定句式It takes sb some time to do sth做某事花费某人多长时间,用it来作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式,故用it。 3.考查名词。因为空格前有介词of所以后面用动名词switching。 4.考查连词。当买衣服的时候,他选择棉布料的因为生产棉线用的碳少。这里主要根据上下文的句意来确定用because/as“因为”。 5.考查固定短语。这里是固定短语make contributions to为……做出贡献,有助于。 6.考查连词。新的调查显示在17,000问卷中有78%的开始在日常生活中逐渐养成环保的习惯。这里动词shows 后跟的是宾语从句,用that引导,它在从句中不作成分。 7.考查形容词。这里应该用形容词来修饰名词networking websites ,故用形容词social“社会的”。 8.考查连词。根据more frequently 更经常,可知这里应该用比较连词than。 9.考查动词。因为根据hope及上下文可知这是对以后的希望,故用一般将来时will become。 10.考查固定句式。这里是固定句式there is no time to do没有时间来做某事,故用动词不定式 to delay。 考点:语法填空。

The secret of staying slim could be as simple as keeping your mind on your meals. Research suggests that   1  ourselves from distractions and concentrating completely on the food that is in front of us, helps us stay in   2  . Such ‘mindful eating’ ensures that the   3  is in tune with (协调) the body, enabling it to ‘hear’ the chemical   4  that tell it that we are full。

Digestion   5   a complex series of signals between the gut (肠道)and the nervous system and it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to tell that the body has eaten enough. This means that if someone eats too   6  , the signals will come slowly, leading to   7  .

   Scientists say that distractions make it  8  for us to remember what we have eaten. This absent-mindedness stops us from feeling   9   – and sends us reaching for some snacks later on. It is thought that our memory of what we have eaten plays a key role in   10   appetite. This means that distractions stop us from remembering the detail of what we have eaten – leaving us feeling   11  .

   Advocates of mindful eating   12  chewing food slowly and taking note of its color, smell and flavor. Before   13   dieters should ask themselves if they are really hungry---and if not, distract themselves by going for a walk or reading. Done  14  , mindful eating may not only leave you   15  , but also make you enjoy mealtimes.

1.A. feeling      B. protecting      C. freeing        D. saving

2.A. shape       B. health         C. touch          D. business

3.A. appetite     B. speed         C. emotion        D. mind

4.A. orders      B. sounds        C. desires          D. messages

5.A. discovers    B. involves      C. sends           D. holds

6.A. quickly     B. slowly        C. gradually        D. suddenly

7.A. imbalance   B. damage       C. overeating       D. failure

8.A. clearer      B. easier         C. sharper         D. harder

9.A. full         B. great         C. comfortable      D. delicious

10.A. building     B. losing        C. controlling       D. improving

11.A. upset       B. eager         C. hungry          D. desperate

12.A. mind       B. advise        C. avoid            D. consider

13.A. snacking    B. running       C. writing           D. cooking

14.A. quietly     B. strongly       C. properly          D. poorly

15.A. slim        B. fat           C. strong            D. calm




Children in kindergarten are learning social skills. For this reason, it’s important to tell the children what will make them become good citizens when they grow up. It’s up to parents, teachers and all others involved with a kid to teach these skills.

Teaching kids to pick up things by themselves is a good way to teach them not to throw things on the ground. For example, if a class has to make paper cutouts (剪下的图样), after cutting, have the children pick up the wastepaper and place it in the wastebasket.

The golden rule of good citizenship should be taught at this age. The rule is “One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself”. Teachers should ask their students how they want to be treated. There are many answers, such as not being treated in bad manners. The teacher should explain that others don’t like to be scared, so you should not scare (使惊恐) others either.

Following the laws is good citizenship(公民义务). Proper games can be played in the classroom. Games have rules, and all students in the class should follow the rules of the games. If a child doesn’t want to follow, it is up to the teacher to explain them to the child. Teaching children about following rules should help them understand the need to obey the law when they become adults. 




(1)你认为文明市民 (a civilized citizen) 应具备什么素质,列举两三种文明行为;

















58% 的人把英语作为母语来讲,42%的人讲其它语言。


*加利福尼亚州: California;太平洋:the Pacific;印第安人:Indians










Dear Liu Ying,

   Your letter reached me yesterday. You would like me to tell you something about California, so now I am writing to you.



If you want to know more, you may go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California#History. Best wishes to you.

Yours ever,

Li Hua





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Description: Bayer Aspirin (generic name: acetylsalicylic acid, ASA) is often used to relieve minor aches and pains, reduce fever and inflammation. Reducing the risk of death due to a heart attack if taken as soon as a heart attack is suspected. Aspirin taken during a suspected heart attack can also lessen the damaging effects of the heart attack. Aspirin can prevent first heart attack and stroke in individuals with angina.

–Do not lie down for 30 minutes after taking Aspirin.

–Do not take it if you are allergic to this medicines.

–Do not take it if there is something wrong with your kidney.



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Description: SleepWell is a natural herbal medicine which contains ardostchya Jatamanshi and Ferula Narthex raw material. It helps to overcome sleep disorders such as insomnia and restlessness by facilitating the process of falling asleep and providing restful, deep sleep. The benefits of SleepWell include: promotion of good disposition; relief of depression, anxiety and fear; mood swings get less severe; non-drowsy formula without any addictive potential; effective in patients suffering from depression and ailments that cause shaking.

–1 capsule in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening, half hour before going to sleep.



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Description: Ultracet contains a combination of tramadol and acetaminophen. Tramadol is a narcotic-like pain reliever. Ultracet is used to treat moderate to severe pain. You should not take Ultracet if you are allergic to acetaminophen or tramadol, if you are intoxicated (drunk), or if you have recently used narcotic pain medicine, a sedative or tranquilizer, medicine for depression or mental illness, or any type of drug dealing with stress.

         –Do not drink alcohol while you are taking Ultracet. Alcohol may cause a dangerous decrease in your breathing when used together with Ultracet.

–Do not take it if you have a history of head injury, kidney disease, liver disease.



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Description: Ibuprofen is used to reduce fever and treat pain or inflammation caused by many conditions such as headache, toothache, back pain, minor injury, especially effective in patient suffering from arthritis. Ibuprofen may cause life-threatening heart or circulation problems such as heart attack or stroke.

–Do not use ibuprofen you have a history of stomach ulcers or bleeding;asthma; kidney disease; or if you smoke.

–You should not use this medication if you are allergic to ibuprofen, aspirin 



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Description: Vicodin contains a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Vicodin is used to relieve moderate to severe pain.

Vicodin may impair your thinking or reactions. Avoid driving or operating machinery until you know how Vicodin will affect you.

It may increase your risk of liver damage.

–Do not take it if you have asthma, COPD, sleep apnea, or other breathing disorders.

–Do not take it if you are having pills dealing with stress; or a history of drug addiction.



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Description: Tylenol is used for treating minor aches and pains due to headache, muscle aches, backache, the common cold, flu, toothache, menstrual cramps, and immunizations, and for temporarily reducing fever, especially effective in patient suffering from arthritis.

–Do not take it if you are having pills dealing with stress, if you have a history of alcohol abuse or you drink more than 3 alcohol-containing drinks every day.

–Do not take it if you have any lung disease and liver disease.


1.Davidson Hamilton is a college graduate, but he hasn’t found an ideal work yet. He gets nervous easily in the interview and he is always disappointed at his failure. He thinks his life is filled with too much depression. His anxiety and depression lead to his sleep disorder.

2.Johnson, a retired mineworker, was hit by a stone in the head when he was working ten years ago. He has suffered from stroke ever since he was retired. Due to his old age, he has some lung problem and sometimes he finds it hard to breathe. These days, he has been suffering from headache.

3.Williams was heavily addicted to alcohol when his business failed 2 years ago. Now because of intaking too much wine, he suffers from headache every day. Congenital heart disease doesn’t allow him to take any medicine which causes heart problem and he is allergic to aspirin.

4.Miller, with a slight kidney problem, works as a truck driver in International Freighting Corporation. His work is to deliver goods to different parts of the US. Sometimes, he has to go through a long drive without any meal. So he has been suffering from stomachache for a long time. He caught a cold yesterday and is having a fever now.

5.Davis, an excutive of a compamy, is facing a lot of pressure every day. He often takes medicine treating stress disorder. Recently, he has been suffering from arthritis, which brings him a lot of pain. He wants to have some medicine which can ease his pain effectively.



NEW YORK— Picking a Christmas tree takes most people a few minutes, or a couple of hours if they head for the woods. Dave Murbach needs 11 months.

Almost every day of every year, Murbach’s thoughts turn to vision of a perfectly shaped evergreen tree that will take everyone's breath away.

      Murbach is the man responsible for finding the towering tree that makes more attractive Manhattan’s Rockefeller Center each Christmas season.

      “I'm always looking for a tree,” the center's chief gardener says. “I look for it even when I go to the beach in the summer. It' s like a homework assignment hanging over your head.”

      And if he gets it wrong, there's nothing hiding it.

      “Every day it's up, 400,000 people go by, and 2.5 million people watch the lighting celebration on television,”he says.

    This year’s tree, a 74-foot Nomy spruce (云杉) from Richfield, Ohio, flown to New York on the world's largest cargo plane, was lighted on December 2.

    The arrival of the tree leads in the Christmas season in New York — a tradition dating back to 1931, when the workers building Rockefeller Center put up a small tree with ornaments (装饰品). 

      The search for the next year's tree starts soon after the old tree is chopped up for wood chips and horse-jumping logs.

    Murbach has three standards: The tree must be at least 65 feet high, at least 35 feet across and leaves dense (密集的) enough not to see through.

    That's not as simple as it sounds. Though forests are full of evergreens, few get enough sunlight or space to fill out. And branches in snow regions often break under the weight, making trees unbalanced.

    Back at the office, he sorts through hundreds of letters from people offering their trees, many addressed simply to “Mr. Christmas Tree Man.”

Though there was occasional anxiety attack and sleepless night, Murbach knows the effect the tree has on people: “It's for bringing people together, attempting to bring together people you love. That's what I hope it sets off.”  But Murbach says he's always too worn out to celebrate Christmas.

1. Which is the correct order of the events in the passage?

a. Murbach’s thoughts turn to a perfectly shaped tree.

b. 2.5 million people watch the Christmas tree.

c. The tree is flown to New York.

d. It was lighted on December 2.

e. The tree is chopped up.

f. Murbach searches for the tree.

A. a, b, c, d, e, f                                               B. c, d, b, f, e, a

C. c, d, e, b, a, f                                               D. a, f, c, d, b, e

2. Murbach spends a lot of time         that are exhibited in Manhattan’s Rockefeller Center each Christmas season.

A. taking care of Christmas trees

B. deciding on the perfect evergreens

C. sorting the letters from people

D. deciding the TV programs

3. Why does Murbach take his job seriously?

A. Because he wants everyone to be happy with his choice.

B. Because he hopes to make everybody unable to breathe.

C. Because he enjoys showing off.

D. Because he wishes to attract people's attention to himself.

4. According to Murbach' s standard of trees, the best tree must_______ .

A. be evergreen

B. have lots of space between their branches

C. be tall enough not to see through

D. be equally balanced

5. What kind of person do you think Murbach is?

A. A person always ignoring his family.      

B. A person full of love.

C. A person devoted to his work.

D. A person with great anxiety.



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