满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

[1] Dogs are social animals and without ...

[1] Dogs are social animals and without proper training, they will behave like wild animals. They will spoil your house, destroy your belongings, bark excessively, fight other dogs and even bite you. Nearly all behavior problems are perfectly normal dog activities that occur at the wrong time or place or are directed at the wrong thing. The key to preventing or treating behavior problems is learning to teach the dog to redirect its normal behavior to outlets(发泄) that are acceptable in the home environment.

[2] One of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself is to obedience train (驯服) it. Obedience training doesn't solve all behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem. Training opens up a line of communication between you and your dog. Effective communication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do.

[3] Training is also an easy way to establish the social rank order. When your dog obeys a simple request of “come here, sit,” it is showing obedience and respect for you. It is not necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the dog pack (群) by using extreme steps. You can

teach your dog its subordinate (从属的) role by teaching it to show obedience to you. Most dogs love performing tricks for you to pleasantly accept that you are in charge.

[4] Training should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It can enrich your relationship and make living together more enjoyable. A well-trained dog is more confident and can more safely be allowed a greater amount of freedom than ______

1.What’s the main idea of the passage (no more than 8 words)


2.Complete the following statement with words from Paragraph 2 . (no more than 3 words)

_____________________ is essential to the dogs though it can't solve all behavior problems.

3.Fill in the blanks in paragraph 4 with proper words (no more than 4 words)


4.Point out at least 4 benefits of training dogs in Para.4 . (no more than 4 words)


5.What does the word “it ”(Line 1 , Paragraph 4) refer to ? (no more than 2 words) ?



1.Some proper dog training practices and its benefits / The way of training dogs and benefits 2.Obedience training / to obedience train 3.an untrained animal / untrained dogs / an untrained dog 4.fun , reward , freedom,confidence ,and good relationship 5.Training 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了一些训练狗的方法及其好处。没受过训教的狗存在很多行为问题,比如乱叫乱咬,破坏物品等,而受训后的狗则会避免此类问题,同时在训练过程中人与狗的关系会更为亲密,也会享受到更多乐趣,获得很多回报。 1.Some proper dog training practices and its benefits / The way of training dogs and benefits 信息归纳题。文章开头列出狗存在的一些行为问题 ,然后提出解决这些问题的关键是要训练它们,后面两段也都是围绕了training来展开,所以可知文章中心就是Some proper dog training practices and its benefits / The way of training dogs and benefits 。训练狗的方法及好处。 2.Obedience training / to obedience train。信息转换题。从第二段中的Obedience training doesn't solve all behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem.可以判断得知应该填Obedience training / to obedience train。服从训练或口令训练。 3.an untrained animal / untrained dogs / an untrained dog。信息归纳题。从A well-trained dog is more confident…than 判断可知句中的比较对象应该是受过训练的狗a well-trained dog 和 没经过训练的狗 an untrained animal / untrained dogs / an untrained dog。 4.fun , reward , freedom,confidence ,and good relationship。信息查找题。根据文章最后一段中的fun , rewarding , enrich your relationship , enjoyable. , confident ,freedom等可知这些都是训练狗的好处。 5.Training。信息查找题  从上句Training should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It can enrich …可知it应该是替代上文的training,是指对狗的驯养。 考点:阅读表达。

A deadly strain of avian flu may have passed between people for the first time, experts believe.The avian influenza A (H7N9) virus is thought to have been transmitted between father and daughter in eastern China, according to research published online by the British Medical Journal (BMJ).

    The findings provide the strongest evidence yet of H7N9 transmission between humans since its discover in February, but its ability to transmit itself was deemed "limited and non-sustainable" by the Chinese researchers behind the study.At the end of June 133 cases had been reported, including 43 deaths. Most infections have been among people visiting markets, selling live birds or among those who had contact with live poultry(家禽) in the seven to 10 days before becoming ill.

The latest study examined the case of a 60-year-old father who regularly visited a live poultry market and became ill five to six days after his last visit in March. He was admitted to hospital with fever, cough and shortness of breath. Despite intensive care treatment he died of multiple organ failure on 4 May. His 32-year-old daughter, who was previously healthy, looked after him at his bedside before he was admitted to intensive care. She had no known exposure to live poultry before falling ill with a very high temperature, cough and fever. The daughter developed symptoms six days after her last contact with her father and was admitted to hospital where she died of multiple organ failure on 24 April.

Follow-up investigations(调查) uncovered almost genetically identical virus strains from each patient, suggesting transmission from father to daughter. Another 43 people were also tested who had had close contact with the father, daughter or both.

Dr Peter Horby, senior clinical research fellow at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Hanoi, Vietnam, said of the study: "The most likely source of infection for the daughter was her father, during the period that she cared for him while he was ill. "He said “limited person to person transmission had been reported for other strains like H5N1 , H7N7, and the pig origin flu virus H3N2. Those strains had been around for more than a decade but have not progressed any further down the path towards a world-wide virus.” “Limited human-to-human transmission of H7N9 virus is therefore not surprising, but strengthening to monitor it was still needed,” Dr Horby added.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage ?

A. The findings about H7N9 transmission only between father and daughter .

B. H7N9 transmission may be spreading between people .

C. 133 cases of H7N9 transmission have been reported .

D. Both the father and daughter died of multiple organ failure.

2.The reason why the daughter died of multiple organ failure was that _____.

A. she fell ill with a very high temperature, cough and fever.

B. she was exposed to live poultry before falling ill.

C. she had close contact with the father while caring for her sick father .

D. she sold live birds in five to six days before falling ill .

3.Which of the following is Wrong about H7N9 transmission?

A. It was limited and non-sustainable

B. It was person to person transmission

C. It wasn’t progressed any further down the path towards a world-wide virus.

D. It happened between father and daughter .

4.The underlined word s “was deemed” in paragraph 2 probably means _______

A. was decreased     B. was regarded as

C. was thought of      D. was developed

5.What type of writing is the article likely to be ?

A. A news report. B. Popular science.

C.A medical report  D.A medical findings



America’s  No.1 health problem? A report published by the American Institute of Stress claims the biggest threat to health today is neither cancer nor AIDS. The report says: “It has been estimated that75-90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems”

It is no exaggeration to say that people today are being attacked by stress. According to the National Consumers League, “ Work is the top source of stress for adults who have problems and stress in their lives (39%),followed by family (30%).Other sources include health (10%), concern about the economy (9%)and concern about international conflict and terrorism (4%).”

However , stress is hardly unique to the United States .A British survey in 2013 estimated that “over half a million individuals in Britain believed in 2012 that they were experiencing work –related stress at a level that was making them ill .” As a result of “work –related stress, depression or anxiety ,”there are “an estimated thirteen and a half million reported lost working days per year in Britain .”\

The picture is no less bleak (荒凉的) in mainland Europe .According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work , “work-related stress has been shown to affect millions of European Workers across all types of employment sectors .” One survey revealed that there are “about 41 million workers affected by work-related stress each year.”

What about Asia ? A report issued by a conference held in Tokyo concluded: “ Job stress is a  common concern among many countries in the world , both developing and industrialized countries .” The report observed that “several countries in East Asia , including China and Korea, have rapidly industrialized and economically grown .These countries now have a lot of concerns on job stress and its harmful effects on workers’ health.”

1.What did the author indicate by quoting “America’s No.1 Health Problem.” (Para. 1)?

A. He wanted to talk about health problems in America.

B. He meant to introduce the topic of stress

C. He hoped to emphasize the stress in America

D. He wanted to tell readers something about American Institute of Stress

2.Which of the followings is NOT true?

A. The threat of work-related stress is bigger than cancer and AIDS.

B. Stress is always from working and living pressure.

C. Some Americans care about international conflict and terrorism.

D. A lot of English people become ill as a result of stress.

3.We can infer from the last paragraph that ______.

A. Asian people are more willing to develop their countries

B. the rapid economic development is the main reason for stress

C. some people in Asian countries have health problems from employment stress

D. Asian countries have a better situation of stress than Europe

4.It is likely that you’ll read this information in ______.

A. Popular Science             B. New York Medical News

C. Daily Health Report           D. Medicine and Healthcare Journal

5.What’s the best title for this passage ?

A. America’s No.1 Health Problem    B. How to Deal with Stress

C. Attacked by Stress      D. Working Stress around the World



Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge's new son will be named George Alexander Louis, the royal family says. A statement from William and Catherine's settlement  Kensington Palace said the baby, third in line to the throne(王位), would be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.

On Wednesday the royal couple took their son to Catherine's parents' house in Berkshire, following a half-hour visit by the Queen. All three names had been among the favourites listed by British bookmakers and the announcement was relatively quick by royal standards. It took a month for the name of Prince Charles, the heir to the throne, to be announced, and a week for William, his eldest son.

George has been the name of six British kings. The last, George VI, was the father of Queen Elizabeth II and reigned from 1936 to 1952. Alexandra, the female form of Alexander, is one of the Queen's middle names and was also the name of the Queen mate of King Edward VII at the start of the last century. Louis is one of William's middle names and was the given name of Prince Charles's tutor and great-uncle Louis Mountbatten, who was murdered by the IRA in 1979.

The choice of name, relatively short by royal standards, does not necessarily mean the baby will eventually become King George VII. The Queen's father was named Albert, but chose to be crowned as George VI.

"It's interesting that they chose to go with just three names," historian Suzannah Lipscomb told Sky News. "It's almost as if the royal family is coming down with ordinary people, who tend to have fewer middle names than monarchs(君主).It is a name that none can find any problems with. George itself can't be shortened in any obvious offensive way. They've probably gone for something that is safe."

1.Which of the following statements can best sum up the passage ?

A. New royal baby named George Alexander Louis

B. The royal couple gave birth to their eldest son.

C. The choice of name was interesting and complicated .

D. The new baby, third in line to the throne .

2.From the passage we can know the father of the new royal baby is ____.

A. Catherine      B. George.     C. Charles   D. William

3.Which of the following is True based on the whole passage  ? 

A.. Prince Charles was the third heir to the British throne.

B. George Alexander Louis was the third heir to the British throne.

C. The announcement of the new loyal baby’s name is slow by royal standards.

D. All three names , George Alexander Louis, were unpopular with British bookmakers.

4.The underlined word “reign” in paragraph 4 probably refers to ______

A. resign          B. boom           C. govern           D. retire

5.From what Suzannah Lipscomb told Sky News , we can infer in Britain _____

A. the name of an ordinary person is simple but meaningful .

B. George itself can't be simplified in any obvious offensive way.

C. a monarch or a prince has usually more names in the middle than the ordinary people.

D. a person with more middle names must be a monarch or a prince .



Global financial big dogs are no match for China's "Da Ma", or housewives, who have crowded into gold stores across China, buying up 300 tons of gold over the past two weeks. No wonder gold prices have steadied after taking a dive.

During the May Day holiday, gold stores were crowded with mostly female customers. Most of them are middle-aged "Chinese housewives". This group of buyers has risen to fame recently. They are big spenders and are desperate to get their hands on a bargain. "I bought some gold jewellery and kept them as a gift for my son when he gets married," said a buyer from Shanghai.

The gold business is skyrocketing. "Our sales are growing by the day. Yesterday we sold more than ten million yuan of gold products," a gold store salesperson said. The gold rush in China started about two weeks ago thanks to a decline in global gold prices. Media reports suggest that Chinese housewives have spent about 100 billion yuan, or about 16 billion US dollars, purchasing 300 tons of gold since mid-April. That has helped support gold prices.

"Gold prices depressed since the middle of last month but have risen gradually. That is mainly due to the strong demand from Asian markets," said foreign trader Zhang Chen from Industrial & Commercial Bank of China. "Some people even joked that Chinese housewives have beaten Wall Street analysts." For Chinese people, with limited investment options, the only thing better than buying gold is buying gold at discount prices.

1.What does the author indicate in the first sentence of the 1st paragraph?

A. The global big dogs can’t match with Chinese housewives.

B. China's "Da Ma" help a lot to support the global economic crisis .

C. Chinese housewives spend a great deal of money on gold

D. Chinese housewives have a better consumption idea than global financial big dogs

2.The whole passage mainly developed_______ ?

A. by comparison      B. by contrast

C. by quotation         D. by time order

3.We can infer about the gold rush in China from the passage?

A. The Chinese housewives are most willing to spend money in buying gold ..

B. China's "Da Ma" crowded into stores to get gold as the best gifts for sons when they get married.

C. China's "Da Ma" are bigger spenders and cleverer than global financial big dogs.

D. China’s "Da Ma" become the largest gold buyers due to a decline in global gold prices.

4.In the writer’s view, Chinese housewives are desperate to get their hands on a bargain because_____.

A. it is worthy to buy gold.

B .they have a strong demand

C. they have unlimited investment options

D it is at discount prices.

5.The author’s description about the passage is ______.

A. objective   B. subjective    C. doubtful    D. negative




A large crowd of frogs were traveling through the forest but unluckily two of them fell into a deep pit. All the others  36  the pit .Seeing how  37  the pit was, they told the two frogs that they might be  38 dead .The two frogs  39  what the other frogs were saying and  40  to jump up out of the pit with all of their physical 41. The other frogs kept telling them to stop. In the end one of the frogs  42 trying , fell down and died.  43 , the second frog kept jumping as hard as she could despite the   44   remarks. Finally, with one giant leap, she  45  it out of the pit!

This amazing 46  was that the second frog was 47  and unable to hear what the others had been saying. She thought they had been 48  her on the whole time they were yelling!

The story above 49 us two lessons: Firstly ,there is 50  of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is 51  can lift them up and help them make it through the day. Secondly, a negative word to someone who is down can be  52  it takes to kill them. The power of words is great. Facing others’ criticism or laughter, we should turn a deaf 53  to it and have a  positive attitude. Thus we can reach our goals just as the second frog did .In one word, we need the   54  to guide us to the proper way , so as not to be blindly 55 by worldly opinion in difficult times.

1.A. gathered around  B. got round         C. jumped into         D. escaped from

2.A. dangerous     B. broad        C. narrow         D. deep

3.A. as long as       B. as well as            C. as soon as    D. as good as

4.A. confused      B. tolerated      C. ignored       D. misunderstood

5.A. managed       B. tried           C. agreed       D. promised

6.A. energy   B. power         C. force         D. strength

7.A. gave in   B. gave up      C. gave out              D. ran out

8.A. Therefore     B. However     C. Besides      D. But

9.A. innocent      B. active         C. negative             D. positive

10.A. made        B. turned                C. left            D. worked

11.A. reason  B. consequence      C. factor          D. fact

12.A. deaf      B. clever       C. disabled    D. confident

13.A. forcing      B. keeping       C. comforting           D. cheering

14.A. gives      B. tells           C. teaches       D. shows

15.A. function B. power       C. usage        D. skill

16.A. down      B. up             C. ridiculous            D. angry

17.A. which     B. that   C. what            D. who

18.A. direction    B. attitude        C. face           D. ear

19.A. support           B. wisdom       C. determination     D. knowledge

20.A. fooled            B. supported           C. opposed      D. guided



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