满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It’s reported that a bus went out of ___...

It’s reported that a bus went out of ____ control on a highway _____ east of the city and crashed into a river.

A. the; the    B. 不填; the           C. the; 不填          D. 不填; 不填


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查冠词用法。out of control 固定短语“失去控制”;east of the city 是短语 to the east of 的省略,在此短语中介词和冠词需一同省略。句意:据报道一辆公共汽车在城市东边的公路上失控而坠落到河里。 考点:考查冠词用法。

Our patients _____ faster recoveries and greater pain relief than patients undergoing open neck and back surgery. And they’re up and _____ around within a few hours of surgery. 

A.figure; walk                               B.average; walking   

C.calculate; walked D.make; walking



If you spend the spring sneezing, take a look at your plate. Some foods _____ make allergies worse.

A. should                                       B. must                                           C. can                                   D. may



As best as I could determine, I was standing in _____ was once a terrible place, where they took you in and hurt you.

A.what                                            B.which                                          C.that                                    D.where



More than 33% of men and women say they have watched a TV show or movie that affected them so much that they considered _____. 

A. breaking off                             B. breaking up

C. breaking down               D. breaking out



A good “teammate” doesn’t ____ make a good partner. Those who put their partners in this category were most _____ to describe their relationship as slightly unhappy.

A. necessarily; possibly               B.likely; possibly

C. necessarily; likely          D. likely; likely



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