满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Imagine how excited we were ____ that ou...

Imagine how excited we were ____ that our schoolmates had been admitted to some famous universities.

A. learning            B. having learned

C. to be learning            D. to learn


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查不定式的用法:句意:想象一下当我们听说同学被著名大学录取的时候我们有多么兴奋。这是感叹句,正常语序是:we were excited ____ that our schoolmates had been admitted to some famous universities. 可知用be excited to do sth,这是不定式做原因状语的用法。选D。 考点:考查不定式的用法

Mum, I need a new schoolbag. Could you buy _______ for me tomorrow?

A. it        B. that               C. one              D. another



On March14, 2013, Xi Jinping was elected_______ president of _______ People’s Republic of China.

A. a; the          B. /; /            C. /; the          D. the; the



作为即将进入高三的学生,将要面对更繁重的学习和生活压力,因此,保持积极心态非常重要。现在,请围绕“积极心态与健康、学习、交友及家庭生活"四个方面的关系,以Keeping a Positive Attitude为题目,写一篇英语短文,阐述你的观点及理由。



Keeping ,a Positive Attitude









The American Civil War came to end in the year 1 86 5,which the Northernersbeat the Southerner.However,even today,many Southerners had not forgotten their defeat.Once some American tourists were visiting to the battle field of the Civil War with Stella,a woman guide from the South.She kept tell stories about how the Southern

soldiers had survived powerfully forces of the Northemer Finally,a tourist,who were from the North,stopped Stella and said,“And surely,the Northerners must have won at least one victory."“Not as long as I'm the guide.”he answered.




Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876.He was abandoned by his father, “Professor” William Henry Chaney,a fortune telling person,and raised in Oakland by his mother Flora Wellman,a music teacher.London’s stepfather,John London,whose surname he took,was a failed storekeeper. London’ youth marked by poverty. At the age of the he became a crazy reader, and borrowed books from the Oakland Public Library, where Ina Coolbirth told him to read the works of Flaubert, Tolstoy and other major novelists.

After leaving school at the age of 14,London worked as a seaman,rode in trains as a wanderer and adopted socialistic views as a member of the protest armies of the unemployed.In 1894 he was arrested in Niagara Fails and put into prison for wandering. These years made him determined to raise himself out of poverty but they also gave later materials for such works as The Sea Wolf(1 904),which partly came from his horrible experiences as a sailor in the Pacific Ocean.

Without having much formal education,London spent much time in public libraries reading fiction,philosophy,poetry,political science,and at the age of 19 got admittance to the University of California in Berkeley.During this period he had already started to write.London left the school before the year was over and went to seek his fortune in the Klondike gold rush of 1 89 7.His attempt was unsuccessful.London spent the winter near Dawson City,suffering from illness.In the spring he returned to San Francisco with his notebook full of plans for stories.For the remainder of 1 89 8 London again tried to earn his living by writing.London’s first novel,The Son of the Wolf,appeared’in 1900.By 1904 Jack London was the author of 10 books.The Son of the Wolf got a wide audience as did his other Alaska stories,The Call of the Wild(1903),White Fang(1906),and Burning Daylight(1910).Jack London died on November 22,1916.

1.What did Ina Coolbirth tell London in the Oakland Public Library?(Within 15 words)

2.Why were London's horrible experiences as a sailor good for him?(Within 12 words)

3.What was wrong with London near Dawson City?(Within 5 words)

4.What is London’s first novel?(Within 5 words)

5.How is the text developed?(Within 5 words)



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