满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

All my life I had loved airports.To me,t...

All my life I had loved airports.To me,they were fl kind of magic gateway to the world,but today it seemed like a cold and heartless place.

“Well,here we are,the airport,"my sister said with fl sigh.As 1 watched her unload my luggage,I could see the sadness in her eyes.One last hug and a final good-bye and I would be on my way to a new lire abroad,leaving my beloved sister behind.

I looked at my sister and even though her eyes were filled with tears,she was trying to keep a brave face.“You’d better go or you’ll miss your flight,”she said.

“I am just going to walk away and not look back,” I said. As I held her one last time she whispered,“Don’t worry about me,I’ll be fine."“I’ll miss you,” I replied with tears in my eyes.As I promised,I did not look back。but 1 was sobbing.To me it was the end of the world.

While boarding the plane 1 was still crying.I did not have the energy to put my bag in the overhead locker, so I put it on the empty seat next to mine.As I settled into my chair, a feeling of sadness overwhelmed(淹没) me.I felt like my best friend had just been taken away from me.

The plane shook heavily and the bag fell,with some stuff spreading on the floor.When I bent over to gather the things up,I saw an unfamiliar little book in the middle of my belongings.It was not until I picked it up that I realized that it was a diary.

Immediately I recognized my sister’s handwriting. “Hi,Sis,What a day it has been today.First you let me know that you are moving abroad and then my boss…”My sister had been keeping a diary for the past month and she was now passing it on to me.I was to write in it for the next couple of months and then send it back to her.Even though a large ocean separated us,at some point it felt like she was actually there.

1.The writer started to cry          .

A.when she watched her sister unload her luggage

B.when she held her sister one last time

C.when she settled hherself into her chair

D.when she was boarding the plane

2.what had the writer thought about airports before she separated from her sister?

A.Airports brought freedom.

B.Airports were on the top of her love.

C.Airports led to the wonderful world.

D.Airports were fl cold and heartless place.

3.From the writer’s and her sister’s tears,we can see         .

A.they loved each other very much

B.they felt sad about the new life

C.they were afraid of the separation

D.it was the end of the world to them

4.What do we know about the diary from the passage?

A.The writer’s sister gave it as a gift

B.The writer had put it in her own bag

C.The writer’s sister received it as a present

D.The two sisters would write in it and share it


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要记述了一对姐妹在机场上送别的故事,通过短文描述,可知他们有着很深的感情。 1.根据第三段As I held her one last time she whispered,“Don’t worry about me,I’ll be fine."“I’ll miss you” I replied with tears in my eyes.描述,可知当她最后一次拥抱她的妹妹时,她开始哭。故选B。 2.根据第一段To me,they were fl kind of magic gateway to the world,but today it seemed like a cold and heartless place.描述,可知在她和妹妹分离前,她认为机场是通常神奇世界之门。故选C。 3.通过阅读短文可知这对姐妹有着很深的感情,故选A,他们非常爱对方。 4.根据短文最后一段描述,可知这对姐妹会继续续写自己手中的日记,并且分享。故选D。 考点:情感类阅读

As most university students are packing their bags,boarding trains or flying home for the Spring Festival,some will stay behind to spend the holiday on campus.

Zhou Yunyun,22,a senior finance major at Jilin University,has decided that instead of traveling to Hainan province,he will kill the time by playing computer games with his online friends.

“I'm used to chatting and playing with them every day.It’s just fun to make friends this way,”he said.“When I returned home in past years,my relatives always asked me a lot of questions about my plans after graduation.They had high expectations of me,which made me feel stressed,” said Zhou.

The campus,usually lively,will probably turn into a death town,with most restaurants,shops and student centers closed during the break.But there are also a few advantages,according to Jia Debao,2 1,a junior majoring in administration at China Agricultural University.“I might feel a bit lonely,but at least I can stay away from my parents’ complaining and enjoy the peaceful and quiet stay,” he said.“More importantly,I can enjoy the high speed of the Internet,I can always find empty seats in classrooms,and I don’t have to wait to use the bathroorm” But education experts recommend students who stay on campus to come up with more interactive plans.That’s because communication on the Internet can’t replace real life interpersonal relationships.

Society has promoted a kind of“couch potato" or close-in culture among some young people, according to Shi Tongyu, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He warned that this kind of lifestyle can damage students’ mental and physical development.

 “When you constantly stare at a computer screen and type on your keyboard,you gradually lose the ability to socialize and survive normally,"said Shi.“A human’s most important task is to survive,which cannot be completed by staying at home all the time. Instead,it must be achieved through real life experience and communication.”

1.What can we learn about Zhou Yunyun?

A.He feels very lonely on campus.

B.He will promote close-in culture.

C.He will spend the Spring Festival with relatives.

D.He will spend the Spring Festival with on-line friends.

2.Spending the Spring Festival on campus for Jia Debao means          .

A.he will miss his parents a little bit

B.there will be more seats in classrooms

C.he will have a quiet and peaceful break

D.the speed of the Internet will get faster

3.The underlined phrase“couch potato” is closest in meaning to         .

A.inactive person                 B.close friend

C.sociable student       D.addicted gamer

4.What do education experts recommend students to do?

A.To do some traveling.

B.To stay more with families.

C.To find empty seats in classrooms.

D.To experience real lire and communication.



As a leading safari(狩猎游)company in Kenya,Game-watchers has been recognized s the Tour Operator of 20 11 Kenya Travel Awards,and rewarded with some other international tour prizes in recent years.

Safari tours go to some of the best wildlife national parks and game parks in Africa, even the Masai Mara in Kenya.We are ready to offer a more personalized service,including staying in smaller safari eco-camps and providing high quality professional safari guides,plus 4x4 safari vehicles for game drives.We can also offer you the choice to fly straight into the wildlife areas,using light airplane,to avoid lengthy road journeys.

       Here is a typical Tour Plan of Game-watchers(2 nights/3 days)

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If you have any further questions, please contact us at www. Gamewatchers. com or call us at 0944-598-580.

1.According to the passage,Game-watchers is

A.a travel plan in Kenya’s best national parks

B.Kenya’s largest and best safari company

C .Kenya’s online travel company of game drives

D.a winner of many travel awards home and abroad

2.Which of the following is offered as an alternative means of transportation if you can’t wait to get into the wildlife areas?

A.4×4 safari vehicle.         B.Plane

C.Walk.               D.Bus

3.How many meals are offered in a typical Tour Plan of 2 nights/3days?

A.Nine.                  B.Eight

C.Seven.             D.Six.

4.The author’s purpose of writing the passage is

A.to introduce the beautiful scenery of Kenya

B.to make an advertisement for a tour company

C.to inform tourists of the detailed tour information

D.to make people curious about the wild life in Kenya



Beautiful cars surrounded by even more beautiful models—it’s no secret why the 2012 Beijing Auto Show was popular.

The exhibition was held between April 23 and May 2.Although renowned companies showed off their top models,it wasn’t just their expensive sports cars that grabbed people’s attention.

Concept cars are a way for designers to test out their ideas on the public with complete freedom.They can try out cars with special features that could not be massively(批量)produced easily.

Designers don’t have to follow industry rules;they don’t even need to worry about whether their cars would be followed on the roads.

At the Beijing Auto Show,the@Ant by Chery was one concept car to draw a lot of attention.China Daily called it‘‘the very definition of a concept car”.

The vehicle is powered by electricity and is capable of driving itself.But the magic doesn’t end there.

The@Ant was inspired by actual ants.According to Car News China,with the help of automated telemetric systems,@Ants are able to“see” other@Ants and compare  destination information. If two are heading the same way for a while, the vehicles connect, with one car’s rear (后面的)wheels matching up with the front wheels of another car.Up to 10@Ants can be put together and will automatically connect to form a“train".This  will help save energy while traveling, as well reducing traffic jams.

The car sounds like a great idea.Further research will be needed to turn this concept  car into something for the market,but concepts like Cherry’s  show how carmakers are  working for cleaner and greener vehicles.It’s like what the@Ant motto says,“Exploring future human beings’lifestyles”.

1.The concept car is getting popular because          .

A.it looks like an ant

B.it is beautifully designed

C.it is exhibited as a top model

D.it conveys a new idea for the future

2.How can the@Ants help save energy while travelling according to the passage?

A.By connecting each other and running together

B.By driving themselves without man’s control

C.By comparing their destination information

D.By reducing traffic jams on the roads

3.What the designers of the concept car need to do at the Auto Show is          .

A.to test the safety of the concept car

B.to follow the rules in the car industry

C.to show their unique idea of complete freedom

D.to see if concept cars can be massively produced

4.The best title of the passage is          .

A.Concept Cars Are Driving to the Future

B.The@Ant Draws a Lot of Attention

C.The@Ant Is a Top Model of Concept Cars

D.Concept Cars Are Cleaner and Greener



I sat next to my close friend,Tina,in my history class.Our teacher,Miss Turner announced a new  11  .We were to create a  12   about cultures.As required,we wrote the names of two friends we wanted in our group.Miss Turner informed us that she would  13  our choices and let us know the result.I had no  14  that I would work with Tina because I knew we had chosen each other.

The next day,I waited anxiously when Miss Turner started to call out  1 5.When she reached group three,Tina was called.  16  ,my name was not included.“There must have been some  17  !"I thought to myself.

Than I heard  18  .The last group with Mauro and Karina! How  19  ! How could I face being in that group—the boy who hardly spoke English and the girl who wore  20  clothes a11 the time?

I went to Miss Turner to  21  I should be in a “good” group.She gently placed a hand on my shoulder.“I know what you want,Rachael,”she said,but your group 22 you more.Only you can help them get an ideal   23   .Will you help them?"

I  24  walked to where the others in my group sat. Halfway through the week, I   25  myself enjoying working with my partners.There was no need to   26  —I grew sincerely interested in learning something about then. Mauro, I found out, was  27  with English after he came to this country. Karina wanted to be a fashion designer and she had a lot of  28  ideas.They were the ones no one cared enough about to try to understand—except Miss Turner.

Miss Turner gave us an A on that newspaper. But I think she is the one who truly   29  it. I really  30  that Miss Turner gave me a chance to see other people in a new light.

1.A.plan         B.subject       C.project       D.lesson

2.A.story        B.group          C.test     D.newspaper

3.A.make use of    B.pay attention to  C.put into practice         D.take into consideration

4.A.idea         B.doubt          C.intention     D.promise

5.A.names      B.numbers    C.students     D.topics

6.A.Besides    B.However    C.Thus   D.Finally

7.A.mistake    B.coincidence        C.problem      D.reason

8.A.her          B.it          C.them D.him

9.A.interesting        B.amusing      C.annoying     D.disappointing

10.A .dirty    B.plain C.strange        D.formal

11.A.warn      B.remind       C.request       D.inform

12.A.needs   B.refuses       C.misses          D.ignores

13.A.design    B.job      C.chance        D.grade

14.A .slowly           B.swiftly C.suddenly     D.bravely

15.A.found     B.kept    C.had     D.set

16.A.speak    B.pretend      C.refuse          D.panic

17.A. dealing         B.helping       C.beginning    D.struggling

18.A.funny     B.general       C.bright D.new

19.A.offered  B.deserved   C.neglected D.proved

20.A .believed       B.appreciated        C.admitted     D.agreed



Don’t worry!There is still a great chance       we can make up for the lost time.

A.which      B.that          C.where      D.when



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