满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Jack has got into _______ habit of colle...

Jack has got into _______ habit of collecting newspaper cuttings, which is _______ great joy for him.

A. \ ; a              B. a; the              C. the; a             D. the; the


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查冠词:句意:杰克已经养成收集剪报的习惯,这对他来说是很大的快乐。第一空填the,是特指“剪报的习惯”,第二空填a,这里a joy是抽象名词具体化,表示“令人愉快的事情”,选C。 考点:考查冠词

— Do you enjoy your present job?

— _______. I just do it for a living.

A .Of course             B. Not really         C. Not likely          D. Not a little





1. 语言能力是基础

2. 适应能力很重要

3. 兴趣爱好被看重

4. 要有社会责任感


Dear Zhang Ping,
















Nearly 90 percent of the young people in our country use the Internet, but about half of them use them every day. They visit chat rooms and sending e-mails. More and more scientists has begun to wonder: Is the Internet good or bad for kid? Some of them think what it is impossible to answer that question because the Internet has so much things. What’s more, recently studies show the online world can be helpful at some ways and dangerous as well. It can be both an educational resource and hiding place for bad people.





         Most fitness advice is aimed at a general audience. But if you’re an older adult, the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) has some tips for seniors to get started and keep them at the top of their game.

    2.    Talk with your doctor about getting permission to begin a fitness program and making any changes to suit your situation.

   3.      Before starting, pick a program you’ll enjoy, so you’ll do it regularly. Check out the facility and the staff. Is the place friendly? Can you change clothes comfortably? Are facilities easily accessed?

Determine your participation style. Choose what’s best for you — a class or going solo? Morning or night hours?    4.   

Start slowly. Most people are overeager and sometimes overdo it. Record a baseline of your regular activities and determine a reasonable plan.

Make a date. Find a friend to exercise with you and keep you motivated.

Set specific short-term and long-term goals. Plan for activity in your day and make it a priority.

Remind yourself what your goals are. If it hurts, don’t do it.    5.    And once you’ve reached your goal, treat yourself for the good job you’ve done, so it will encourage you to continue.

A.Make a list.

B.Exercise Tips for Seniors to Start a Healthy Game

C.Know your choice.

D.Learn to work around pain, not through it.

E.Indoor or outside exercise?

F.All the Seniors Should Be Careful Before Exercise

G.Get a thorough examination.



Fourteen – year – old Richie Hawley had spent five years studying violin at the Community School of Performing Arts in Los Angeles when he took part in a violin contest. Ninety two young people were invited to the contest and Hawley came out first.

  The contest could have been the perfect setup for fear, worrying about mistakes, and trying to impress the judges. But Hawley says he did pretty well in staying calm. “I couldn’t be thinking about how many mistakes I’d make — it would distract me from playing,” he says. “I didn’t even remember trying to impress people while I played. It’s almost as if they weren’t there. I just wanted to make music.”

Hawley is a winner. But he didn’t become a winner by concentrating on winning. He did it by concentrating on playing well.

  “The important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part,” said the founder of the modern Olympics, Pierre de Coubertin. “The important thing in life is not the triumph (胜利) but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”

  A characteristic of high performers is their intense, pleasurable concentration on work, rather than on their competitors or future glory or money, says Dr. Charles Garfield, who has studied 1,500 achievers in business, science, sports, the arts, and professions. “They are interested in winning, but they are most interested in self - development, testing their limits.”

  One of the most surprising things about top performers is how many losses they’ve had and how much they’ve learned from each. “Not one of the 1,500 I studied defined losing as failing,” Garfield says. “They kept calling their losses ‘setbacks’.”

  A healthy attitude toward setbacks is essential to winning, experts agree.

  “The worst thing you can do if you’ve had a setback is to let yourself get stuck in a long depression. You should analyze carefully what went wrong, identify specific things you did right and give yourself credit for them.” Garfield believes that most people don’t give themselves enough praise. He even suggests keeping a diary of all the positive things you’ve done on the way to a goal.

1.Hawley won the contest because ________.

A. he put all his mind to his performance

B. he cared much about the judges’ feelings

C. he tried his best to avoid making mistakes

D. he paid close attention to the people around

2.According to the passage, successful people concentrate on ________.

A. challenging their own limits                              B. learning from others

C. defeating their opponents                                    D. avoiding setbacks

3.The passage tells us that “praise” in times of trouble ________.

A. helps people deal with their disappointment

B. makes people forget their setbacks

C. makes people regret about their past

D. helps people analyze what went wrong



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