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Fun is, in fact , a word heard far more ...

Fun is, in fact , a word heard far more frequently in families today than in the past , when “duty”and “responsibility ”were often the words used.Parents today are more youthful in appearance and attitudes. Their clothes and hair-styles are more casual, helping to bridge the divide. Those who are athletically inclined also enjoy Rollerblading, snowboarding, and rock-climbing with their children.

     For the past three years, Kathy and Phil Dalby have spent at least one evening a week at a climbing gym with their three children. "It's great to be able to work together," Mrs Dalby says. "We discuss various climbs and where the hard parts are. Sometimes that leads to other Conversations. We're definitely closer."

     A popular movement of parent effectiveness training in the 1970s has helped to reshape generational roles. The philosophy encourages children to describe their feelings about various situations. As a result, says Robert Billingham, a family-studies professor at Indiana University, "Parents and children began talking to each other in ways they had not before."

     On the plus side, he adds, these conversations made parents realize that children may have important thoughts or feelings that adults need to be aware of.

     But Professor Billingham also sees a downside: Many parents started making decisions based on what their child wanted. "The power shifted to children. Parents said, 'I have to focus on making my child happy', as opposed to 'I have to act as a parent most appropriately'."

     Other changes are occurring as the ranks of working mothers grow.  Time-short parents encourage children's independence, making them more responsible for themselves. "They'll say, 'We trust you to make the right decisions' (whether they're ready to assume the responsibility or not) ,"says Billingham.

     The self-esteem movement of the past quarter-century has also affected the family dynamics (原动力). Some parents worry that if they tell their child no, it will hurt the child's self-esteem.

1.What's the trend in parent-child relationship mentioned in the passage?

A. Parents are chasing after fashion and ignoring the feelings of their children.

B. More parents and children are sharing the same enthusiasm for a certain sport.

C. Parents are taking more responsibility and setting more limits for their children.

D. The generation gap is narrowing and parents are respecting their children's thoughts more.

2.Which of the following has NOT contributed to the change in the parent-child relationship?

A. Younger parents.                   B. Parent effectiveness training.

C. More working mothers.              D. The self-esteem movement.

3.What's the best title for the text?

A. Parents and Children as Friends.

B. Parents and Professors as Debaters.

C. Growing Mutual Understanding.

D. Disappearing Responsibility.                                                                            


1.D 2.A 3.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇关于社会家庭方面的文章。在文中作者指出在现代家庭中父母和孩子们的关系更像朋友般亲密。带来这种变化的原因有三个方面:一.父母心态的年轻和一起参加户外活动机会的增多:二. 上班族母亲的增多;三. 自尊行动的兴起。 1.D推理判断题。文章开始讲述了在现代家庭中欢乐多了,家长和子女关系变的更为密切了;然后从几个方面来讲述带来这种变化的原因。原因之一就是self-esteem movement家长害怕伤害孩子自尊,所以对孩子更为尊重了。由此可知D选项正确。 2.A细节理解题。从文章第三段A popular movement of parent effectiveness training in the 1970s has helped to reshape generational roles.,倒数第二段Other changes are occurring as the ranks of working mothers grow和文章末段The self-esteem movement of the past quarter-century has also affected the family dynamics可知B,C,D选项均对这种新型父母子女关系的形成起到了一定作用,文章没有提及的是A选项内容,所以正确选项是A。 3.A主旨大意题。在文章开头作者提出由于家长心态、外表的年轻以及服装发型的随意和越来越多的在户外运动中与孩子的沟通使得在现代家庭中父母子女的关系变得更为密切了,随后作者从几个方面来介绍造成这种关系变化的原因,所以文章中心是讲述父母子女间的亲密关系,故正确选项为A。 考点:考查社会生活类短文阅读。





Address: 636 Rugar Street  Joliet, Illinois  60451

Date of Birth: June 5, 1960

Height: 6'                  Weight: 195 lbs.     Health: Excellent

Phone: 309 876 –0012      Married: Helen       Son: Jim (2)


1978 to 1983:  Joliet Bridge Company, Joliet, Illinois.

 Began as an learner and became accomplished journey-man pattern maker.

1983 to Present: Joliet Bridge Company, Joliet, Illinois.

 Promoted to Forman, Pattern Division. Responsibilities include the supervision of fourteen personnel, maintaining work schedules and making assignments, maintaining stock inventories, and supervising two learners.


 From 1979 to 1983 attended evening school in order to complete high school education. Received H.S. Diploma from the State University of Illinois in 1983. Since 1983 have attended evening classes at Joliet Community College. Have completed eighteen semester hours credit with nine hours in personnel management. Other activities include regular church attendance, member of ELKS, and help with Little League.


  Although I have been very happy at Joliet Bridge and have had excellent opportunity, it is necessary that I move my family due to my son's allergies (过敏症). In this respect, desire a position in the Southwest United States. Am willing to consider a position as a pattern maker, tool and die maker, or as a supervisor. My major attributes are my reliability and loyalty to my company and my ability to work with others.


 References are available upon request.


1.What does Douglas do at present in Joliet Bridge Company?

A. Pattern maker                                   B. Leader of Pattern Division

C. Member of ELKS                             D. Learner

2.What was Douglas doing in 1982?

A. Working in Joliet Bridge Company

B. Studying at Joliet Community College

C. Helping with Little League

D. A, B and C

3.Why does Douglas want to leave Joliet Bridge Company?

A. Because he is not satisfied with his present job.

B. Because he has not been successful in the company.

C. Because he does not get along well with his colleagues.

D. Because his son is not used to the weather in Illinois.

4.If you want to know the age of Douglas' son, what can you do?

A. Write to 636 Rugar Street.                      B. Telephone 309 876-0012.

C. Ask his wife Helen.                          D. Find it in the resume.



There are new findings that not enough sleep may cause people to gain weight. Researchers say a lack of sleep can produce hormonal(激素的) changes that increase feelings of hunger.

In one study, researchers in the United States examined information on more than 1000 people. The people had taken part in a long-term study of sleep disorders.

Some people slept less than five hours a night. They had 15 percent higher blood levels of a hormone called ghrelin than people who slept eight hours. And they had 15 percent less of the hormone leptin. Experts say ghrelin helps make people feel hungry; leptin makes you feel full.

The scientists say these hormonal changes may be a cause of obesity in Western societies. They note the combination that sleep limitation is common and food is widely available.

The results were not affected by how much people exercised. People who are awake longer have more time to burn energy. But the researchers say loss of sleep may increase hunger especially for high-calorie foods, so people gain weight. It seems that, for survival, the body may be designed to store more fat during times with less sleep.

Researchers from Stanford University in California and the University of Wisconsin did the study. They found that the best amount of sleep for weight control is 7.7 hours a night.The Public Library of Science published the findings in its journal Medicine . Internet users can read the full study, free of charge, at plos. org.

1.Not enough sleep can cause obesity by ______.

A. burning more of your energy

B. making you want to eat more food

C. keeping you from doing exercise

D. helping you feel great without food

2.When you sleep 7.7 hours a night, you will ______ .

A. have your ghrelin level rise and leptin level drop

B.have your leptin level rise and ghrelin level drop

C.have your ghretin and leptin levels properly balanced

D.have your hunger increase and your weight decrease

3.You can read the findings________

A. Only on the Internet

B. only in Medicine

C. Both on the Internet and in Medicine

D. Neither on the Internet nor in Medicine



The very first capsule hotel to be opened in Shanghai has attracted many budget travelers with its prices, even though it is not fully operational yet.

The hotel consists of 68 "capsules", each 1.1-meters high, 1.1-meters wide and 2.2-meters long. The basic rate is 28 Yuan ($4.22) per person, plus an additional 4 Yuan an hour. The hotel also offers a package of 68 Yuan for 10 hours and 88 Yuan for 24 hours.

All of the capsules are imported from Japan where capsule hotels originated,and each is equipped with independent sockets, clocks, lights, TV and wireless Internet service. The hotel also has a public lavatory(洗手间),shower room, smoking room and shared guest room.

"This is a huge bargain compared with other budget hotels in Shanghai," said Ta Zan, the owner of the hotel. Ta used to stay at capsule hotels in Tokyo during his undergraduate years and worked at a capsule hotel while he was doing his MBA in Japan in 2005, so he knows how they work and how to make guests feel comfortable.

He based the hotel on capsule hotels in Japan but he has made some special changes based on Chinese guests' habits. "In Japan capsule hotels are usually equipped with bathtubs, but in China people are more willing to take a shower, so we have the shower room," he said. He has also separated the capsules into three snoring (打鼾的) zones so that guests who often snore won't disturb others. Like most of capsule hotels in Japan, the one in Shanghai is for men only.

But the idea of staying in such a compact space is not appealing to everyone. "I feel the idea is like putting a person in a coffin (棺材), and the price is also not that appealing. A bed at a youth hostel in Shanghai costs about 60 Yuan per night," said Wang Lei, a student from Beijing.

1.The first capsule hotels in the world appeared in        .

A. Shanghai           B. Japan               C. Beijing          D. America

2.If you stay in the capsule hotel in Shanghai for 8 hours, you will have to pay       yuan.

A. 28                            B. 60                  C.68                D.88

3.What does the underlined word "compact" mean?

A. Dear                   B. Cheap.                    C. Close.            D. Clean.

4.The capsule hotel in Shanghai differs from those in Japan in that           .

A. it serves men as well as women

B. its capsule is much larger

C. it has a shower room

D. it has no snoring zones

5.We can know from the passage that            .

A. everybody considers the capsule hotel a nice place to stay

B. all the capsules of the hotel were made in China

C. each capsule of the hotel has a private lavatory

D. no guest has ever stayed in the capsule hotel in Shanghai




    A great many people are disappointed because of unrealistic expectations.

    Walking up to a department store’s cloth counter, a(n)  26  young woman said,“I want to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?”

“Only one   27   per yard,” replied the smirking (自鸣得意的) male clerk.

Not to be  28    back by the funny words, the woman said,” That’s fine! I’ll take ten yards.”

With  29    written all over his face, the clerk 30      measured out and wrapped the cloth, then held it out teasingly(戏弄地 ),  31    forward to receive his “   32   ”.

The woman got the package quickly from the clerk and  33   to a little old man standing beside her. “Grandpa will pay the bill instead of me,” she  34  .

He was no  35    disappointed. But in the course of living, many people are 36   when others do not  37  their expectations. In order to be happy, some expectations must be  38  .These three particular  39   and unhealthy expectations are some of the main causes:

1.Expect too much  40  .When others say,“Thank you,” or in any way to show their gratitude, be  41  . It is a gift!

2.Expect others to make you happy. They simply cannot do that. Make yourself happy and  42   your joy with others.

3. Expect not to be  43   . At times, people will simply not come through for you in the way you need.  44  them and move on.

    Get rid of these three unrealistic expectations and you can begin to expect more  45  right away!

1.A.tricky             B.attractive     C.ugly             D.generous

2.A.kiss              B.pay          C.dollar      D.cent

3.A.moved            B.forced        C.fought          D.taken

4.A.happiness          B.enjoyment    C.expectation    D.courage

5.A.hurriedly          B.slowly C.patiently       D.curiously

6.A.setting            B.sitting  C.leaning        D.taking

7.A.reward            B.payment      C.bonus         D.money

8.A.tended            B.paid    C.pointed       D.nodded

9.A.smiled            B. begged       C.waved         D.thought

10.A.wonder           B.use           C.good      D.doubt

11.A.encouraged        B.disappointed C.annoyed        D.surprised

12.A.live up to          B.go against  C.go without           D.hope for

13.A.set               B.made C.dropped               D.completed

14.A.reasonable         B.proper     C.unimportant             D.unrealistic

15.A.profit             B.kiss    C.appreciation      D.disappointment

16.A.happy            B.sad  C.angry                    D.excited

17.A.spare             B.shareC.make                   D.control

18.A.put down          B.let down   C.taken down          D.thrown down

19.A.Forgive           B.Punish     C.Blame                 D.Praise

20.A.happiness         B.encouragement C.excitement     D.pride



They live in a beautiful village, with many trees and flowers _______ it.

A. surrounded     B. surrounds

C. surrounding   D. to surround



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