满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

“What are you busy for?”—This is a quest...

“What are you busy for?”—This is a question we very often get _____ nowadays.

A. asking          B. being asked      C. asked           D. to ask


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:如今,这是一个我们经常被问的一个问题。get+过去分词表示被动,如 He got killed when he was crossing the road. 过马路时他被车撞死了。 The boy got hurt when he was riding to school. 这男孩在骑车上学的路上受伤了。 They got trapped in the fire and were killed. 他们被困在火中烧死了 The dog got killed by the car.狗被汽车压死了。故C正确。 考点:考查get+过去分词表示被动的用法。

—What should I wear to attend our class day?

—Dress ____ you like.

A. what           B. however         C. whatever        D. that



—Health goes ahead of everything.

—Yes. Keeping _____ balanced diet is good for ____ health.

A. the; /          B. a; the            C. the; the          D. a; /



It was at 12 o’clock _________ they came home from school.

A. what          B. when            C. that              D. Which



I don’t have to do it and _________ do you. We’re both too busy.

A. more than      B. no more than

C. once more        D. no more



I hear that _________ she is lovely she can be extremely difficult to deal with.

A. whether        B. as if             C. if               D. While



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