满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Since the beginning of the year, smog ha...

Since the beginning of the year, smog has covered parts of North China. In January, Beijing saw only five days without smog. The rising PM 2.5 readings terrified many people, and some health experts said that whenever the smog gets serious, hospitals receive more patients suffering acute respiratory(呼吸系统)and heart diseases.

Later, news of polluted underground water in some provinces scared people who wondered whether the water they drink is safe.

So the need to emphasize environmental protection while developing the economy is heard everywhere.

Smog especially is a common concern. Like a popular online post said, air may be the only thing that is equal for everyone, despite your income or vocation. People with higher incomes are able to drink only bottled spring water and eat only organic food by paying higher prices, but they breathe the same air as everyone else.

At a meeting on Monday, many Representatives have expressed their concerns about the air quality, too. One talked about his experience in Beijing. “After taking a taxi from the capital airport to my hotel, which took about an hour, I washed my nose and found the inside of my nose was black. We should ask ourselves this question: Why do we want to develop? It's for living a better life. Dirty air is definitely not a better life," he said.

China needs to develop its economy and invest(投资) in high-tech. Every Chinese wants a strong country. But without blue sky, clean water and safe food, the achievements in the economy will become meaningless. Space technologies are not to be developed for building a base on Mars so that one day all human beings can migrate to the red planet because they have destroyed Earth.

What the public wants is a strong and beautiful China. Former president Hu Jintao spoke at the 18th Party Congress last November saying that great efforts must be made to promote ecological progress and build a beautiful China. The words have shown the central government's resolution to address the environment issue.

1.The effect of smog doesn’t include.

A.the rising of PM 2.5 readings

B.more people suffering diseases

C.the increase of people’s income

D.patients increased in hospital

2.Why smog has become a common concern?

A.Because people have to pay higher prices.

B.Because nobody can avoid it.

C.Because we have to develop industry.

D.Because a popular online-post discussed it.

3.The underlined word “they” in paragraph 6 refers to.

A.human beings             B.other plants

C.space technologies    D.industrial development

4.From the last two paragraphs we can infer that.

A.high-tech can completely solve the problem of pollution

B.space technologies should be developed in a large scale

C.we can move to the Mars after the earth has been destroyed

D.we must protect the environment while developing economy


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:文章大意:文章介绍华北地区近期出现的严重的烟雾现象,烟雾造成的恶劣后果,并对其原因进行说明。说明我们发展经济的同时要保护环境。 1.细节题:从第一段的句子:some health experts said that whenever the smog gets serious, hospitals receive more patients suffering acute respiratory(呼吸系统)and heart diseases.可知烟雾的影响是PM 2.5的上升,病人增加,更多人得病,不是人们收入增加。选C 2.细节题:从第四段的句子:Smog especially is a common concern. Like a popular online post said, air may be the only thing that is equal for everyone, despite your income or vocation. but they breathe the same air as everyone else.可知烟雾问题受所有人关心,因为没有人可以避免它。选B 3.考查指代关系理解题:从倒数第二段的句子:Space technologies are not to be developed for building a base on Mars so that one day all human beings can migrate to the red planet because they have destroyed Earth. 可知人们毁坏了地球,所以可以移民到火星上的技术还没有发展。they指代前面的all human beings,选A 4.推理判断题:从倒数第二段的句子:China needs to develop its economy and invest(投资) in high-tech. Every Chinese wants a strong country. But without blue sky, clean water and safe food, the achievements in the economy will become meaningless.可知我们发展经济的同时要保护环境,选D 考点:考查科普环保类短文

I knew I was all right now.  Nobody else would come a­hunting after me. I got my traps out of the canoe and made me a nice camp in the thick woods. I made a tent out of my blankets to put my things under so the rain couldn't get at them. I caught a catfish and towards sundown I started my camp fire and had supper.

         When it was dark I sat by my camp fire, feeling pretty satisfied; but by and by it got sort of lonesome, so I went and sat on the bank and listened to the current crashing along, and counted the stars and drift logs and rafts that came down, and then went to bed; there was no better way to put in time when you are lonesome; you can't stay so, and you soon get it over.

         And so for three days and nights. No difference—just the same thing. But the next day I went exploring around the island.  I was boss of it; it all belonged to me, and I wanted to know all about it; but mainly I wanted to spend the time. I found plenty of strawberries and green summer grapes; and the green blackberries were just beginning to show.

         Well, I went fooling along in the deep woods till I judged I wasn't far from the foot of the island. I had my gun along, but I had shot nothing; it was for protection. About this time I almost stepped on a good­sized snake, and it moved quietly and smoothly through the grass and flowers, and I was after it, trying to get a shot at it. I clipped(疾驰) along, and all of a sudden I bounded(跳) right on to the ashes of a camp fire that was still smoking.

         My heart jumped up among my lungs. I never waited to look further, but unlocked my gun and went sneaking back on my tiptoes as fast as I could. Every now and then I stopped a second among the thick leaves and listened, but my breath came so hard that I couldn't hear anything else. I moved quietly along another piece further, then listened again; and so on, and so on. If I saw a stump(树桩), I took it for a man; if I stepped on a stick and broke it, it made me feel that a person had cut one of my breaths in two and I only got half, and the short half, too.

         There was no time to be fooling around. When getting to the camp, I got all my traps into my canoe again to have them out of sight. I put out the fire and threw the ashes around to look like an old last year's camp, and then climbed a tree.

         I suppose I was up for two hours; but I didn’t see or hear anything—I only thought I heard and saw as much as a thousand things. Well, I couldn’t stay up there forever, so at last I got down, but I kept in the thick woods and on the lookout all the time. All I could get to eat was berries and what was left over from breakfast.

1.The underlined part “put in time” in the second paragraph probably means _____.

A. kill the time            B. take the time

C. employ the time    D. waste the time

2.Why did the boy always carry his gun with him wherever he went?

A. To show off his gun.

B. To hunt some animals for food.

C. To protect himself.

D. To play with it for fun.

3.How did the boy feel when he saw the ashes of a camp fire that was still smoking?

A. Surprised.                       B. Excited.                            C. Frightened.         D. Puzzled.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The boy brought with himself a tent

B. The boy felt a bit lonely on the island.

C. The boy was surely the only person on the island at that time.

D. The boy might be bitten by some animal when the story happened.



Twist was the name of an old champion racing horse. He was past thirty years old, but the heart of the true  36   still beat with the great spirit. However, I knew little about the   37   that the old horse’s spirit would have on my daughter.

My daughter Stacy had ever had a   38   experience with a runaway horse. She was just eight at the time, and a terrifying   39   accompanied the disaster. Although she broke no bones, her   40   , love for horses and the desire to learn to ride were   41  . No matter how my wife and I tried, we had no   42   in curing the damage caused that day. But when she was thirteen, a turning point came. One day as I saw Stacy look into the eye of the   43   fellow in the stall(牲口棚), I knew this was going to be the beginning of a   44   relationship.

         Fortunately, Stacy’s accident had not weakened her love for   45   in general, and this small opening was all that Twist needed to create an unusual bond(纽带). In the following weeks, Stacy began to express daily   46  in coming to the stall with me. She   47   spent time with him, feeding, brushing and combing him, all the  48   talking to him about her life.

Then one day   49   I was readying one horse for a ride, I noticed the old guy’s   50  expression and desire to be included, too. So I asked Stacy if she wanted to take Twist out for a ride. In   51  , Stacy looked once again into the old man’s eye. That moment, their two spirits   52   and completed the bond that had been forming over a couple of months. Continuing to look deep into his eyes, Stacy didn’t   53   . She only nodded yes. Moments later, I saw them riding   54   together, Stacy winning renewed confidence and desire, and Twist winning his medal of a child’s  55  .

1.A. owner                                    B. winner                    C. jumper                    D. member

2.A. wish                               B. idea                                   C. effect                                D. ability

3.A. new                               B. bad                                    C. rich                                   D. strange

4.A. fall                                 B. task                                   C. shake                                D. attack

5.A. pride                             B. skill                                    C. luck                                   D. confidence

6.A. ignored                         B. reformed                         C. destroyed                        D. overlooked

7.A. aim                                B. need                                 C. surprise                            D. success

8.A. poor                              B. old                                     C. brave                   D. strong  

9.A. serious                          B. similar                     C. special                     D. formal

10.A. animals                       B. parents                   C. friends                    D. fields

11.A. thanks                         B. interest                          C. opinions                D. sympathy

12.A. endlessly                            B. roughly                 C. unwillingly             D. actively

13.A. best                             B. way                                   C. same                                 D. time

14.A. as                                 B. so                             C. although                           D. because

15.A. angry                                    B. sad                                    C. eager                                D. anxious

16.A. brief                                     B. response                          C. return                     D. addition

17.A. met                             B. rose                                  C. fought                     D. recovered

18.A. act                               B. think                                 C. speak                                D. smile

19.A. on                                B. back                                  C. down                                D. off

20.A. heart                                    B. spirit                                 C. agreement             D. dependence



The young violinist is very excited because the concert given by him has never been _____.

A. successful                                                  B. more successful

C. most successful                                            D. the most successful



______ enough time, he was full of confidence to finish the project.

A. Offered                            B. Being offered                  C. Having offered      D. Offering



Looking after very young children _____ be very annoying sometimes, but you’ll get used to it after a while.

A. must                                 B. should                     C. shall                                  D. can



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