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假定你是李华,亚洲冬季运动会将在你居住的地方举办,现正在招募志愿者,你希望成为其中一员。请按要求用英文给组委会写一封信。内容应包括:1.个人情况:年龄,性别,学历 2.个人条件:英语好,爱好体育,善于交际,乐于助人,熟悉本地情况 3.承诺:提供最佳服务

  注意:词数100左右,开头语已为你写好;可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;生词:申请-apply (v. ), application (n.),志愿者-volunteer


Dear Sir / Madam: I was quite excited when I heard the Asian Winter Games will be held in the city I live. My name is Li Hua. I am an 18-year-old boy student in a senior middle school. And I want to be a volunteer for the games. I like English and sports very much. I like making friends and I am ready to help others. I can be a good interpreter in every sports during the time. Hope the games will be a great success. Hope I will be chosen to be one. Yours faithfully, Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇提纲类作文,要求写一封信应聘亚洲冬季运动会的志愿者,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来.本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,注意要适当拓展,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化。 考点:提纲类作文

A few years ago, SARS _1.______ out in the mainland of China, causing some people _2.________ (kill) or nearly got close to death. The situation was so severe that there was_3.______ time to debate who is to blame. The most important thing for the government to do is to find out the __4.________ of this deadly disease. They invited all the most  __5._______ (experience) experts in this field to discuss and quite a few suggestions were put forward. Some of the top experts then tested them to see _6._______ they were available. Doctor Zhong Nanshan chose one patient who was seriously ill and had little hope_7._______ picking up and had the new medicine tested on him. __8.______ his great joy, this patient recovered! He made his way to his office and telephoned the top official, __9._______ (tell) him this exciting news. For convenience, he moved to live in his office. His method did make sense. Not soon after that, the __10.___ hospitals also controlled this terrible disease and kicked it out finally.



Famous centenarians (百岁老人) still active in arts, science are in no mood to retire. "Those who stand still, die," is one of Oliveira's favorite phrases. He knows from experience what it means, as the Portuguese film director has reached the age of 102 and is still active in his profession. Every year, Oliveira shoots a film and is currently working on his next project. "You have to work, work, work in order to forget that death is not far away," he said. When asked about his age, Oliveira said with some humility: "It's down to mother nature. It gave to me what it took from others."

   Being both mentally and physically fit in old age is partly a matter of luck, but it also has something to do with character. Not every white-haired person is wise and social skills, openness and the ability to train the brain are essential for senior citizens.

   Along with the architect Oscar Niemeyer (103), Nobel laureate Montalcini (101) and director Kurt Maetzig (100), Oliveira is one of those people of whom it would be very wrong to think as members of a listless elderly generation.

   Another master in his profession is the architect Oscar Niemeyer. The 103-year-old Brazilian is best known for his futuristic-looking buildings in Brasilia, but he also speaks out on behalf of the poor. "The role of the architect is to struggle for a better world where we can develop a form of architecture that serves everyone and not just a privileged few," said Niemeyer recently. He spends almost every day working in his office in Copacabana, and even when he falls ill he keeps working on ideas: After a gallbladder (胆囊) operation he composed a samba tune (桑巴舞曲) in the clinic.

   Another man who could sing a song about age is 107-year-old Heesters. The Dutch-born opera singer spent most of his life performing in Germany, where he still works. Recently Heesters said: "I want to be at least 108-years-old." He also plans to keep performing. "Should I just sit at home and wait until they come and pick me up?" Heesters has not given up trying to add to his tally of awards and is looking for a "good stage role".

   Italian scientist Rita Levi-Montalcini, who is 101-year-old and is still active in medical science, has described the force that keeps driving her on: "Progress is created through imperfection." In 1986 she and her lab colleague were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their work on nerve growth factor. She's convinced that humans grow on challenges.

   With so many brilliant examples given, we can see clearly that age is no barrier to some high achievers.

1.From the first two paragraphs, we can see ______.

A. being active at 102 is achievable for everybody

B. Oliveira owes his long life to his mother’s help

C. being fit in old age is a matter of luck and character

D. social skills and wisdom are difficult for the senior

2.How many centenarians are mentioned in this passage?

A. 4                     B. 5                     C. 6                   D. 7

3.By saying "Should I just sit at home and wait until they come and pick me up?” in Paragraph 5, Heesters shows us he ________.

A. wants to sit or lie in comfort

B. is waiting for people to pick him up

C. is willing to work till he dies

D. prefers to give performance at home

4.In the passage so many examples were given to show ________.

A. old age is a big problem if you want to succeed

B. as a senior citizen, you have to be open-minded and optimistic

C. old people should never think of themselves as old

D. old age cannot prevent a great person from achieving a lot

5.In the writer’s opinion, the architect Oscar Niemeyer is not ________.

A. intelligent          B. pessimistic                    C. positive                       D. Diligent



A few years ago, I took a sightseeing trip to Washington, D.C.Standing outside the Ronald Reagan Center, I heard a voice say, “Can you help me?” When I turned around, I saw an elderly blind woman with her hand extended.In a natural reflex (反应), I reached into my pocket, pulled out all of my loose change and placed it on her hand without even looking at her.I was annoyed at being bothered by a beggar.But the blind woman smiled and said, “I don’t want your money.I just need help finding the post office.

In an instant, I realized what I had done.I judged another person simply for what I assumed she had to be.I hated what I saw in myself.This incident re-awakened my belief in humility (谦恭), even though I’d lost it for a moment.

The thing I had forgotten about myself is that I am an immigrant.I left Honduras and arrived in the U.S.at the age of 15.I started my new life with two suitcases, my brother and sister, and a strong, serious-minded mother.Through the years, I have been a dishwasher, mechanic and pizza delivery driver among many other humble jobs, and eventually I became a network engineer.

In my own life, I have experienced many open acts of prejudice (偏见).I remember a time, at age 17 — I worked as a waiter, and I heard a father tell his little boy that if he did not do well in school, he would end up like me.I have also witnessed the same treatment of my family and friends, so I know what it’s like, and I should have known better.

    But now, living in my American middle-class lifestyle, it is too easy to forget my past, to forget who I am and where I have been, and to lose sight of where I want to be going.That blind woman on the streets of Washington, D.C., cured me of my blindness.She reminded me of my belief in humility and to always keep my eyes and heart open.By the way, I helped that lady to the post office.And in writing this essay, I hope to thank her for the priceless lesson.

1.We can learn from the first two paragraphs that____________________.

A.the author regretted his act of prejudice

B.the blind woman needed the money badly

C.the author was as poor as the blind woman

D.the author was a native American

2.According to Paragraph 4, hearing the father’s words, the author was probably_____.

A.rather hurt     B.very excited     C.deeply moved      D.greatly inspired

3.According to the passage, the author probably agrees that one should________.

A.be nice to the elderly and the disabled

B.try to experience different kinds of life

C.treat others equally with love and respect

D.think about one’s past as often as possible

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Learn from Your Past               B.How My Dream Comes True

C.A Belief That Will Never Change      D.A Priceless Lesson in the Street



The history of modern art begins with Impressionism, a movement started in Paris in the mid-1800’s. At that time many artists painted in a very traditional way that involved spending hours in a studio, painstakingly (辛苦地) creating paintings that were extremely detailed. These paintings were sometimes of people or landscapes or historical events. In 1863, Edouard Manet exhibited his painting “Dejeuner sur l’erbe” at the Salon des Refuses. The painting caused a commotion (骚动), thus starting the Impressionist movement. Although Edouard Manet is the declared leader and founder of the group, he was not present at the first group exhibition or any of the other eight collective Impressionist shows. The movement gained more attention in the April of 1874 when Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sisley, and Jean-Frédéric Bazille formed Society of Artists, Painters, Sculptors, Engravers and began exhibiting outside of the official salon. The same year, the term Impressionism was invented by criticizing (批评的) journalist Louis Leroy to describe their paintings, who worked for the magazine Le Charivari.

The Impressionists often paint out of doors and want to show how light and shadow fall on objects at particular times of the day. Their works are sometimes described as “captured moments” and are characterized by short quick brushstrokes (笔) of colour which, when viewed up close looks quite messy and unreal. If we step back from the Impressionist paintings, the colours are blended together by our eyes and we are able to see the painters’ subjects which often show colourful landscapes, sunlight on water as well as people busy with outdoor activities.

1.Before Impressionism, the works of artists were         .

A. quite abstract                     B. very confusing

C. very detailed                D. quite controversial

2.Who first started Impressionism? ___________

A. Claude Monet.                 B. Edouard Manet.

C. Auguste Renoir.             D. Alfred Sisley.

3.The works of the Impressionists are best viewed         .

A. with imagination     B. at a distance

C. outdoors                  D. in a studio

4.The second paragraph is mainly about ______.

A. the painting style of the Impressionists

B. how to describe the Impressionist paintings

C. the influences of the Impressionist paintings

D. the subjects of the Impressionist paintings



Most of us are used to seasons. Each year, spring follows winter, which follows autumn, which follows summer, which follows spring. And winter is colder than summer. But the earth goes through temperature cycles over much longer periods than those that we experience. Between 65,000 and 35,000 years ago, the planet was much colder than it is now. During that time the temperature also changed a lot, with periods of warming and cooling. Ice melted during the warm periods, which made sea levels rise. Water froze again during the cold periods.

A new study from Switzerland, sheds light on where ice sheets melted during the ice age. It now seems that the ice melted at both ends of the earth, rather than just in either northern or southern regions.

This surprised the researchers from the University of Bern. Scientists have long assumed that most of the ice that melted was in the Northern hemisphere(半球) during the 30,000-year long ice age. That belief was held because the North Pole is surrounded by land, while the South Pole is surrounded by the Antarctic Ocean. It is easier for ice sheets to grow on land. If surrounded by sea the ice can easily just slip into the ocean instead of building up.

The researchers used a computer model to look at ways the ice could melt and how it might affect sea levels. They compared these results to evidence of how temperatures and currents actually changed during that time. The model showed that if it was only in the Northern hemisphere that ice melted, there would have been a bigger impact(影响) on ocean currents(洋流) and sea temperatures than what actually happened. Studies suggest that melting just in the Southern hemisphere would have been impossible, too. The only reasonable conclusion, the scientists could make, was that ice melted equally in the North and the South.

It is still a mystery as to what caused the temperature changes that caused the ice to melt.

1.The North Pole is surrounded by land, while the South Pole is surrounded by the Antarctic Ocean. So scientists thought that ________.

A. most of the ice melted in the Northern hemisphere

B. most of the ice melted in the Southern hemisphere

C. The North Pole is colder than South Pole

D. The South Pole is colder than North Pole

2.We can infer from the passage ________.

A. the ice can easily just slip into the ocean

B. volcanoes caused the ice to melt

C. melting just in the Northern hemisphere would have been impossible

D. researchers often use the computer models help their research work.

3.The scientists are not sure ________.

A. how long the ice age lasted

B. where ice sheets melted during the ice age

C. what caused the temperature changes

D. what the earth is made up of

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. A computer model

B. Studies show ice melted equally in the North and the South during the ice age

C. Most of the ice melted in the Northern hemisphere during the 30,000-year long ice age.

D. A survey result



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