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The right pair of exercise shoes can do ...

The right pair of exercise shoes can do a lot to prevent discomfort and injuries, personal trainers say.Here are some shopping tips:

   1.    Depending on your workout, shoes designed for walking, running, tennis, cross-training or another specialty will provide the best support for your feet.

Shop when you normally exercise.Feet actually get bigger throughout the day, sometimes swelling up as much as a half-size by nighttime.    2.  

Try them on.Never grab a pair of exercise shoes based only on the size of footwear you normally buy.Bring the type of socks you’d wear to work out and go for a walk through the store.

  3.    You should be able to spread your toes out comfortably.Make sure there’s about a half-inch of space between them and the front of the shoe.The back should fit snugly (warmly and comfortably) against your heel and not move up and down.If your feet are different sizes, buy based on the larger one.

Talk to an expert.Shoe salesmen and personal trainers can study your stride (步伐) and the shape of your feet.   4.  

  5.    Many trainers recommend switching footwear every three to five months, if possible, to maintain(保持)proper cushioning and support.One tip: if you have to tie your shoes very tightly to feel a good amount of support, they may be ready to go.

A.Think about how much you can afford to buy the workout shoes.

B.Consider your type of exercise.

C.Focus on fit.

D.So don’t shop first thing in the morning if you often work out in the evening.

E.Pay more attention to new style shoes

F.Replace worn shoes regularly.

G.Usually they can recommend the best shoes to guard against injuries.


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.G 5.F 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了给经常运动的人买鞋时的一些建议。一是考虑你锻炼的形式,根据它来确定买什么样的鞋。二是要在锻炼后买鞋。三是关注鞋的尺寸是否合适。四是要经常换鞋,买新鞋。 1.根据Depending on your workout, shoes designed for walking, running, tennis, cross-training or another specialty will provide the best support for your feet.这是对锻炼形式的举例,考虑一下锻炼的形式,故选B。 2.根据Feet actually get bigger throughout the day, sometimes swelling up as much as a half-size by nighttime.因为锻炼后脚可能会比平常的脚大,所以如果你晚上锻炼的话,不要早晨去买鞋,故选D。 3.根据Make sure there’s about a half-inch of space between them and the front of the shoe.The back should fit snugly (warmly and comfortably) against your heel and not move up and down.这里叙述了鞋的尺寸,前面要留出半英寸,后跟处不能磨脚,所以要注意鞋的尺寸,故选C。 4.根据Shoe salesmen and personal trainers can study your stride (步伐) and the shape of your feet.售货员和个人的教练会研究你的步伐和你的脚的形状,他们通常给出你最好的建议来防止你的脚受伤,故选G。 5.根据Many trainers recommend switching footwear every three to five months,要每隔两至五个月就要换鞋,故选F。 考点:信息匹配。

An allergy is a strong reaction to a substance. Many things can cause allergies. The most common cause is pollen (花粉), which is usually produced by trees in the spring, grasses in the summer and weeds in the fall, as part of their reproductive process.

Other causes include organisms, chemicals, plants and dead skin particles from dogs and cats can also cause allergic reactions. So can insect stings and some food.

The most common kind of allergic reactions is itchy (痒的) , watery eyes and a blocked or watery nose. Allergies can also cause red, itchy skin. Some reactions can be life-threatening, for example, when breathing passages become blocked.

It is not always easy to avoid allergies. Drugs may offer an effective treatment. Another treatment used in some cases is called immunotherapy. A patient is injected with small amounts of the allergy-causing substance. The idea is that larger and larger amounts are given over time until the patient develops resistance in his body.

In the United States, experts estimate that up to 8% of young children have food allergies. Every year these allergies cause about 30,000 cases with severe reactions that require immediate treatment. It can result in breathing trouble and in some cases death. It is said that about 100 to 200 people will die. It is said that most of the reactions are caused by peanuts and tree nuts like walnuts.

People can also be allergic to medicines. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology says about 10% of bad reactions to commonly used medicines are allergic. In other words, a person’s immune system overreacts and produces an allergic reaction. The most common reactions include skin rashes, itching, breathing problems and swelling in areas such as the face.

1.Allergies seldom occur in winter because ________.

A. plants don’t usually flower in cold weather

B. people usually wear thick clothes

C. pollen is active below freezing point

D. the weather is too cold for viruses

2.What will happen if one’s breathing passages get blocked?

A. It is nothing serious.                B. One’s life is at risk.

C. One has to be sent to hospital.                D. One is sure to breathe easily.

3.According to immunotherapy, the patient is supposed to________.

A. take some medicines to produce antibodies

B. have immediate operations

C. be given the allergy-causing substance until the patient develops resistance

D. be exposed to enough allergy-causing substances

4.The best title would be _______.

A. The ABCs of Allergies               B. The Cause of Allergies

C. The Treatment of Allergies          D. The Prevention of Allergies



The way we get about has a deep influence on the way we live-affecting where we set up home, work and holiday. So what changes might come in the way we get around? What big ideas are out there, and do they have any chance of coming true?

Personal Air Travel

The idea: flying cars

Developments in light small plane technology will make it possible for everyone to own what are, in fact, flying cars. They will have closed cabins, heating, stereos and room for two people.

You will take off from a field near your home and fly to towns and cities. After landing, you will take off the fixed wing and continue your journey by road just as if you were traveling by car.

Fuel efficient engines and the advantage of being able to travel in the sky will keep costs and the environmental influence down.

Flying for Fun

The idea: Jet Packs

The idea was a hit when a stuntman (特技演员) flew around on one during the opening ceremony of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, which was very successful.

You’ll be able to use the equipment-roughly the size of two scuba tanks fastened to your back-for short journeys.

They will be handy for cleaning hard-to-reach windows, arriving in style at a party and shopping.


The idea: driverless taxis

These computer-controlled taxis will take you wherever you want along a fixed route, whenever you want to go.

For the price of one person’s bus fare, several people can ride at speeds of up to 25 mph, and there will be fences to guard against accidents.

There will be little, if any, wait for the use of the taxis, which will leave from stations and will be used by prepaid cards.

The taxis, which will travel on a 1.5 m-wide track, will use 75% less energy per passenger than a car and 50% less than a bus.

1.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. future travel                       B. big ideas and dreams

C. advanced technology               D. the influence of travel

2.We learn from the passage that flying cars ________.

A. will operate only in the sky  

B. will be more expensive than common cars

C. will have few bad effects on the environment

D. won’t be equipped with things similar to what cars have

3. With Jet Packs, we can do all the following EXCEPT ________.

A. attend a party                           B. clean high windows

C. go shopping                      D. have a long journey

4.As for driverless taxis, we can infer that ________.

A. we can go wherever we want in them

B. they will be both convenient and safe

C. it costs more to take them than to take ordinary cars

D. they will be operated by computers as well as by people



Even when you’re extremely busy, you aren’t using your time with 100% efficiency. There are gaps in everyone’s schedule where they aren’t doing anything important. Even if your schedule has no gaps, there is probably lots of time when you aren’t working as fast or as effectively as you possibly could.

Why aren’t you completely efficient? It’s because time isn’t the limiting factor. If it were the limiting factor, people could work non-stop without breaks or any unproductive distractions (消遣). Instead, people, even those who are highly productive, need to take breaks, occasionally procrastinate (拖延) and slow down on tasks throughout the day.

The real and most important limiting factor for productivity is your energy levels to pay attention. Energy levels limit your productivity because when you’re tired, you can have enough time and still not get everything done. Your attention ability is also limited, because even if there are a million things that need to be done, you can only focus on one or two at a time.

You might not be able to insert another 4-5 hours into your schedule without making some sacrifices. But even extremely busy people can add an hour or two into their schedule without cancelling anything. The reason why it’s hard to “find time” isn’t a lack of time. It’s because you don’t have enough energy left to focus on something else that needs to fit into your day.

I first suspected time wasn’t the real problem during an extremely busy period in my life over a year ago. I was extremely busy, but at that time I still exercised regularly. I had daily to-do lists with over twenty items, and I still found time to exercise. However, after a few weeks off, due to illness, I stopped exercising. I was not busy by any standards, in fact, my schedule was incredibly light. Despite this free time, I found it hard to find time to exercise. It seemed to get pushed later and later into my schedule until it was gone. How can I explain this odd experience? I believe you have known it.

1.If someone can’t work with 100% efficiency, the most important limiting factor is ________.

A. a schedule without gaps                  B. breaks and distractions

C. the limited time                D. the limited energy

2.According to Paragraph 4, everyone, including the extremely busy people, can ________.

A. work without any rest

B. focus on many things at a time

C. find some more time in a day

D. do some exercise regularly

3.The writer gives the example of himself in the last paragraph in order to ________.

A. prove what the real limiting factor is

B. show us how busily he needs to work

C. explain how important a healthy body is

D. tell us what an odd experience he has

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Do You Really Lack Time?

B. How Can You Work Efficiently?

C. What Makes Your Energy Limited?

D. When Should You Do Exercise?



A girl became a volunteer in the activities of Deathbed Care, which meant visiting and taking care of a patient suffering from an incurable disease with days numbered.

The girl was assigned to look after an old man suffering from cancer whose children lived abroad. Their living conditions were not satisfactory while the old man had a lot of savings. She was expected to comfort him and keep up his spirits.

Every Saturday the girl came on time to keep him company, telling him stories. When he was having an intravenous drip (静脉滴注), she would help massage his arms. The doctor found the patient much improved mentally. The old man began to involve himself actively in the medical treatment and he seldom shouted at others.

But something that happened made the doctor uneasy and puzzled. Each time the girl left, the old man would give her some money. The doctor did nothing to interfere (干涉), unwilling to offend the old man. A month later the old man showed evident signs of decline after suffering coma (昏迷) a few times.

When rescued from the latest coma, the old man told the doctor his last wish, “I have deep sympathy for the girl. Will you be kind enough to help her finish her studies?”

But the doctor knew that her family was well­off and she had no difficulty pursuing her studies. Sometimes she even came to the hospital in her father’s car.

When the girl came at the weekend after the death of the old man, the doctor told her the bad news. She was very sad and burst into tears. Then she handed $ 500 to the doctor, saying, “The old man had all along thought I came to do the job because of poverty. He gave me money so that I could continue my schooling.” Now he got the answer to the puzzle. In the last period of his life, the old man found it a real pleasure to be able to help a girl badly in need.

1.If you’re a volunteer in the activities of Deathbed Care, what kind of people do you have to attend to?

A. Patients with a lot of money.

B. Patients suffering from cancer.

C. Patients without many days left.

D. Patients living alone.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The doctor told the old man the truth.

B. The old man’s children were wealthy.

C. The girl’s father encouraged her to accept the money.

D. The girl didn’t accompany the old man when he died.

3.What is the real reason resulting in the old man’s mental improvement?

A. The girl’s love and great care.

B. The pleasure of helping people in need.

C. The doctor’s medical treatment.

D. His children’s progress in life.




I was watching a TV series one night when I took in one scene. A young man was seeking his community votes, and people   36   wanted to know why they should give him their   37  . He took them to his house and on every   38   in his house was the word “Faith” pasted. People raised lots of   39   to find out why the word was pasted on his mirrors. He said, “My dad often   40   me to believe that as long as you have   41  , you should have faith. Every time you look into the mirror, you’re looking at yourself and see ‘Faith’.”

The   42   I learned from this is simple—faith is a living thing and in the same way we’re all   43   given 24 hours a day and we’re all given the same measure of faith. Faith keeps us going when things get   44  ! Why is some people’s faith stronger than that of others? Exercise! If we choose to exercise our faith, it will   45  ; but if we choose not to, it remains weak. Some people might   46   that they don’t have faith, but we all practice faith every day even if we don’t   47   it as a faith. Daily   48  , such as studying, investing or reaching for a dream, take faith.

Faith   49   hearing and doing. I made a decision yesterday—to   50   reading the newspapers full of too much sad and   51   news. Why? Because I   52   there was a drop of my mental state after reading the newspapers.

Faith, when it’s put to   53  , becomes a beautiful thing. It lifts your mental state to a higher place that   54   you to raise yourself up and declare, “Yes, I can.” So make the decision today to strengthen your faith by   55   it.

1.A.bravely           B.briefly       C.    mostly           D.       finally

2.A.support          B.instruction C.    pity       D.       information

3.A.wall            B.mirror             C.     picture          D.       book

4.A.voices             B.questions C.    rules              D.       standards

5.A.teaches          B.permits     C.    forces           D.       promises

6.A.friendship  B.breath       C.     wealth           D.       success

7.A.lesson             B.view      C.     choice           D.       example

8.A.extremely   B.freely      C.     equally          D.       frequently

9.A.strange     B.different      C.    funny            D.       tough

10.A.stay      B.return     C.    slow     D.       grow

11.A.argue            B.realize     C.    understand       D.      predict

12.A.agree            B.appreciate C. admire      D. acknowledge

13.A.services    B.steps           C.     tasks     D.       experiments

14.A.dreams of B.comes from C.        feels like   D.      keeps on

15.A.consider   B.delay           C.     stop      D.       risk

16.A.various          B.genuine  C.    latest             D.       negative

17.A.heard            B.noticed   C.    declared   D.      explained

18.A.check            B.list       C.     work              D.       sleep

19.A.warns            B.causes     C.    orders           D.       forbids

20.A.exercising          B.forming C.    obtaining  D.      thinking



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