满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Having lost his key,________. A.he could...

Having lost his key,________.

A.he couldn’t enter the room        B.the gatekeeper offered to help

C.the door was forced open         D.the room couldn’t be entered


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查句子结构:逗号前面是现在分词的完成式做状语,说明句子的主语应该是lost his keys的逻辑主语,应该是he,句意:丢了钥匙后,他不能进入房间。选A。 考点:考查句子结构

—Have you got used to the country life there?

—Yes,but I don’t like________ when it comes to shopping and amusement.

A.that        B.this            C.so        D.it



Large quantities of solid fuel________ consumed every day and too much carbon dioxide is   sent into the air,which in turn________ the going up of temperature.

A.is;results in                  B.are;results in

C.is;leads to                   D.are;results from



—The teacher is said to have________ gift for teaching deaf children.

—She’s something. I think it calls for________ patience and imagination.

A.a;the      B.the;the       C.a;/      D./;a









It is good to see that today more people have realized the importance exercising and are playing sports regular. But the problem is that there are not enough sports facilities to meet the public growing demand. I love playing basketball and often play with my friends on weekends. Therefore, it is difficult to rent a basketball field and impossible to find a free one. It seems that all courts in the city were always full. Weather permitted, we can play in outdoors. But on rainy days or in winter we have to turn to indoor courts. There are not much in my city, and the charge is expensive. The government should build more public sports facilities, so easier accesses will encourage more people to participate in sports.



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