满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A recent study has come up with _____ un...

A recent study has come up with _____ unexpected conclusion that ____ Africa elephants should be divided into two different species.

A.a, the                          B. an,  the            C. an,   an           D. the,  the


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:一项最近的研究提出了一个意想不到的推论就是非洲象应该被分成两种不同的种类。conclusion 是可数名词,unexpected元音开头的单词,前面要用an;后一空用the 表特指。故选B。 考点: 考查冠词的用法。

This coastal area        a national wildlife reserve last year.

A. was named   B. named                     C. is named                 D. names



You       buy a gift, but you can if you want to.

A. must                        B. mustn't          C. have to          D. don't have to



Father       goes to the gym with us although he dislikes going there.

A. hardly            B. seldom           C. sometimes              D. never



Listen! Do you hear someone         for help?

A. calling            B. call                           C. to call                      D. called



While watching the Olympics the other night, I came across an unbelievable sight.It was not a gold medal, or a world record broken, but a show of courage.

         The event was swimming and started with only three men on the blocks.For one reason or another, two of them false started, so they were disqualified.That left only one to complete.It would have been difficult enough, not having anyone to race against, even though the time on the clock is important.

         I watched the man dive off the block and knew right away that something was wrong.I'm not an expert swimmer, but I can tell a good dive from a poor one, and this was not exactly medal quality.When he resurfaced, it was evident that the man was not out for gold — his arms were waving in an attempt at freestyle.The crowd started to laugh.Clearly this man was not a medal competitor.

         I listened to the crowd begin to laugh at this poor man who was clearly having a hard time.Finally he made his turn to start back.It was pitiful.He made a few desperate strokes and you could tell he was worn out.

         But in those few awful strokes, the crowd had changed.

         No longer were they laughing, but beginning to cheer.Some even began to stand and shout “Come on, you can do it!” and he did.

         A clear minute past the average swimmer, this young man finally finished his race.The crowd went wild.You would have thought that he had won the gold, and he should have.Even though he was recorded one of the slowest times in Olympic history, this man gave more heart than any of the other competitors.

         Just a short year ago, he had never even swum, let alone race.His country had been invited to Sydney.

         In a competition where athletes remove their silver medals feeling they have somehow been cheated out of gold, or when they act so proudly in front of their competitors, it is nice to watch an underdog

1.From the passage we can learn that the young man ________

A. made his turn to start back pitifully

B. was skillful in freestyle in the game

C. swam faster than the average swimmer

D. was not capable enough to win the medal

2.The crowd changed their attitudes because ________

A. they felt sorry for the young man

B. they were moved by the young man

C. they wanted to show their sympathy

D. they meant to please the young man

3.According to the passage, “it is nice to watch an underdog” probably means _______.

A. it’s amusing to watch a man with awful swimming skills

B. it’s amazing to watch an ordinary man challenging himself

C. it’s cheerful for athletes to act proudly before their competitors

D. it’s brave enough for some athletes to remove the silver medals

4. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Compete for Gold!

B. Try again!

C. Break a Record!

D. Go for it!



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