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Many businesses today use conferences as...

Many businesses today use conferences as a means of discussing new plans of the company. As people are paying more attention to the environment and green problems, more businesses are looking for ways to reduce their negative effect on the environment. Many businesses do this by using web conferencing.

Web conferencing is a technology that allows people to communicate more effectively over the Internet. It is an easy way of hosting and attending conferences without having to leave the office. Each of the people involved in a web conference will be posted an invitation to the conference with the time and date of the Web conference on it. When the conference is ready to begin, all participants (参与者) must sit at their computers and they will be connected over the Internet.

With Web conferencing all participants attend the conference from the comfort of their own desk. Obviously, in doing this no fuel is used in traveling to and from a conference, and less work time is taken up in attending a conference.

Any material to be used during the Web conference is simply e-mailed to all the participants before the conference. Participants can then either choose to print material or read it on screen. This not only saves paper but also greatly reduces mailing cost for the business.

As a conference hall or business center isn’t being used, it means that the only power that is used is the power used by the participants’ personal computers. Similarly conference organizers don’t have to arrange for food or overnight accommodation (住宿) for participants of their conferences. All this means that less energy is used.

Often in business some companies actively choose to do business with other companies that do many things to reduce their negative impact on the environment. And Web conferencing helps you show other businesses that you are willing to work hard for the green cause.

So Web conferencing is much cheaper and greener and more people are willing to host and attend a web conference.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Ways of protecting the environment.

B. B. Green benefits of Web conference.

C. Ways of hosting a Web conference.

D. Impacts of Web conferencing on costs.

2. According to paragraph 1, many companies use Web conferencing because they ________.

A. are interested in using any new technology

B. believe that Web conferencing is more convenient

C. want to do something to protect the environment

D. haven’t enough money to hold a traditional conference

3. The participants of a Web conference_________.

A. will be e-mailed an invitation before the conference

B. are required to sit in the office together

C. will receive many paper materials

D. must have access to the Internet

4. Which of the following words best describes the author’s opinion about a Web conference?

A. Useless.                                                        B. Environmentally friendly.      

C. Inconvenient.                                     D. Money-consuming.


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了网络会议在绿色环保方面的好处。因为网络会议使所有参加会议在自家舒适的办公桌上进行。显然,这样做没有燃料用于旅行和会议的安排也同时让参加者,花费更少的时间来参加一个会议。 1.主旨大意题。文章最后总结,So Web conferencing is much cheaper and greener and more people are willing to host and attend a web conference.因此网络会议更廉价、更环保,而且更多人愿意主持和参加。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据第一段第二句As people are paying more attention to the environment and green problems,more businesses are looking for ways to reduce their  negative effect on the environment.(随着人们更加关注环境环保问题,更多的企业在寻找办法来减少对环境的负面影响。)选择C(人们想做点什么来保护环境)。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句话:... , all participants (参与者) must sit at their computers and they will be connected over the Internet.(所有的参与者必须坐在电脑前,而电脑通过因特网相互联系。)和第四段,所有的材料通过电子邮件传给与  会者。)选择D(网络会议的参与者必须使用因特网。) 4.推理判断题。通过全文尤其是最后一段,可以看出作者的观点是支持环保的。useless 无用的;environmentally friendly 环保的;inconvenient 不方便的;money-consuming 费钱的。 考点:环保类短文阅读。

If you are planning a visit to Chicago, make sure you see the city best before you head back home.


Chicago is home to some of the most fascinating architecture in the country. One of the oldest buildings in the city is the Water Tower, which was built in 1869. It is one of the structures to survive the Chicago Fire in 1871. It is a fascinating builging to see, and is nearby the Water Tower Place, which has great shopping. It’s a paradise for the young. Another stop must be the Willes Tower, formerly known as the Sears Tower. Go to the top and walk out on the clear walkway to take a look straight down on the city. If you have the time, be sure to have dinner or a cocktail in the Signature Room on the 95th floor. Not only is the food great, but the views are breathtaking.

Boat Tours

If architecture is your thing, Wendella Boats offers a great architecture tour of Chicago. You can see some of the beautiful buildings from the Chicago River, which is a side of the buildings you don’t usually get to see. There are several other boat tours that are just great, too, and many will even take you from the river out to Lake Michigan where you can see the Chicago skyline at any time of day. These tours are great ways to gain knowledge of this spectacular city, and it’s also a funny way to rest your legs between walking tips.

Famous Pizza

You cannot come to Chicago without trying some famous, deepdish pizza. There are many places to get this delicious, thick pizza, but three stores stand out from the rest. Gino’s East, Giordano’s, and Lou Malnati’s are the best places to get authentic, Chicago-style, deep-dish pizza. Try it with all the toppings or just cheese, but be sure you try it at some point. Many think that much pizza and cheese seems disgusting, but don’t knock it till you try it. You might find a new favorite way of eating this Italian classic.

1.Water Tower Place is so popular among young people most probably because of ______.

A. its advantage of meeting his or her future partner

B. its amusement services and shopping advantages

C. there being many museums about art and literature

D. its importance in working as an unusual water tower now

2.While making a boat tour, you can ______.

A. see some beautiful buildings and even the Chicago skyline

B. draw the newly built architecture along the river

C. see how to gain knowledge in daily life

D. measure the length and width of the Chicago River

3.Why does the author advise visitors to try pizza in Chicago?.

A. Because its cheese comes from Italy.

B. Because the Chicago-style is really impressive.

C. Because there are so many chain stores from Italy.

D. Because its style is completly the same as that in Italy.



A blog can be a very effective way of spreading the words about yourself, and your other writing. It can unshroud your knowledge, and create an ongoing relationship with your readers. A good blog is more than just a marketing tool; it’s also an expression of your personality.

An obvious starting point is to post samples of your work that not only show off your skills and writing ability but also leave people wanting more. Post elections from the most exciting parts of your stories but end them just as the action reaches its peak. If you write nonfiction (写实文学), show people what they could achieve, and give them a few steps to get them started.

Give tips, information and advice about the subjects you cover. For example, something about struggling with difficulty and many other issues like this. Your writing tips can also be included, as well as interesting, strange or funny things you discovered during your research. Whenever you contact an expert, ask if he or she has any interesting stories you could use. You many also give background information about your stories and locations

Give details of coming posts on your blog, so people can watch out for you, or come and meet you. Personal news will help people feel better connected to you Include photos of objects and locations in your writing, famous people you meet, the views from your window, and your favorite things – with a note about where they came from and what they mean to you. Look out for things that will help your readers get to know you better, know the subject better, or anything else you think they might find useful, inspiring or entertaining.

If you only occasionally post things on your blog, people have a tendency to forget you. As a writer you shouldn’t ever run out of interesting materials to fill your blog with —and your readers will love you for it.

1.Which is the best title for the text?

A. What to Blog about                                    B. How to Start a Blog

C. Why to Launch a Blog                                D. How to Make Website Attractive

2.The underlined word “unshroud” in the first paragraph means _____.

A. put on                     B. turn up          C. show off                  D. write down

3.You’d better blog about ______.

A. the difficulties of your position to readers

B. the entertaining stories you have

C. advice about your readers’ subjects

D. masterpieces from famous writers

4.What does the author suggest for keeping a blog?

A. Posting things on your blog once in a while.

B. Adding new stories to it every day.

C. Filling it with attractive things frequently.

D. Loving it as your life.



To win an Oscar is an achievement at any age. To do so at 22, as Jennifer Lawrence has, is just amazing. Recently, the American star won Best Actress at this year's Academy Awards for her role in the film The Silver Linings Playbook. According to Time magazine's Richard Corliss, Lawrence is that rare young actress who "lends a mature intelligence to any role".

Though Lawrence has found great success through her big screen work, Lawrence wasn't sure what she really liked doing before the age of 14. She thought she'd go to college and maybe find a career as a doctor or a travel agent.     

Lawrence's two brothers were star athletes and one of them was a straight-A student. Unlike them, she suffered through school, never quite finding where she belonged. However, during a trip to New York, Lawrence suddenly realized that she wanted to be an actress. When she was enjoying the beautiful city, a model seeker asked if he could take her picture, and the next day he called her in for an audition (试镜).      

"I read the script and it was the first time I had that feeling like I understand this," Lawrence said. "Within 20 minutes, in the cab ride from the hotel room, I decided I didn't want to be a model. In fact, I wanted to be an actress." Having appreciated this young lady's performance, the agency was so impressed with her reading that they signed her on the spot. But she insisted on finishing high school so she could give her full attention to her acting career.        

Lawrence burst onto the Hollywood scene last year with The Hunger Games, which established her as the highest-grossing (票房最高的) female action hero of all time. Rolling Stone called her “the most talented young actress in America".

1.What can we know about Jennifer Lawrence from Paragraph 3?

A. Her parents were really strict with her.

B. She seemed not to fit in with her school days well.

C. Her school performance made her today's fame.

D. Her two brothers were doing well in all school subjects.

2. Lawrence made up her mind to be an actress because of ______.

A. a model interview

B. her brothers' examples

C. the taxi-ride to her hotel room

D. the beautiful scenery of New York

3.From the text we can know that Lawrence is an actress of great ______.

A. confidence     B. ambition               C. independence  D. talent

4.What is the best title of the text? 

A. Choosing Right                                    B. Acting Wisely

C. Winning Young                                    D. Following Dreams




    It was a dark day, one of depression, sorrow and anger. As I climbed out of the   36    , after witnessing my time in the 100 yard freestyle, I did not feel like speaking to anyone. I saw the bright smiles of swimmers who had just   37  a best time.   38    , I had failed. Or at least that is what I thought at the time.

    I was lying on my cool bed when an idea   39   me. Success is the   40   to go from failure to failure without losing your   41   . At practice the next day, I told my swimming teammates about my goal time and they all either laughed or replied with a   42   similar response like, “You can’t do it” or “Probably not”. Believe it or not, these are the responses that make my goal   43  .

    Finally came the day when I had to   44   to myself and others that with     45     there is no limit to your achievements.

    With the starting gun   46   , I dived with perfect form into the pool. I felt the cool water running   47   my back. I swam like a fish, bouncing off each    48    at the wall as if it was a spring board. On the   49   turn, I came back to the wall with every piece of strength I had. I   50   the final wall with my fingertips and I knew that I had swum the   51   race.

    I had done it! I had achieved my best time! Joy filled my   52   like water does a cup. I saw the   53   on all of my friend’s face as I   54   out of the pool; their jaws dropped to the ground. I began to laugh and gave them the thumbs up.

    I have   55   in life that having belief in yourself opens all gates. Never forget that anything the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.

1.A. pond                    B. sea                           C. pool                         D. river

2.A. made          B. achieved                 C. reached                  D. realized

3.A. Otherwise           B. However                 C. Besides          D. Overall

4.A. occurred             B. broke                      C. came                       D. hit

5.A. opportunity        B. action                 C. cause                        D. ability

6.A. enthusiasm         B. interest                   C. strength                  D. friendship

7.A. somehow            B. somewhat               C. anyhow                   D. anywhere

8.A. available              B. reasonable        C. reliable           D. achievable

9.A. promise               B. provide                   C. present                   D. prove

10.A. considerationB. Impression    C. belief                     D. desire

11.A. setting out        B. going off                 C. breaking out D. getting off

12.A. through             B. above                 C. across                  D. to

13.A. turn          B. jump                        C. struggle                   D. shoot

14.A. next                            B. previous                 C. very                         D. last

15.A. pushed              B. reached                  C. got                           D. touched

16.A. whole                B. perfect              C. first                           D. best

17.A. heart                 B. head                  C. mind                         D. mood

18.A. expressions      B. emotions                C. feelings                   D. responses

19.A. ran                     B. climbed                   C. stood                       D. jumped

20.A. acquired           B. dreamed                 C. learned                   D. Remembered



—Ken, ______, but your radio is going too loud.

—Oh, I'm sorry.I'll turn it down right now.

A.I hate to say it                 B.It doesn't hurt to ask

C.I'm really tired of it            D.I'm crazy about it



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