满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Some people think it __________ privileg...

Some people think it __________ privilege to study abroad, but it doesn’t make _________ sense if you go when you even cannot look after yourself.

A. a; 不填                            B. a; the                                C. the; 不填                        D. the; a


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:一些人认为在国外学习有优待,但是如果当你甚至不能自己照顾自己的时候去,那就没有什么意义。privilege指特许或恩施的权利,也指一般人或物所没有的有利条件。不定冠词表示泛指,这里表示泛指。第二空是make sense有意义;是固定短语。不需用冠词,故选A。 考点:考查冠词的用法。



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Hello, everybody

    I am greatly honored to be here, representing all of my fellow senior three classmates to

give a speech.










    (1)Confidence is one's belief in their own abilities. Confident people rationally believe they are capable of doing things well and therefore aren't afraid to do those things or even try new things. Teens who are confident grow up to have a good sense of self and become happy adults. Parents can help teen build their confidence

    (2)throughout their adolescence by following these tips:

     Be trustworthy. Be there when your teen needs you. Provide a safe home environment and firm but fair discipline,which is a foundation that your teen's confidence can stand on.

    (3)Give your teen choices. One of the things that confidence helps teens do is making a decision, You can_____by offering them choices as often as possible. Learn more about decision-making and teens. Besides, model a positive attitude by handling everyday decisions with confidence.

    (4)Become your teen's biggest fan, whether it is in sports, your teen's other interests or in school, Do not use criticism when talking to your teen --- even if it is just sarcasm. it hurts more than helps and can place wedge between you and your teen, depleting their confidence.

    (5)Allow your teen to fail, do not fix their problems for them. If they need you to help talk the problem through, ask open ended questions so that they come to their own conclusions. Meanwhile, praise your tens when praise is due We know that too much praise is not good either, but due praise is necessary for your teen's self-confidence.

    (6)Spend time with your teen enjoying something they like to do, This is always a good time  to sit back and marvel at what a wonderful person they are becoming.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?


2.Fill in the missing word in the third paragraph. (No more than 8 words)


3. List three things that parents can do to make up their teens confidence


4.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.


5.Is confidence important to teens?Why




Risk of death is 3.5 t0 5 times greater for obese smokers than it is for people who have never smoked and are at a normal weight, according to a study published in the November, 2006 issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

The study, which began with a self-administered questionnaire taken between 1983 and 1989, asked more than 80,000 radiologic technologists aged 22 t0 92 questions about age, height, weight and smoking behavior.

    BMI (body mass index) was calculated, with a BMI of 30 t0 34.9 being considered obese, and 35 and over being very obese. Smoking behavior was analyzed by looking at a person's tobacco consumption level, number of years smoked, and current smoking status. Researchers then followed participants through December of 2002, noting the number of deaths that occurred.

     The study involved researchers from the National Cancer Institute, the University of Minnesota and the American Registry of Radiolegic Technologists.

     Key Findings:

     20 percent of obese adults in the United States smoke.

     Obese smokers face a greater risk of death from cancer and circulatory disease.

     Current smoking is a greater risk factor for death by cancer than obesity is, generally speaking.

     The higher a person's pack-years (number of packs smoked per day times the number of years smoked) are, the greater the risk of death.

    Men and women of all ages faced an elevated risk of death due to circulatory disease as BMI increased. And for those who were both obese and currently smoking, risk of circulatory disease increased 6 to 11 times under the age of 65, as compared to their never-smoking, normal weight counterparts.

     While it's not surprising that obesity coupled with smoking is a recipe for trouble, it is important to highlight this growing health concern in America today.

     Taking Charge of Your Health

     Making healthy choices can be difficult when we're constantly bombarded with products that are hazardous to our health, but it's not impossible. With education and some motivation, we all have the ability to make lasting changes for the better. If you're an overweight smoker worried about gaining weight due to quitting, take heart. It's never too late to change your course and even reverse damage to some extent.

1.What is the probably the best title of the text?

A. Obese smoking and death             B. Key findings about smoking

C Taking charge of your health           D. Obesity and smoking

2.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. Obese smokers are less likely to suffer from cancer

B. Obese smokers are more likely to suffer from cancer

C. Obese smokers .tend to gain fewer body mass index.

D. Obese smokers tend to get heavier than those Who never smoke

3.According to the  author, it is________to get rid of smoking.

A. easy and possible                     B. difficult and impossible

C. easy ant worthwhile                   D. difficult but worthwhile

4. What is the American Journal of Preventive Medicine?

A. An medical institute.                   B A research center.

C. A medical magazine                    D. A TV station

5. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform the readers of the findings about obese smoking.

B. To warn the readers of  the danger of obese smoking.

C. To tell us what obese smoking is.

D. To call on the obese smolkers to quit smoking.



 Marry me! During the "Idol" finale, season 5 singer Ace Young proposed live to season 3 runner up Diana DeGarrno. She was genuinely surprised in one sense but the two have bonded closely since they met on Broadway during a production of“Hair." The first true“ldol' couple (though others have dated) have already set a wedding date on June  l  of 2013,

    Ten years and still relevant. Season one winner Kelly Clarkson has survived a decade in the brutal music business with her dignity intact and enough chart-topping songs to generate a greatest hits album at the tender age of 30. Her career is as strong as ever. She sang the “Star Spangled Banner” at the Super Bowl. Her song “Stronger” was a No. I hit.  She was a mentor on an ABC summer series“Duets.” She became engaged to Reba McEntire's stepson in November. All in all, life is good for Clarkson and we as“Idol" fans couldn't be more proud.

     Keep calm and Carrie on! Season four victor Carrie Underwood has now sold more albums than any other "Idol" with about 14 million to date. Her current album “Blown Away” has generated two top two hits in 2012: “Good Girl” and the title track. That makes 15 consecutive top 2 hits on the Billboard country chart over seven years dating back to "Jesus, Take the Wheel." She hosted the CMAs for a fifth year with Brad Paisley. Last month, she landed a role as lead in a remake of“The Sound of Music.” She toured to sold-out crowds again, hitting Gwinnett Arena earlier this month, where she thankecl "Idol" for getting her to where she's at, something, she certainly no longer needs to do but still does. Class act, that lady.

1.What may the ldol probably be?

A. A popular Ainerican singer                     B. A American year figure of

C. A popular American programme                 D. A famous American avenue

2.Who hit Gwinnett Arena of the following?

A. Carrie Underwood                            B. Kelly Clarkson

C. Ace Yong                                   D. Diana DeGarmo

3. Who was the Idol winner of ten years ago?

A. Reba McEntire                               B. Kelly Clarkson

C. Carrie Underwood                            D. Not mentioned

4.In which year was the Idol first held according, to the text?

A. In 2012          B. In 2007           C.ln 2008          D.In 2002

5.Where can we probably read the news?

A. In business section                            B. In advertisement section

C. In sports section                             D. In entertainment section



 Genzeb Tibeb is very bright. At only 11 years old, her future is looking promising.  She is ranked 2nd Out of 56 students at her govemment school in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia where she has been seleeted for a special program because of her talent. She knows she is special and proudly shows off her certificate and book signifying her accomplishments in this special program.

    But her future hasn't always looked so bright. While her mother, Bekelech, sacrificed immensely for Genzeb, she would not have been able to continue sending her to school. When her husband died, Bekelech was the sole provider for their five children. In order for them to survive, she began the daily routine of walking approximately 8-10 miles a day collecting sticks to sell near her 8' x 10' home in Kichene.  It wouldn't have been long before Genzeb would have been, forced to quit school in order to help her mom.    But Bright Future changed all that.

    Genzeb has been at Bright Future for 3 years.  Since Ethiopian schools let out early, Genzeb walks to the facility right after lunch.  Because of her high ability, she even helps teach the younger children there, building confidence and locking in important foundational academic skills. There's also other meaningful opportunities Genzeb experiences which allow her eyes to be opened to the different opportunities that are available to her if she completes her studies.  Field trips are one of her most favorite activities of all. She especially loved the one to Addis Ababa University.

She knows it goes beyond fun trips, though. "I am happy because I get extra help for school from Bright Future," Genzeb shares.  At so many levels, her involvement with Bright Future allows her to receive a better education, which she values.  For one day she wants to help people in need by becoming a doctor.  And now she knows, that with a lot of hard  work, that dream might just become a reality.

1.What does the underlined word¨sole" in the second paragraph    probably mean?

A.important           B. main           C. unable            D. only

2.According to the text, what is the major factor that can help Genzeb Tibeb continue  her school?

A. Bright Future                     B. Her talent.

C. Her mother                       D. Her school

3.From the text we can leam_______.

 A. Genzeb Tibeb quitted school for several years.

 B. Genzeb Tibeb was admitted into a famous university,

 C. Genzeb Tibcb was involved in Bright Future activities.

 D. Genzeb Tibeb had to earn a living by herself.

4.According to the taxt, what is Bright Future probably?

 A. A student training center    B. A scholarship organization

 C. A government school       D. An orphanage organization

5.Which of the following things didn't Genzeb Tibeb clo on Bright Future ?

 A. Collecting and selling sticks.

 B. Teach younger kids there.

 C. Lock in academic skills.

 D. Take part in field trips.



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