满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Dear editor, Mary is my friend and she i...

Dear editor,

Mary is my friend and she is a very good-hearted girl. She’s always the first to help out others. But her habits make me mad sometimes and she just won’t change her ways. For most situations, that’s just fine with me, as I know it’s what make her who she is. However, sometimes it’s just so hard for me to bear her behavior. She has recently got a cellphone, but she often borrows mine to make calls. My phone has a chain with it. She always tries to open it like her own phone. I usually open it for her, but not always, as sometimes I’m driving my car, so she needs to get it out of my purse and open it herself.

This weekend we were at a party in a faraway village. She borrowed my cellphone. As it was cold outside, I let her take it outside without opening it. Now it’s broken because she didn’t open it properly. I wouldn’t be so mad, but over the weekend she also borrowed my car and never offered to pay for the gas, which made me very angry. She should have offered to pay for the gas. As I have mentioned, she’s the type to help out others when and where she can. Perhaps because of that, she thinks others should also do the same for her. Sometimes I just think she is very childish. I don’t want to hurt her, but I do want to let her know that not everyone can accept that. What should I do to let her know that?



1.What is Lily’s purpose in writing this letter?

A.to advise us to be careful when making friends.

B.To tell others what kind of person Mary is.

C.To tell Mary what she thinks of her.

D.To ask for advice from an editor.

2.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that _____.

A.Mary doesn’t have a cellphone

B.Mary doesn’t have any good habits

C.Lily is sometimes not pleased with Mary’s behavior

D.Lily has asked Mary to change her ways.

3.What happened at the weekend party?

A.Mary lost Lily’s chain.

B.Mary left before the party was over.

C.Lily’s cellphone was broken.

D.Lily had a quarrel with Mary.

4.What kind of person is Mary?

A.Friendly and beautiful.

B.Kind and careful.

C.Careful and childish.

D.Warm-hearted but childish


1.D 2.C 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是Lily所写的征求建议的信,是关于如何处理和朋友Mary的关系方面的。 1.D 推理题。根据文章最好一句What should I do to let her know that? 说明她写信的目的是为了征求别人的建议的,故D正确。 2.C 细节题。根据第一段第4行However, sometimes it’s just so hard for me to bear her behavior.说明有时候她不能忍受她朋友的行为,故C正确。 3.C 细节题。根据第二段前3行She borrowed my cellphone. As it was cold outside, I let her take it outside without opening it. Now it’s broken because she didn’t open it properly说明现在我的手机坏了,故C正确。 4.D 细节题。根据第二段As I have mentioned, she’s the type to help out others when and where she can.和 Sometimes I just think she is very childish.说明Mary是一个乐于助人的人,同时也是一个比较幼稚,比较孩子气的人,故D正确。 考点:考查应用文阅读

On August 26, 1999, New York City was struck by a terrible rainstorm. The rain caused the streets to   36  and the subway system almost came to a stop.

Unfortunately, this happened during the morning rush hour. Many people who were going to work were   37 to go home. Some battled to   38  a taxi or to get on a bus. Still others faced the   39   bravely, walking miles to get to work.

I   40  to be one of people on the way to work that morning. I went from subway line to subway line only to find that most   41   had stopped. After making my way   42   crowds of people, I finally found a subway line that was   43.            Unfortunately, there were so many people waiting to   44   the subway that I could not even get down the stairs to the   45 . So I took the train going in the opposite direction, and then switched back to the downtown train.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the train   46    my stop. Then I had to walk several blocks in the increasingly heavy rain. When I finally got to my office, I was  47 through, exhausted and   48 .

My co-workers and I spent most of the day drying off. When it was 5:00 pm, I was ready to go home. I was about to turn off my computer   49   I received an email from Garth, my Director:

I would like to thank all of you who made the effort and   50   went to work. It is always reassuring(令人欣慰), at times like these, when employees so clearly show their   51   to their jobs. Thank you.

Garth’s email was short, but I learned more from that   52   message than I ever did from a textbook. The email taught me that a few words of   53   can make a big difference. The rainstorm and the traffic  54  had made me tired and upset. But Garth’s words immediately   55   me and put a smile back on my face.

1.                A.confusion       B.flood           C.sink  D.crash


2.                A.forced         B.refused         C.approached   D.gathered


3.                A.order          B.pay            C.call  D.search


4.                A.climate         B.scenery         C.storm    D.burden


5.                A.occurred       B.promised       C.deserved D.happened


6.                A.practice        B.travel          C.process   D.service


7.                A.to             B.through         C.over D.for


8.                A.running        B.cycling         C.turning   D.rushing


9.                A.get off          B.take off         C.take on   D.get on


10.               A.street          B.ground         C.floor  D.platform


11.               A.paused         B.crossed        C.reached   D.parked


12.               A.wet           B.weak          C.sick  D.hurt


13.               A.ashamed       B.discouraged     C.surprised  D.helpless


14.               A.while          B.when          C.where D.after


15.               A.hardly         B.definitely       C.absolutely D.finally


16.               A.devotion       B.permission      C.concern   D.reaction


17.               A.exact          B.urgent         C.brief  D.humorous


18.               A.promise        B.appreciation     C.admiration D.guidance


19.               A.troubles        B.signals         C.rules D.signs


20.               A.corrected       B.supported      C.amazed   D.refreshed




--- Do you think our volleyball players played very well in yesterday’s match?

--- ____. They couldn’t have done better.

A.It’s up to you     B.Not so bad         C.It’s good news     D.Absolutely



The boss asked him to leave; _____, he was fired.

A.in other words                         B.as a result

C.in a word                              D.from that moment on



Computers should be made readily ________to teachers and pupils.

A.attractive         B.abandoned        C.accessible         D.academic



You should remember that the harder you work, __________.

A.the higher marks you will get              B.the higher you will get marks

C.you will get the higher marks               D.you will get the marks higher



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