满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Have you _____ your things, Bob? The tra...

Have you _____ your things, Bob? The train is leaving at 2:30 this afternoon, so we don’t have too much time.

A.added up         B.hidden away       C.set down          D.packed up


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。A增加;B隐藏;C写下,记下;D打包,整理;句意:你的东西整理好了吗?火车句意下午2:30就开了。故D正确。 考点:考查动词短语辨析

Don’t you consider _____ important to learn English well?

A.不填             B.this              C.that              D.it



The death of Kim Jong I1 was      great surprise to the world and it is reported that he died while he was traveling to inspect somewhere in      flesh.

A.the; a            B.不填; a           C.a; 不填           D.a; the



假如你是李平,今年暑假去打工, 参加社会实践活动。请你根据下面的提示用英语写一篇短文“An Unforgettable Experience”,以发表在校刊上。








当保洁员(cleaner),工作辛苦且枯燥, 每天要起早贪黑地工作,差点中途放弃



注意:1. 必须使用第一人称;

2. 不要逐句翻译,可适当扩展,总词数120左右;

3. 要求字迹工整,卷面整洁。

An Unforgettable Experience







阅读下面短文,根据以下要求:1)括号内汉语提示;2)该词首字母提示;3)上下文语境提示, 在每个空格内填空入一个适当的英语单词使短文通顺,所填单词要求拼写正确、形式符合英语表达习惯。

Dear Sirs,

My name is Wang Qing. I’m a boy of 18 years old. Right now I’m

1.studying       Anxi No.1 Senior High School, Fujian, China. I hope

2.to go to your university for further study after       (毕业).

3.I’ve a     achieved good scores in all my subjects, especially in

4.physics and I have     (赢得)several prizes in the physics competitions.

5.I am really k   on English and my listening, reading and writing in

6.English are excellent, too. I do       (运动) in my spare time. I’m a

7.member of some clubs in my school,       as the English Club and

8.the Physics Learning Group. I hope to s     physics in your university

9.because I have been very interested in it      I was in the junior middle

10.school. I would be very g     if I could get the chance!

With best wishes.


Wang Qing



The Peppered Moth, a kind of insect(昆虫), is found in England. It is light brown in colour and likes to settle(栖息) on trees which are also light brown. This makes the moth difficult to be seen and birds are less likely to notice and eat it.

But with the development of industry(工业) , smoke from factories began to reach the trees where the moth settled. It made the trees blacker. Then something very strange took place: in industrial areas, the Peppered Moth began to change colour. It became darker as well. Though the change took several years, some scientists soon notice that newly-born moths were a little darker than usual.

A scientist with the name Kettlewell decided to make a careful study of this phenomenon(现象). He marked some of the light moths and some of the darker ones, and set them free in the woods near Bermingham, an industrial city. Later, he recaptured(重新捕获) as many as the marked moths as possible. The results were as follows.


light moths

darker moths

Moths set free



moths recaptured



Kettlewell's research (研究) was done in the early 1950s. Soon afterwards Britain introduced new laws to reduce smoke and factory pollution.

Can you imagine what would happen to the Peppered Moth as the air became cleaner again?

1.The Peppered Moth began to change its colour in industrial areas because         .

A.it itself liked to

B.it could be like the colour of its living-place

C.it had to keep the balance of nature

D.it was usually dark brown

2.From the results of Kettlewell's research, we can see that       .

A.many more of the light moths were killed or eaten

B.more than one-fifth of the light moths was not killed

C.three times as many dark moths were kept safe as light ones

D.more dark moths were killed in industrial areas

3.As the air became cleaner,        .

A.the number of the light moths became larger

B.the total number of the light moths remained unchanged

C.there were more of the darker moths and fewer of the light ones

D.the darker moths changed into the light ones suddenly



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