满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

书面表达(满分25分) 假如你是李华, 面对高中阶段出现的挑战, 你们班很多同学...


假如你是李华, 面对高中阶段出现的挑战, 你们班很多同学感到难以适应。 英语课上, 老师就此问题让同学们进行了讨论。请你根据以下要点提示,用英语写一篇发言稿,以帮助大家摆脱烦恼。










期望: expectation

Dear classmates,

I know that most of us are depressed because we haven’t got used to the high school life. I want to share my ideas about it.                                                        


I hope all of you can benefit from my advice.

Thank you for listening!


不唯一 Dear classmates, I know that most of us are depressed because we haven’t got used to the high school life. I want to share my ideas about it. Due to heavier burden of study, greater exam pressure and higher expectation from parents, many students feel troubled. To escape from these, some students become addicted to playing computer games. What is worse, some even begin to smoke or drink. They don’t have a strong desire to study and their study has no good result. In my opinion, when we get into difficulties, we should learn how to deal with them properly. Therefore, it is necessary for us to communicate more with our classmates. Besides, we should ask our teachers and parents for advice more often. At the same time, we can relax ourselves and increase our confidence by listening to music and taking exercise. I hope all of you can benefit from my advice. Thank you for listening! 【解析】 试题分析:发言稿的主题部分应该阐述清楚事情的缘由、结果和要求。第一部分的内容应该以详细完整地介绍事情为主,具体地讲,包括事情的发生、发展及结局。第二部分的内容应该提出个人看法等。发言稿以简单句为主要的表达形式。同时,演讲稿的语言必须有感染力,所以演讲稿可以使用祈使句、感叹句、强调句等句式来达到这种目的。写作时要注意适当地使用关联词承前启后,用词要得体,符合语言环境。 考点:提纲作文。

高中生活刚刚开始,请你以My high school life为题写一篇110词左右的短文,从生


My high school life plan



My sister Daisy worked at Standard Bank in Malawi. When she        

got m      , we were all excited. She invited me to her house to           1.___________

help her open the gifts and s        some thank-you notes to all         2.___________

the _________(亲戚)and friends that came to the wedding party.            3____________

While_________ (仔细地) going through the gifts, we came across this        4.___________

nice vase. Inside ______was a note that read, “You might not know me.     5.__________

My name is Bill. I often v      Standard Bank for business. In the         6. __________

past years you have helped me a lot when I was _______ trouble.        7.__________

I will never forget __________ you did. God bless you.”                   8.___________

It was impossible for us to w__________ a thank-you note back to        9.___________

this person for there was no name or _________( 地址) so we decided to     10.____________




1.He always ________ ___________ _________ (与…相处) his classmates very well.

2.It’s said that Mary and John________ _________ _________ with each other(相爱)at first sight.

3.The professor is strict and humorous ________ ________ (也, 又). We all love him.

4.After______________________ _____________(毕业) college, they went abroad travelling.

5._________ ________ ______________ (老实说),I don’t think we have a chance of winning.

6.Have you ___________ ________ ________ _________(决定) where to go for your holiday?

7.Dinosaurs lived on earth long before humans ____________ ___________ __________.(产生)



说明: 满分5 manfen5.com

If there’s one memory Anna wanted to keep from her experiences during the Second World War, it was her son, Andrzej. Anna, 89, lost touch with him when she was forced to leave her native Poland and sent to a labor camp in Austria more than 60 years ago. Now, 64, Andrzej hugged his mother at the air port, who had been waiting for him.

Andrzej searched for his mother for more than 50 years, almost giving up. But his mother made the first phone call. Unluckily, he wrote down his mother’s phone number wrong and spent another month trying to reach her again. When he did, the two talked regularly on the phone for two months to break down the language barrier. Anna can hardly speak Polish over the years and Andrzej doesn’t speak English.

After the war, Anna could not find her son and went to Italy, finally ending up in Great Britain, the US, then Canada 45 years ago. She used the Internet to track her son, making phone calls with no luck. Meanwhile Andrzej contacted the Polish Red Cross last year to help in his search.

At last, they locate each other at the same time. Andrzej will spend a month with his mother in Britain.

1.Andrzej was about _______ years old when his mother left him for Austria 60 years ago.





2.Where did they meet for the first time after 60 years separation?

A.In Britain

B.In Italy

C.In Poland

D.In Canada

3.Andrzej delayed a month to phone his mother because________.

A.he had to learn English first

B.he put down a wrong number

C.he needed some time to prove the news

D.he just couldn’t believe the news at first

4.The best title for the passage would be ________

A.The story of Anna and her son Andrzej

B.The war separated the families for 60 years

C.Anna suffered a great deal from the war

D.Mother reunited with son after 60 years.



说明: 满分5 manfen5.com

Taking children to school on time doesn’t have to be a battle against the clock. Here are some rules for you to follow.

Lay out children’s clean clothes the night before. Who wants to be looking through unsorted clothes for three pairs of matching socks at 8:00am? Just have the clothes you know they will wear and the food they like ready and waiting. It makes life easier when you can’t spare the time in the morning.

Allow time for yourself. Whether it’s a hot shower, a cup of coffee or five minutes’ peace, leave yourself enough time. This doesn’t include “Just five more minutes” in bed, which will often turn into oversleeping followed by mayhem.

Stick to a routine. Make sure your children know what you expect from them every morning and stick to that routine, whether it’s that they should be fully dressed before breakfast or that they should brush their teeth straight afterwards. My personal top tip for the easiest way to a pain-free morning is no TV the night before.

Keep calm. If the bus is late or you have forgotten where you parked the car, or if you are late, don’t get angry and blame the children. Every one has such a bad morning. But if your children are often late for school, it’s up to you to start a more organized morning routine.

1.The passage is mainly intended for __________.




D.early birds

2.The underlined word “mayhem” is closest in meaning to __________

A.the bad habit

B.the sleeping hour

C.some preparation

D.some trouble

3.What’s the author’s first choice to have a pain-free morning?

A.Have clothes ready in advance.

B.Allow enough time for peace.

C.Get dressed before breakfast.

D.Don’t watch TV the night before

4.How many rules are mentioned for your reference in the passage?

A.Five                                 B.Four

C.Three                                D.Two



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