满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky on ...

Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky on February 12, 1809. When he was a small boy, his family moved to Indiana. Here, his mother taught him to read and write. Lincoln had very little formal education, but he became one of the best-educated men of the Great West.

When Lincoln was a young man, his family moved to the new state of Illinois. Lincoln had to make a living at an early age, but in his spare time he studied law. He soon became one of the best-known lawyers in the state capital at Springfield, Illinois. It was here that Lincoln became famous for his debates with Stephen A. Douglas on the problem of slavery (奴隶制度).

In 1860, Lincoln was elected President of the United States. He was the candidate of the new Republican Party. This party is against the creation of new slave states. Soon after his election, some of the Southern states quit from the Union and set up the Confederate States of America(美利坚联盟国). This action resulted in the terrible Civil War which lasted from 1861 to 1865.

On January 1,1863, during the war, Lincoln published his famous Emancipation Proclamation(解放宣言). In this file, Lincoln announced that all the slaves were to be free from that day. In 1865, after the war ended, another file was added to end the slavery everywhere in the United States. Early in 1865, the Civil War came to an end with the defeat of the South by the North. 

Only a few days after the end of the War, Lincoln was shot by an actor named John Wilkes Booth. The President died on April 14, 1865. In his death, the world lost one of the greatest men of all time.

1.Who taught Lincoln to read and write in his childhood?  (no more than 10 words) (2 marks)

2.When did Lincoln become the president of the U.S.?  (no more than 3 words)  (2 marks)

3.What does the underlined phrase “this action” in Paragraph Three refer to?

(no more than 20 words)  (3 marks)

4.How did the Civil War come to an end?   (no more than 10 words)   (3 marks)


1.His mother. 2.In 1860. 3.Some of the Southern states quit from the Union and set up the Confederate States of America. 4.The North defeated the South in the war. 【解析】 试题分析: 1.细节题:从第一段的句子:his mother taught him to read and write.可知是他妈妈教他读书写字的: His mother. 2.细节题:从第三段的句子:In 1860, Lincoln was elected President of the United States.可知林肯是1860年当选美国总统的:In 1860. 3.指代题:第三段里面this action前面的就是Some of the Southern states quit from the Union and set up the Confederate States of America. 4.细节题:从倒数第二段的句子:the Civil War came to an end with the defeat of the South by the North. 可知答案是The North defeated the South in the war. 考点:考查阅读表达

If we agree that the function of education is to prepare us for life, then there is very little time to waste. So, while we can, we ought to concentrate on teaching children something really useful. Here is what our schools should teach.

Politeness is a mark of civilization. The sooner children learn this, the better. In any case, a lot can be accomplished by a smile and good manners.

Like it or not, our adult lives will be consumed by the struggle for money, but we don’t make an effort to teach children how to manage it. So our schools have a duty to teach them this ability from the beginning.

We’re likely to accept something we are told, but that’s not what educated people do. Educated people are reasonable and they look at facts. If our schools teach nothing else, they should at least teach critical(批判性的)thinking.

Children should learn to take care of their health. They should know that if they eat junk food, they will become fat and unhealthy. They should be very clear about what happens to their bodies when they drink or smoke.

All of us are part of society. We have rights and responsibilities. We ought to understand what they are. We have to know a little bit of history and geography, because we need to have an environment in which to relate to the people around us.

How will we test students on these? We can’t. But that’s not a reason to avoid teaching what is important. Our schools should spend every moment they have telling this to our children: ”This is life, this is what you are going to face, and this is how you deal with it.”


Very 1.    In Schools


Education should be a 2.   for life.


Useful things should 3.    in schools.



●How to behave 5.      

●The basic skill of 6.    money

●How to think in 7.     

●How to 8. 

●The rights and responsibilities one has in 9.    


Children should be taught what life is and how to 10.   it.



Directions: Complete the following sentences according to the requirement.

1.The sunshine reflects on the lakes, which makes them shine like diamonds. (改为含分词结构的句子,不改变原意)

2.His hard work wins him respect from others. (使用强调句型改写)

3.People who had discovered how to stay young forever lived in this perfect world. (改倒装句)

4.Don’t forget small things, such as waterproof matches. You may need them to make a fire.


5.People often say a friend in need is a friend indeed. (使用it句型改写)



Public schools in Washington, D.C. provide students with musical instruments for free. When something goes wrong with an instrument, Charles West and Larry Jernigan do the repairs. Both men approach their work with a passion(激情). For them, it’s important that students have a joyful experience with music.

The two have worked together for almost 20 years. This year alone, they’ve fixed about 450 instruments. Both men are musicians and music lovers, so learning to do repairs came naturally.

“I have been a musician all my life.” says West. “I played in an orchestra here in the city. I majored in music in college. I played in an army band.”

Jernigan’s musical interests are varied. “I was formerly trained in the piano and guitar. The alto sax, and the flute, I picked up while working here.”

In addition to fixing instruments, the two also go to schools to instruct teachers and students on how to make minor repairs on their own.

West believes if children start early and stay concerned with music, it enriches other areas of their lives. “I see that in other kids. I see it in myself. I have seen it hundreds of times and it works,” he says. “They learn teamwork. They learn patience and respect.”

But West has concerns about the future of music in the electronic age.

“This instant age has taken away from the sit-down, the patience. And to learn to play an instrument, it takes patience, it takes diligence, it takes time.”

Being able to enjoy music on the job is one of the benefits of the job. Both men agree their best rewards are the students’ performances.

1.What’s the job of West and Jernigan at school?

A.Teaching music.                         B.Writing music.

C.Making musical instruments.               D.Repairing musical instruments.

2.They love the job because they can     .

A.earn more money                       B.learn repair skills

C.enjoy music                            D.watch performances

3.Which of the following is true of the two men?

A.They have fixed 450 instruments in the past 20 years.

B.They can play and repair musical instruments.

C.Jernigan used to play in an army band.

D.West was trained to play the piano.

4.According to West, what can people learn from music?

A.Teamwork and patience.                  B.The value of time.

C.The truth of society.                     D.Diligence and confidence.

5.What is mainly talked about in the text?

A.How to repair musical instruments.

B.Learning experiences of two repairmen.

C.How to prepare a musical performance.

D.The enjoyable job of two music lovers.



International students in Christine Rhodes’ English class in Australia share their favorite places they have visited in Australia.

说明: 满分5 manfen5.comCanberra, the nicest city in Australia.   

Siggi Siebold from Germany

I went for a short holiday to Canberra because my son lives there. It’s the nicest city in Australia, a little bit similar to Cairns. There’re lots of big rivers and trees around the city.

说明: 满分5 manfen5.comThe small city of Mount Isa

Indra Ekanayake from Malaysia

I came to Mount Isa six months ago. It’s a long way from Brisbane-about 2,000 km .It’s a small city, with a population of 21,000, but it has all the basic facilities(设施)such as a hospital, six schools and supermarkets. It’s a mining city. It’s hot and gets little rain. There’re two big lakes to keep the rainwater for drinking for the city.

说明: 满分5 manfen5.comLake Moondarra and a mine

Ida Robb from Indonesia

In Mount Isa, there’s a dam called Lake Moondarra. On the weekend you can go there with your friends. People go fishing and even catch a crocodile. There’s a big mine in Mount Isa. Many people come to work in the mine and earn much money. It isn’t a beautiful green place, but many people love it.

说明: 满分5 manfen5.comMy impression(印象)of Sydney

Namfon Pitaxsin from Thailand

The fist time I came to Australia, I was happy. I traveled to Sydney. Four million people live there ,and many are  Asians. I saw the harbor (港口),Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Opera House and I went to see the koalas and kangaroos in Taronga Park Zoo. After that I went to the Thai restaurants. There is a revolving (旋转的) restaurant, so you can eat and see the city.

1.Why did Siggi Siebold go to Canberra?

A.Because it’s the nicest city in Australia.

B.Because her son lives there

C.Because it is similar to her hometown

D.Because there’re lots of rivers

2.According to Indra Ekanayake, Mount Isa______

A.is a famous harbor in Ausralia

B.has a large population

C.probably doesn’t have enough drinking water

D.doesn’t have enough basic facilities

3.Where is Lake Moondarra?

A.In Canberra.       B.In Mount Isa.       C.In Brisbane.        D.In Sydney

4.The first time Namfon Pitaxsin went to Australia, she________

A.saw some special Australian animals

B.met more Americans than Asians

C.ate in a revolving restaurant

D.enjoyed the music in the Opera House

5.How many cities does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Two              B.Three            C.Four.             D.Five



Two years ago my grandmother was going to turn 75. My family discussed what the best way to celebrate was. Should we throw her a party? Should we take her on a trip? We remembered that she had touched so many people's lives, and there were so many people for her to consider. Then someone got the idea that we should include everyone in the celebration by turning it into a tribute(献礼) to my grandmother.

We secretly sent out letters to the people in Grandmother's address book and asked them to send a letter with a memory that they had shared with her. People sent us letters with poems, stories and pictures. The deep feeling that was shared through the response (回应) surprised us. We compiled(编辑)these letters into a memory book and amazed her with it on the morning of her birthday.

The unusual thing about my grandmother's friends was not the number that she had, but the connection they shared. In many ways this book of friendship was the greatest achievement of my grandmother's life.

I believe that developing true friendships is one of the most important things that anyone can do in one's lifetime. It is not a matter of the number of friends one has, but the quality of the bonds. If one has had at least one true friendship before dying, then one can say one has lived a successful life. I have made many friends and I believe I have begun to develop the same types of friendships my grandmother kept up over her lifetime. I only hope that I will be as successful as she has been.

1.How did the author's family celebrate Grandmother's birthday ? 

A.They took her on a trip across the country.

B.They gave her a memory book of friendship.

C.They invited all her friends to her birthday party.

D.They asked all her friends to send her cards.

2.When receiving her birthday gift, the author's grandmother probably felt _____. 

A.disappointed and lonely                  B.sorry and sad

C.surprised and pleased                    D.nervous and excited

3.The underlined word “bonds” in the last paragraph probably means________

A.relationships       B.works            C.successes         D.celebrations

4.According to the passage, the author probably agrees that _____. 

A.the more friends you have, the better

B.friends are more important than family

C.understanding leads to greater success

D.true friendship is very important to us

5.Which of the following words can best describe the author's grandmother ? 

A.Famous           B.Great.            C.Polite            D.Pleasant



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