满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was on the shoulder of a busy highway ...

I was on the shoulder of a busy highway in Chicago, looking at my tool-box and spare tire (备用轮胎). I had   31  tires before—that was not a big deal—but I was   32  about being approached by another person while stuck on the side of the road, or being   33  by a passing car.

As I bent into the trunk (后备箱), I heard a man’s   34  from behind and to my left. I had no idea what he said,   35  when I heard his voice I screamed and ran toward the   36  building. After a moment I realized he wasn’t  37  me, so I turned to see what he was doing.

38 , I saw a minibus full of boy scouts (童子军队员). They then   39  in front of my car. And I heard the man tell the boys to remove the spare tire from my trunk to   40  my flat! As I timidly (胆怯地) walked back, I could hear him speaking to the   41 .

“See, boys,” he said to them, “this young lady is terrified, and for good   42 . Thousands of young women are   43  every year. She did the right thing   44  like that.” He then told the boys how they, as men, are   45  not only for   46  and protecting them. After he made that  47 , he gave step-to-step instructions on changing a flat on the side of the road   48 .

The boys learned a lot that day, and so did I. I’m so grateful there are   49  men in the world. I saw one,   50  our youth to be honorable, making the world a safer place for women, for everyone.

1.                A.lost            B.changed        C.bought   D.cleaned


2.                A.certain         B.disappointed     C.curious   D.worried


3.                A.stopped        B.pulled          C.hit   D.ignored


4.                A.voice          B.cry            C.shout D.laughter


5.                A.if             B.because        C.although  D.unless


6.                A.nearest         B.oldest          C.same D.last


7.                A.asking          B.upsetting        C.following  D.hurting


8.                A.Confidently      B.Calmly          C.Gladly    D.Surprisingly


9.                A.rested         B.gathered        C.played   D.ate


10.               A.fix            B.choose         C.make D.reach


11.               A.policeman      B.ladies          C.boys  D.passengers


12.               A.measure        B.behavior        C.reason    D.health


13.               A.injured         B.charged        C.blamed    D.attacked


14.               A.singing         B.running        C.jumping   D.trying


15.               A.responsible     B.grateful        C.anxious   D.famous


16.               A.appealing to     B.aiming at        C.bringing up D.watching over


17.               A.decision        B.point          C.mistake   D.promise


18.               A.naturally        B.frequently      C.safely D.easily


19.               A.strong         B.happy          C.brave D.honorable


20.               A.allowing        B.warning        C.ordering   D.teaching



1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的我在路边换轮胎的时候,听见了一个声音。赶紧逃走,后面才发现这是一个好心帮助我换轮胎的人。在帮我换轮胎的同时,他还教育他的孩子们要帮助别人,承担起自己应该承担的责任。 1.B 动词辨析。A失去B换C买D清洁;我之前就换过轮胎,所以换轮胎对我来说不是大问题。 2.D 形容词辨析。A确定B失望C好奇D担忧;我担忧的事情是有人从旁边走过来或被路过的车子撞到。 3.C 动词辨析。A停止B拉C撞击D忽视;我担心自己被路过的汽车撞到在地。 4.A 上下文串联。根据下一行his voice可知我听见了一个人的声音。Voice指嗓音,人的声音。 5.B 连词辨析。我不知道他说了什么,因为当我听见他的声音的时候,就尖叫朝最近的大楼跑了过去。 6.A 考察常识。人在遇见危险的情况,一定是朝最近的建筑跑过去。Nearest最近的。 7.C 动词辨析。A问B使…难受C跟随D伤害;我发现他并没有跟随过来。 8.D 副词辨析。A自信地B镇定地C高兴地D惊讶地;我惊讶地发现有一群孩子,没有坏人。 9.B 动词辨析。A动休息B聚集C玩耍D吃;指这群孩子聚集在我的车子前面,听父亲讲话。 10.A 动词辨析。A修理B选择C生产D到达;这里是指他们取下我的备胎来修理我变平的的扁平的轮胎。 11.C 上下文串联。根据下一行“See, boys,”可知他是在教育男孩们。 12.C 名词辨析。A措施B行为C原因D健康;这个女孩子逃跑的理由很好,因为她很害怕,所以跑了。 13.D 动词辨析。A受伤B要价C责备D攻击;每年有成千上万的女孩子被这样袭击。 14.B 动词辨析。A唱歌B跑C跳D努力;她像那样逃跑,做了一件正确的事情。 15.A 形容词辨析。A合理的B感激的C焦虑的D著名的;男孩子不仅仅要负责照顾还要保护好女生。 16.D 短语辨析。A吸引B瞄准C抚养D照顾;男孩子不仅仅要负责照顾还要保护好女生。 17.B 名词辨析。A决定B意义,思想C错误D诺言;当他表达完自己要表达的意思以后,就开始教孩子们如何换轮胎了。 18.C 副词辨析。A自然地B频繁地C安全地D容易地;他教育他们如何安全地在路边换轮胎。 19.D 形容词辨析。A强壮的B开心的C勇敢的D值得尊敬的;我心里充满了感激,感激这些值得尊敬的人。 20.D 动词辨析。A允许B警告C命令D教;我看见这个人教会了他的孩子让我们的世界成为一个更为安全的地方。 考点:考察故事类完型填空

Any car that would ____ these young customers has to have three main features, great style, strong performance and a low price.

A.attend to          B.contribute to       C.appeal to          D.add to



If you are invited to any special occasion such as a wedding or a celebration, you’ll have to be ____ dressed.

A.attractively        B.appropriately       C.conventionally      D.flexibly



You should keep it in mind: Don’t ____ important things too quickly; instead, you should think twice before you go.

A. decide on    B. depend on    C concentrate on    D. focus on



David is the current holder of the 5,000-meter world record, but there is no ____ that he will win in the Olympic Games.

A.insurance         B.promise           C.guarantee         D.outcome



To pull through, the Press is trying to get more readers to _____ its newspapers instead of cutting down expenses.

A.contribute to       B.tend to           C.submit to          D.subscribe to



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