满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is a truth universally ______ that a ...

It is a truth universally ______ that a single and rich man must be in want of a wife.

A.achnowledging                         B.achnowledged

C.be achnowledged                       D.to achnowledge


B 【解析】 试题分析:考察分词做定语。本句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that引导的主语从句that a single and rich man must be in want of a wife.名词truth与动词achnowledge之间构成被动关系,故使用过去分词表示被动。C项中的be是多余的。句意:这是一个被广泛承认的事实,一个富有的单身男人一定需要一个妻子。故B正确。 考点:考察分词做定语

Xie Lei, a student studying abroad, highly recommends that you    a substitute family to be with.

A.had              B.have             C.has              D.should to have



I’ve included some photos in my letter    will help you picture the places      I

worked as a volunteer teacher.

A.that, which        B.which, where       C.which, that        D.\, in which



 It was such a ______ to have spent a day with the local family.

A.privilege          B.concept           C.qualification       D.requirement



 —When did you last year ______ Bossimi?

—You must make a mistake I have never _____ such a person.

A.hear from, hear about                    B.hear from, hear of

C.hear of , hear from                      D.hear from, heard of



Peru was a new world to me and I was ______ find out more about it for myself.

A.adapting to        B.dying to           C.adjusting to        D.devoting to



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