满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

, I got better and returned to work. A....

     , I got better and returned to work.

A.Accidently         B.Normally          C.Eventually         D.Particularly


C 【解析】 试题分析:考察副词词义辨析。A偶然地;B正常地;C最后;D尤其,突然;句意:最后,我恢复了健康,又回去上班了。根据句意说明C正确。 考点:考察副词词义辨析

John is not very       — he often forgets what he promises to do.

A.flexible           B.reliable           C.confident         D.honest



The gasoline        . Let’s fill the car up at the next gas station.

A.is running out      B.has run out        C.is being run out     D.has been run out



通过在班级内进行调查,我们发现很多同学在生活和饮食方面都存在一些影响健康的习惯,请你根据下面提示以Form a Good Living Habit为题写一篇短文。






Form a Good Living Habit

Through the survey we find that                                              






I happen to meet some American tourists at gate of the Summer Palace last week. I

greeted them with English and then we began to chat. I got to know they were college

student traveling in China. Most of us were fond of Chinese medicine. They were busy

taking pictures and were surprising at the changes that had taken place in the past few years. After that, we went boat and had a good time. We were exchanged our e-mail

addresses such that we could write to each other in the future. They thanked me again

and again. I was gladly to have a chance to practice my oral English.




The famous Peking University and Tsinghua University held graduation ceremonies on the same day last year. The presidents of the two universities delivered excellent speeches at the ceremonies as they used words, phrases or ways of expression that are very popular on the Internet.    1.   .

Their speeches were warmly welcomed by students as they contained many fashionable words today, such as “ floating clouds”( meaning “ too small and of little importance to mention”). In the speeches, these university presidents recalled campus life together with students and finally moved all the audiences.    2.   .

Many university presidents have changed their regular manner of addressing graduation ceremonies from an advising and preaching(说教) mode to a more fashionable and funny approach.    3.   .

In the past, university presidents’ speeches were criticized for being too standard and lacking sentiment(多愁善感). Now, they use fashionable words in their addresses, reflecting they are starting to adopt more everyday attitudes to students.    4.  . The discussion focuses on the question of whether university presidents should speak in an informal way at graduation ceremonies.

Supporters agree with the new approach.    5.  . Opponents argue the new ways have no practical value or significance for education but are merely to please those leaving university.

A.The speeches were very different from the usual run of lectures.

B.The use of these new expressions has caused heated argument.

C.They try to use those words popular among young people in their speeches.

D.The expressions and phrases popular online are not accepted by all the audience.

E.They consider it good to build close ties with students by using the youth’s own words.

F.They hold the idea that it is not proper to use such informal language in the graduation ceremony.

G.At the same time, graduation speeches by other university presidents were also under the spotlight for the same reason.



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