满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--The task is challenging and demanding....

--The task is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can make it, Tom?

--_______ my partner have a try? I think she is the right person to do it.

A.Will              B.Might             C.Should            D.Shall


D 【解析】 试题分析:这是一组对话。上文,这项任务要求高且具有挑战性。Tom,你认为谁可以完成这项任务?下文,我的同伴可以试试吗?我认为她是最合适的人选。Will,在疑问句中用于第二人称,表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问;might是may的过去式,用在疑问中比may委婉、客气,表示询问或说明一件事可不可做, 表示某事有可能发生; should  应该 , 应当;Shall在疑问句中, 用于第一、三人称表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请求。 考点:情态动词的考查

An earthquake of 9 magnitude struck off the coast of Japan on Friday, ________ thousands of people dead and more missing.

A.caused           B.causing           C.having caused      D.to cause



______ leaves the room last ought to make sure that the windows are closed and the door locked.

A.Whoever         B.Who             C.Who will          D.Those who



 I __________the poor rabbit, but I didn’t have the right drugs with me at that moment.

A.could save         B.had saved         C.could have saved    D.saved



Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer ______ it was 20 years ago, _____ it was so poorly equipped.

A.what; when        B.that; which        C.what; which        D.which; that



With the development of science, more new technology         to the field of IT.

A.has introduced                         B.is being introduced

C.is introduced                           D.was introduced



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