满分5 > 高中英语试题 >














2. 内容必须包括上表中的要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译;

3. 条理清楚、语句连贯;


6th June

My teacher and classmates have helped me a lot since I came here. _________________________________________________________________


不唯一 They brought me local foods from their homes. They were very delicious. My classmates showed me around our school. They even invited me to their homes to watch TV and enjoy dinners. After school they often ran and played volleyball with me in the playground. They came to talk with me when we were free. We have been good friends. They helped me with my lessons. When I had problems, I went to them for help. I feel very happy here. I hope to make more friends and make progress in my studies. 【解析】 试题分析:这里日记的开头已经给出,因为日记是记录已经发生的事。所以通常都用一般过去式,但是,考生应该注意的是,如果你的日记是描写风景等等的,是不用过去式的,要用一般现在时,也可以用一般将来式。内容要点要全面,上下段要使用连接词做到连贯。 考点:提纲作文。


Shopping is not as simple as you may think! There are all sorts of tricks at play each time we reach out for that particular brand of product on the shelf.

1._ Health foods are packaged in greens, yellows or browns because we think of these healthy colors. Ice cream packers are often blue and expensive goods, like chocolates, are gold or silver.

2._ Recently, some kind of pain killer was brought out, but researchers found it didn’t sell well, because the color made the product look weak and ineffective. Eventually, it came on the market in a dark blue and white package—because we think of blue as safe, and white as calm.

_3. But quite often a bottle doesn’t contain as much as it appears to.It is believed that the better-known companies spend, on average, 70 percent of the total cost of the product itself on packaging!

The most successful producers know the truth: _4. The founder of Pears soup, who for 25 years has used pretty little girls to promote their goods, came to the conclusion: “_5.”

A.It’s not enough to have a good product.

B.Coloring, for example, varies according to what the producers are trying to sell.

C.Any fool can make soup, but it takes a genius to sell it.

D.The colors tricked the customers into shopping.

E. The size of a product can attract a shopper.

F. A good product is an advantage.

G. The colors turned the customers off.



Throughout time, people have loved music for its ability to transport them into a world of rhythm and melody. Recently more and more hospitals and clinics have been tapping into the power of music –not only to comfort patients, but to help cure them as well. Welcome to the world of music therapy(疗法).

After each of the two world wars, musicians visited hospitals and played instruments for injured soldiers suffering from emotional and physical pain. Today's music therapists continue this practice, playing instruments such as guitars and harps to bring comfort to their audiences.

Therapist Eric Mammen encourages his patients at a children’s hospital to participate with him as he plays. During visits with 13-year-old cancer patient Lawrence Garcia, Mammen encourages Garcia to beat on electric drums while he plays the guitar. The therapy won’t cure his cancer, but it does, according to Garcia’s mom, take away much of the boy’s depression(沮丧).

Music therapy can put patients in better moods and ease the symptoms of depression according to the American Music Therapy Association. Other benefits include relieving pain, calming tension, aiding sleep, reducing worry or fear, and easing muscle tension.

Jose Haro personally experienced the benefits of music therapy when he was recovering from heart surgery. During his recovery, he played a piano whose keys lit up, indicating which keys to touch to play along with the background music. Soon he was playing tunes and noticing something strange. “I was searching for my pain.” He says of his experience, “but it was gone.”

While Haro's experience provides an evidence of the power of music to relieve pain, scientific research has proven music also helps patients with Alzheimer's disease and arthritis.

In addition, music therapy helps premature babies. Doctors are tapping into a powerful way to teach premature babies that haven’t yet learned how to suck. Doctors use a device that comforts the babies by playing music when they suck on a pacifier(奶嘴). Soon the babies learn to suck in return for music, gaining weight faster and going home earlier than those who do not use the device.

Even perfectly healthy people are discovering the power of music to calm and heal. Drum circles attract people who find stress relief in beating out rhythms. While music is not a cure-all, it does make life a little easier.

1.In the first paragraph, the underlined phrase “ tapping into “ can be replaced by “_________”

A.discussing on       B.looking for         C.showing interest in  D.making use of

2.According to the passage, Jose Haro_______________.

A.went through an obvious effect of music on his recovery

B.was asked to play the piano with the background music

C.felt no pain in his surgery because of music therapy

D.recovered from heart disease completely

3.From the passage, we know_________________.

A.music can prevent people from suffering from arthritis

B.Garcia found much comfort in music according to his mom

C.musicians cured many soldiers after each of the two world wars

D.the more music they listen to, the faster premature babies gain weight

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A.Music to Patient Ears                     B.Music Popular in Hospitals

C.Musicians Work with Doctors              D.People's life Benefits from Music



It is said that usually people learn from their experiences and the mistakes they make throughout their lives. This is correct because life teaches us what is correct to do and what is not.

Let’s consider a mistake that one has made while trying to learn to drive. It is true that, for a beginner, it is common to make mistakes, but after doing something wrong once, twice or three times, it is quite impossible to make the same mistake a fourth time. Everyone tries their best in order to improve their skills and they will be very pleased to notice that these improvements really happen.

On the other hand, being successful in everything he does, one cannot know what failure means. He would always see only the best side of things and it would be difficult for him to face the difficulties to come in the future. Here we can mention the case of a very successful football player, who has known what fame (名声) is from the very beginning of his career. We have to admit that most of his luck originates from the great talent that he was born with. But some fellow players can also work to achieve the same thing because they make mistakes in their games and they learn from each mistake that they make.

In the end, we can say that one needs to make mistakes in life in order to better appreciate things. And at the same time, mistakes teach us how important it is to fight for something we wish for in life. Of course, moments of happiness will come in return when we see the changes or improvements.

1.The author mentions learning driving in the second paragraph to ______________.

A.make a comparison

B.explain that learning is a slow process

C.show that driving is a very difficult skill

D.prove that success results from failure

2.What is the author’s attitude towards someone that is always successful at something?

A.He thinks they are lucky.                  B.He is bored with them.

C.He wants to learn from them.              D.He believes their success is a bad thing.

3.Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

A.说明: 满分5 manfen5.com  B.说明: 满分5 manfen5.com  C.说明: 满分5 manfen5.com D.说明: 满分5 manfen5.com




Dining Room Table with China Cabinet

For Sale:Dining room table with six chairs and china cabinet(瓷器厨).$400.00 or Best Offer.Saginaw Township·989-295-7158.

Web Id:MLV6567730


Huge Yard Sale

Huge Yard Sale!! Tuesday May l7th 8-4;Wednesday May 18th:8-5;708 Woodside Lane. Selling:Baby Girl Clothes 0-12 months$ 0.25一$1;Boy Clothes 240—12 months $ 0.25;Toys $ 0.10一$10;Boys’ shoes size 6-11,Girls’ shoes size 0-4,all $ 0.25;Christmas Tree $5.Books! Educational and Fun from baby to pre-teen,all $ 0.10.Women’s clothing,coats and lots more! There’s something here for everyone! Come check us out! Everything must go!

Web Id:MLV6S67328


Yorkie Puppy(幼犬)for a good home

This joy is being raised in my home and thus is learning all the ood habits and has always been the best think in my life.She is too sweet to be called a dog.She’s just l3 weeks old but strong enough to be called a big girl.If interested in getting the joy,then  please email to gmoorel902@blumail.org

Web Id:MLV6566545


Sporting Goods For Sale

Elive Auction(拍卖)is hosting a huge online auction Tuesday May l7,201 on our website,www.eliveauctlons.com. We have things such as practice baseball and softballs, rubber home plates,etc .along with other things. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to get unbelievable deals!! Bid(竞拍) online at www.Eliveauctions.com! Only online bidding ccepted.

Web Id: MT v6562988

1.To buy some table or chairs, you may want information about         .

A.Web ld: MLV6562988                    B.Web Id: MLV6567328

C.Web Id: MLV6567730                    D.Web Id: MLV6559374

2.How much will a pair of boy shoes size 10 cost you in the Huge Yard Sale?

A.$ 1.              B.$0.25.            C.$ 10.             D.$ 12.

3.Which of the following ways can help you learn more about a dog?

A.Visiting www. Lulu.com.                   B.Visiting www. eliveauctions.com.

C.Calling 989-295-7158.                    D.Email to gmoorel902@ blumail.org.

4.What do we know from Elive Auctions?

A.The prices can not be changed.             B.Generally goods there are expensive.

C.There're also books about sports.           D.Goods are mainly about sporting ones.



ABORIGINAL is a term used to describe the people and animals that lived in a place from the earliest known times or before Europeans arrived. Examples are the Maori in New Zealand, the Aborigines in Australia and the Indians in America. They all share the fact that they were pushed off their land by European settlers.


The Maori were the first people to go to New Zealand, about 1,000 years ago. They came from the islands of Polynesia in the Pacific. They brought dogs, rats and plants with them and settled mainly on the Northern Island. In 1769, Captain James Cook from Britain took possession of the Island and from that time British people started to settle. The Maori signed an agreement on land rights with these settlers, but in later years there were arguments and battles between them.


The native people of Australia came from somewhere in Asia more than 40,000 years ago. They lived by hunting and gathering. Their contact with British settlers began in 1788. By the 1940s almost all of them were mixed into Australian society as low-paid workers. Their rights were limited. In 1976 and 1993 the Australian Government passed laws that returned some land to the Aborigines and recognized their property rights.

American Indians

Long before the Europeans came to America in the 16th and 17th century, the American Indians, or Native Americans, lived there. It is believed that they came from Asia. Christopher Columbus mistook the land for India and so called the people there Indians. The white settlers and American Indians lived in peace at the beginning, but conflicts finally arose and led to the Indian Wars (1866-1890). After the wars, the Indians were driven to the west of the country. Not until 1924 did they gain the right to vote.

1.The similarity among Maoris, Aborigines and American Indians is that _________.

A.they lost their vote right after European settlers’ arrival

B.they lost their land after European settlers’ arrival

C.they were driven out of their country after European settlers’ arrival

D.they were not treated as citizens until recently

2.Before European settlers arrived, we can infer that the Aboriginals had lived _________ life.

A.a miserable        B.a bitter           C.a peaceful         D.a troublesome

3.Which of the following was first interrupted by the Europeans?

A.Maoris.           B.Aborigines.        C.American Indians.   D.Not mentioned.

4.The passage mainly tells us _______.

A.the war between aboriginal people and white settlers

B.the history of Maoris, Aborigines and American Indians

C.the present unfair treatment to aboriginal people of the world

D.European settlers were the enemy of all aboriginal people



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