满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— Susan, will you please go and empty th...

— Susan, will you please go and empty the rubbish?

— ______?

A.Why me          B.So what           C.What for          D.How come


A 【解析】 试题分析:这是一组对话。上文,Susan,你能过来倒一下垃圾吗?下文,为什么?Why me为什么是我So what 那又怎么样what for=why?为什么?How come怎么发生的,根据题意,故选A。 考点:本题重点考查情景对话。

A giant of a man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost completely hidden by a long and untidy hair and a wild beard, but you ______ make out his eyes, shining like black beetles under all the hair.

A.might            B.could             C.should            D.would



Half the world’s population ______ water shortages within 15 years according to the World Bank, just one of many recent alarming reports on the world’s fresh water supply.

A.are suffering       B.have been suffered  C.will suffer         D.were suffered



According to the weather report, the temperature tomorrow will rise up ______ 32 degrees centigrade, which I think is quite hot ______ May in Zhejiang.

A.at; in             B.to; for            C.to; in             D.by; for



With the summer coming, May 19th was the ideal date to ______ China’s National Tourism Day. This year’s theme was “Beautiful China: Relaxing and Tourist Friendly”.

A.reflect            B.make             C.represent         D.mark



As the quality of the city’s air continues to give rise to ______, the residents are encouraged to set off fewer fireworks.

A.descriptions       B.comparison        C.concerns          D.emergency



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