满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

France has reported a second case of a n...

France has reported a second case of a new type of virus infection. The virus is similar to ______ that caused SARS, a breathing disease that killed 775 people in 2003.

A.ones             B.those             C.one              D.the one


D 【解析】 试题分析:one和ones都用于泛指,ones是one的复数形式,二者都用来避免重复。有时二者前有冠词和形容词。不定冠词a和an表示数量“一”,a/an…one仍表示泛指。One用来代替前面提到的可数名词单数或a/an + adj +可数名词单数,ones用来代替前面提到的可数名词复数。二者前有定冠词the时,均表示特指,且the one,the ones后面常有定语修饰,他们和前面提到的名词是同类异物的关系。 一般来讲,one代表前面有不定冠词的可数名词单数,that代表前面有定冠词的可数名词单数;ones代表前面无定冠词的可数名词复数(前面总带有形容词作定语,不能单独使用),those代表前面有定冠词的可数名词复数,故选D。 考点:代词的考查

—What’s your plan for the future?

—I hope to get a job in the local newspaper at first and ______ work for China Daily.

A.regularly          B.frequently         C.eventually         D.gradually



People ______ say “me”, “myself” and “I” frequently are more likely to suffer with depression and anxiety, according to a new research.

A.whoever          B.whom            C.whomever         D.who



Barack Obama and Xi Jinping will meet from 7-8 June, a US statement said. It is believed that this meeting is important to the long-term and steady development of China-US relations, ______ regional and international peace, stability and prosperity.

A.as far as           B.as well as          C.as long as          D.as good as



Google launched its indoor maps feature in Singapore on Tuesday, ______ the city state the second country in Asia to have it.

A.to make           B.make             C.making           D.having made



______ application of transgenic (转基因) technology should be restricted on all food production and the government should take ______ “scientific attitude” toward food, Yuan Longping said.

A.The ; a            B.An; the           C.The; the          D.An; a



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