满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

On the border, a pack of wild dogs circl...

On the border, a pack of wild dogs circled the soldiers for food. The leader of the pack was a gray- and-white dog called Nubs. He was   11  and hardly able to stand. Marine major Brian Dennis looked   12  and saw that there was a knife wound in his chest.

Dennis couldn't stand seeing the dog   13_He and his men immediately treated the wound, and  gave Nubs medicine.Nubs pulled through but was still in   14 .The next day, the team had to  15  . Ten days later, Dennis' unit was back, and so was Nubs. He was still   16 ,but the men fed him and  played with him.

Before long the unit once again left for the front 70 miles away. Nubs, slowly but 17  , followed them far into the trackless wasteland _ 18  the men lost sight of him.Two days later, beyond Dennis'   19  , he saw Nubs just outside the outpost(前哨).The dog had  20  him across 70 miles of frozen desert to meet with the friend who had   21 his life.From then on Nubs and the men   22 in the same place, and ran around in the same ruins(废墟).                          

Until an order came that they were not   23_ to have pets, Dennis decided to make sure the dog would  24 _ to live the good life.So he quickly raised $4,000 from his family and friends to 25 Nubs to America.

A year later, when Dennis and the dog were   26  in California, at first Nubs didn't   27  the guy.But within minutes, the dog jumped into Dennis' arms, jumping   28   again and again to lick his friend's face.

A little love and concern in the middle of   29 will not save a violent world. But small stories, like the story of a soldier and a clog, hold a  30  of a harmonious(和谐的)world.

1.                A.shaking         B.waiting         C.barking   D.resting


2.                A.lower          B.better          C.clearer   D.closer


3.                A.worry          B.suffer          C.fear D.starve


4.                A.surprise        B.control         C.pain D.anger


5.                A.leave          B.drill            C.fight D.walk


6.                A.dirty           B.weak           C.thin  D.tired


7.                A.suddenly       B.happily         C.easily D.determinedly


8.                A.unless          B.since           C.until D.after


9.                A.imagination      B.reach          C.sight     D.ability


10.               A.caught         B.tracked         C.guarded   D.found


11.               A.loved          B.started         C.saved D.taken


12.               A.traveled        B.met           C.grew D.slept


13.               A.allowed        B.expected       C.needed   D.required


14.               A.go             B.like            C.try   D.continue


15.               A.lead           B.fly             C.drive D.show


16.               A.reunited        B.interviewed     C.watched   D.gathered


17.               A.notice          B.believe         C.recognize  D.bother


18.               A.out            B.about          C.around    D.up


19.               A.time           B.danger         C.war   D.space


20.               A.way           B.view           C.concern   D.promise



1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:通过一位士兵和狗的故事告诉我们在这样的世界中,一点点的关爱也许所起作用不大,但却是和谐世界的一个征兆。 1.考查动词辨析:A. shaking颤抖B. waiting等待C. barking叫D. resting休息, 根据空后的hardly able to stand.判断应选 shaking。选A 2.考查形容词:A. lower更低B. better 更好C. clearer 更清楚D. closer更近, 从后面的saw that there was a knife wound in his chest.可知是靠近看。选D 3.考查动词:A. worry 担心B. suffer  “遭受痛苦”C. fear害怕D. starve挨饿, B符合句意。 4.考查名词:A. surprise惊讶B. control控制C. pain痛苦D. anger愤怒, but was still in pain但它还是很痛苦。可知选C。 5.考查动词:A. leave离开B. drill训练C. fight斗争D. walk步行,根据had to判断是“不得不离开”。选A。 6.考查形容词:A dirty脏的,B.weak虚弱的,C.Thin瘦的, D.tired累的,句意:它还是很虚弱。选B。 7.考查副词:A.suddenly突然地B. happily快乐地C. easily容易地D. determinedly有决心的,缓慢的但是坚定地,选D。 8.考查动词:A. unless 除非B. since自从C. until直到D. after在…后面,Nubs跟着士兵进入荒野直到士兵看不见它。选C。 9.考查名词:A. imagination想象B.reach够得着C. sight视野D. ability能力, Beyond one’s imagination超出……的想象。选A 10.考查动词:A. caught抓住B. tracked跟踪C. guarded 守卫D. found发现,狗跟着他穿越70英里的冰封的荒原。选B。 11.考查动词:A. loved爱B. started 开始C. saved救D. taken拿,和开头联系起来,是和救了它的朋友汇合。选C 12.考查动词:A. traveled 旅游B. met 遇见C. grew成长D. slept睡觉,他们睡在同一个地方,选D。 13.考查动词:A. allowed允许B. expected期望C. needed需要D. required要求,句意:上面传来命令,不准养宠物。选A。 14.考查动词:A. go去B. like喜欢C. try尝试D. continue继续,句意:他决定确保狗能继续过好的生活。选D 15.考查动词:A. lead带领B. fly空运C. drive驾驶D. show展示,上下文串联,从后面的California 可知是将狗送到了美国。选B 16.考查动词:A. reunited重逢B. interviewed采访C. watched观看D. gathered聚集,这里表示:Dennis 和狗又重逢了,选A 17.考查动词:A. notice注意B. believe 相信C. recognize 认出D. bother费事,一开始,狗没有认出他。选C 18.考查副词:A. out 外面B. about 关于C. around 周围D. up向上, ,句意:狗跳起来舔他的脸。选D 19.考查名词:A. time 时间B. danger危险C. war战争D. space空间,战争中的一点关爱不会改变暴力的世界。选C 20.考查名词:A. way方式B. view观点C. concern关心D. promise诺言,希望,象这个士兵和狗的故事使得和谐社会有了希望。选D 考点:考查故事类短文

We should get prepared for dealing with ________problems_________.

A.any, arise          B.which, are arisen    C.whatever, arise     D.what, are arisen



---You’ve read the Frog by Moyan , haven’t you?

---Yes, I_______ second time and I got a better understanding.

A.have read a        B.had read the       C.will read the       D.read a



We’ll never forget this terrible accident and the damage_______ has caused to the area.

A.that              B.what             C.it                D.one



--- You ought to have given them some advice.

---         , but who cared what I asked?

A.I ought to         B.So I ought         C.So it was          D.So I did



_______, I believe, and you will find the student is very outgoing.

A.One talk with him                       B.Given a talk with him

C.Having a talk with him                    D.If you have a talk with him



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