满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




提高写作能力的建议:多读,好文章须反复读;记日记(keep a diary)。




Dear Li Gang,



Best wishes!


Dear Li Gang,   Thank you for writing to me. In your letter, you told me about your problem in learning English. I advise you to practice listening to English for twenty minutes every day. Choose tapes that are not difficult for you to follow. Later on you can practice with tapes that are more difficult.   You asked me how to improve your writing. I suggest that first of all you should read as much as possible and read some good passages many times. You’d better keep a diary in English.   I’m sure you’ll improve your listening and writing soon. Best wishes!                                                  Yours, Li Ming 【解析】 试题分析:提纲作文要求考生根据所给的写作要求和提纲,确定文章的中心思想,然后紧紧围绕中心思想展开写作。要求考生在保证内容要点全部概括的基础上可以充分发挥自己的想象,进而用自己的语言来表达某种观点或看法,增添了写作的灵活性,同时能较好地考查考生的想象能力和英语语言表达能力。 考点:提纲类作文



You will know the result when you ______  ______ all the numbers.


Go ______ the road for three ______ and then turn right. You’ll see the hospital on your left.


Deng Xiaoping ______ an important ______ in developing the economy in China.


We tried to ______ him ______ but he kept shouting excitedly.


Visitors ______  ______ not to take photos in the museum.






1.I asked him whether he will stay at home or go out that night.

2.I made up my mind to do my best to make a progress in English.

3.The boss got his workers entire in his power.

4.The teacher told us not make any noise then.

5.Her brother said he had been there half a month ago.



In choosing a friend, one should be very careful. A good friend can help you study. You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair-weather friends, who will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities (品质) of character, especially understanding, honesty and reliability (可靠).

Above all else, I look for understanding in a friend. A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge. Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other person’s place, and he tries to think of ways to be helpful. He is also a good listener.

At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults (过错) in others. He notices their good points. In short, a friend will try to understand me and accept me.

Another quality of a friend is reliability. I can always depend on a good friend. If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time, I can be sure that he will be there. If I need a favor, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble, he will not run away from me.

There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special. A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun. We should enjoy our lives, and we would enjoy our friendship. That is why I especially like friends who are fun to be with. A good friend likes the same things I like. We share experience (经验) and learn from each other. A good friend has a good sense of humor, too. He likes to laugh with me. That is how we share in the joy of being friends. And I know that he is looking for the same quality in me.

When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I’ve found a friend!

1.If you have fair-weather friends, _____.

A.they will give you all that they have when you need help

B.you will be refused when you get into trouble

C.you will become rich

D.you can be sure that you get real friends

2.Good friends need to ______.

A.always point out each other’s mistakes

B.be helped with money

C.understand each other’s feelings

D.have money or luck.

3.This passage mainly discusses ________.

A.the qualities of a friend

B.where to choose friends

C.how to get along with friends

D.the importance of having a friend



In Europe, many people make friends between their countries through town twinning. Town or city twinning means two towns in different countries agree and decide to become “twins” with a sister city relationship.

The people find pen friends in the twin town. They exchange newspapers and stamps. The school teachers discuss teaching methods with the teachers in the twin town. Officials visit the twin town for celebrations. Ordinary people travel to the twin town, too, but not very often if it is far away.

Sometimes, schools even exchange their classes for two or three weeks! For example, German middle school students study for a while at the school in their twin town in Britain, staying with British families. A few months later, their British friends come to study in Germany.

Many British towns are so pleased with the results of the twinning that they set out to find more than one twin town!

Tonbridge, a small town in Kent, for example, has twin town in both Germany and France. Richmond near London has relationships with Germany, France and even a town in a Balkan(巴尔干半岛的) country!

Town twinning can help make friends. It helps students improve their language skills, and also helps people to understand the differences between nations.

1.Twin towns develop ______.

A.between European countries and China

B.in the English-speaking countries only

C.in the same country

D.between different countries

2.How many countries are mentioned in the passage?

A.4                B.5                C.6                D.7

3.One of the advantages of town twinning is _____.

A.to earn more money

B.to set up schools

C.to improve students’ language skills

D.to develop industry and agriculture



As you are students of English, it’s very possible that you’ll be interested in England. That’s where the language was first spoken. But England is often called by other names. This often confuses people and I wonder if you know what these names mean. So, now I would like to tell you about this matter of names. I believe that you have heard people use the names—England, Britain or Great Britain. Let’s see what each of these names means.

If you look at a map of Europe, you’ll see a group of islands--one larger island off the northwest coast, one smaller and many tiny ones. These make up what is called the British Isles. The largest island of the British Isles is Britain. It is also called Great Britain. The smaller island is Ireland.

Britain is divided into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England. But sometimes the word “England” is used instead of “Britain”. Why so?

In ancient times, what is Britain now used to be three different countries. People in these different countries spoke different languages. Over many years the three countries became one. England is the largest and richest of the three and it has the most people. So the English people take it for granted that their own name stands for the whole island.

There’s another thing that confuses people: sometimes you may hear people say “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. That is the official name of the country. Northern Ireland is only one sixth of the island of Ireland. The rest of the island is an independent state, called the Republic of Ireland. So we have the names of “England”, “Britain”, “Great Britain”, and “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. Now do you know what each of them means?

1.English was first spoken in ____.

A.Britain            B.England           C.Great Britain       D.Ireland

2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A.Wales is the richest of the three.

B.Scotland is the largest of the three.

C.Sometimes England is used instead of Britain.

D.Britain is the only name of the largest island of British Isles.

3.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is _____.

A.part of Britain

B.part of British Isles

C.the official name of the whole country

D.the largest country of all mentioned in the passage

4.Which of the following is the best title?

A.Students of English

B.Different Names of England

C.Different Languages Spoken in England

D.The Republic of Ireland



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