满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

选择正确的词组,并用其适当形式填空(10分,每空1分) die out; in ...


die out;  in peace;  in danger (of);  protect....from;   pay attention to;   come into being;  dream of;  to be honest ;   or so;    be familiar with;      play jokes on;    in relief;   in addition;   sort out;       attach...to

1.The two communities live together __________________.

2. ___________________, I am not sure what to do.

3.The government is doing its best to ____those rare animals _____being hunted.

4.He will arrive at six o’clock ________________________.

5. Please _________ the things you want to keep and throw everything else away.

6. When his son came home at last, he was _________________.

7. I had warned him of the possible danger, but he didn’t __________________it.

8.She ________________________________ history.

9.I _____________________ becoming a millionaire when I was a child..

10.He is ____________________________________ losing life.


1.in peace  2.To be honest  3.protect; from  4.or so  5.sort out      6.in relief  7.pay attention to  8.is familiar with  9.dreamed of  10.in danger of 【解析】 试题分析: 1.in peace  句意:这两个国家和平相处。In peace和平地。 2. To be honest 本句中的to be honest是插入语,意为“老实说”。 3.protect; from 固定搭配protect…from…保护…免受…伤害;句意:政府正在努力保护这些稀有动物免受猎取的伤害。 4.or so 固定短语or so大约;他大约会在6点到这里。 5.sort out     固定短语分类sort out;请把你需要的分类出来,把别的都扔掉。 6.in relief 固定短语轻松地in relief。 7.pay attention to 固定短语注意…pay attention to… 8.is familiar with 固定短语be familiar with…她对历史很熟悉。 9.dreamed of 固定短语梦想dream of;句意:当我小的时候,我梦想成为一个百万富翁。 10.in danger of 固定短语In danger of…处于…危险中 考点:考查选词填空



A.TV1 7:20 p.m. Find out more about Australia’s animal life. This film was made last year by one of Australia’s best-known cameramen, Dougie Bond. He spent over 200 hours filming the birds, animals and fish that inhabit this beautiful continent and for the first time brings some of these unusual animals to our TV screens.

B.TV3 9:00p.m. The popular science programme is back with the latest in technology and medicine. This week, cars that run on sunlight and the story of one baby’s fight to live.

C.TV2 8:10p.m. Do you think what goes into the food most of us eat every day of the week? Tonight’s programme takes a serious scientific look at the bread industry. Whether you bake your own bread or just enjoy buying it, this programme will give you an interesting insight into something most of us eat every day of the week.

D.TV1  5:15p.m. Busy parents? Bored children? Do you want something educational to entertain your children while you do something else? This popular magazine programme is for the under-fives. More music, fun, songs and games with Carla and Larry.

E.TV3  8:45p.m. If you’ve always wanted to cook, now’s your chance to learn. In the studio are two chefs who will take you through some simple recipes step by step. This is a repeat of the popular series shown last year, and available from good bookshops.

F.TV3   7:40p.m. The latest new music. Pete Hogg looks at the best of the current rap, raga and new jack swing plus new video releases. This is the programme that tells you all about what’s happening on the music scene and brings you interviews with tomorrow’s young artists.


1.Although Rob lead a quiet life in a small village, that doesn’t stop him from wanting to find out about the latest scientific development.

2.Bella enjoys eating out but can’t afford to spend very much at the moment as she is saving for a holiday. She has never learnt how to cook, so now might be quite a good time to find out!

3.Dan likes taking wildlife photographs and enjoys the kind of programme which gives him a chance to see a professional photographer at work.

4.Gina is a music teacher. Although she prefers  classical music, she likes to follow the kind of music that interests the teenagers she teaches.

5.Ron’s wife is in hospital. He wants to finds a programme suitable for his three-year-old son while he gets on with the housework and prepares a meal.



Daniel Boone was born in the United States in 1734. He didn't go to school and couldn't read, although he learned all about the forests, streams and hunting. He could move silently like an Indian leaving no marks. He loved to live alone in the woods where nothing frightened him.

When he grew up, he married and tried to settle down on a farm. A year later, however, he wasn't satisfied and decided to go into the unknown western lands, crossing the Appalachian Mountains. When he returned after two years, he became famous for his long journey. He brought valuable animal skins and told stories about the Indians.

After this, he chose to keep travelling to unknown places. Once he lost to the Indians in battle and was taken away. The Indians liked him and became his friends.

Daniel Boone died at the age of 86. He is remembered as an explorer(探险者)and a pioneer who lived an exciting life in the early years of American nation.

1.Daniel Boone's early life was mainly spent in ______ .

A.learning about nature

B.hunting with his friends

C.learning useful skills from the Indians

D.studying at home because he couldn't go to school

2.When he got married, Daniel Boone first planned to ______.

A.set up a large farm

B.go on a journey with his wife

C.find food, new land for his farm

D.live a peaceful life with his family

3.Daniel Boone became famous because ______ .

A.he travelled a lot in the western lands

B.he was very good at telling stories

C.he found better animal skins than others

D.he was the first to climb the Appalachian Mountains

4.Why did the Indians want to make friends with him?

A.Because they wanted to learn from him.

B.Because he wanted to make peace with them.

C.Because they wanted to make friends with white people.

D.No reason is told in this article.

5.In this article, Daniel Boone is best described as ______ .

A.warm-hearted                          B.strong

C.careful                               D.brave



Now and again I have had horrible dreams, but not enough of them to make me lose my delight in dreams. To begin with. I like the idea of dreaming, of going to bed and lying still and then, by some queer magic(神奇的魔力), wandering into another kind of existence. As a child, I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly when they could make such a fuss(大惊小怪) about any holiday, This still puzzles me. I am puzzled by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject. It is much more astonishing than it would be if they said they never went out for a walk. Most people do not seem to accept dreaming as part of their lives. They appear to see it as an irritating(令人困扰的) little habit, like sneezing or yawning(打哈欠).I can never understand this. My dream life does not seem as important as my waking life because there is far less of it, but to me it is important.

1.What is the author’s attitude toward dreaming?

A.He likes it                             B.He thinks it puzzling

C.He hates it                             D.He doesn’t accept it as part of his life

2.For the author of the passage, dreaming is    .

A.an irritating little habit

B.a horrible but wonderful experience

C.a true reflection of reality

D.another kind of existence

3.The author of the passage suggests that people who say they never go out for a walk are    .

A.interesting        B.mysterious(难以理解的)                  C.foolish D.lazy

4.The author of the passage enjoys dreaming most     .

A.only when he was a child                 B.only when he is a grown-up

C.both as a child and as a grown-up           D.only in his old age

5.The author of the passage complains(抱怨) that most people     .

A.are overexcited about their dreams

B.have had dreams most of the time

C.are not interested in talking about their dreams

D.consider their dreams of too much importance



The man sitting opposite Robert was the Financial Controller. Everybody called him “the FC” for short. He made all the decisions about money. Robert needed some more. That was why he had to see him. The two men did not get on very well. In fact, they had always disliked each other.

“Your request is out of the question,” the FC said. Robert had difficulty in controlling himself, but he managed somehow. He explained that he wanted the money in order to make more programmes.

“And why do you want to do that?” the FC asked sharply. Again, Robert almost lost his temper. “Because more and more people are listening to my department’s programmes. There’s great demand for them,” he answered.

The FC did not seem to believe him. But Robert had a report on the numbers of listeners to all EBC programmes. The FC became less confident. Robert threw the report down on the table and told him to read it.

The FC looked at it in silence. The figures (数字) proved that he had been wrong, but he did not want to admit it. “Well,” he finally said, “I may have made a small mistake.” Robert noticed the word “may.” He got up to leave. But he had the feeling that he would get the money after all.

1.In the story the Financial Controller was a person who was in charge of

A.Robert’s department’s programmes      B.EBC programmes

C.EBC money                            D.both B and C

2. “Your request is out of the question.”Here “out of the question”means

A.without any question                    B.with some question

C.impossible                             D.possible

3.Robert decided to make more programmes because

A.he wanted to meet the needs of the listeners

B.“the FC” disliked him

C.the members of his department wanted him to do so

D.he wanted to show himself off

4.Why were more and more people listening to Robert’s programmes?

A.Because he always lost his temper (脾气)

B.Because he disliked “the FC”

C.Because the programmes were rich and to the taste of the listeners

D.We don’t know

5.Who do you think won the argument(争论)in the end?

A.The Financial Controller                  B.Robert            C.Nobody    D.The listeners



Read the following directions on a bottle of medicine:

“Take two tablets(药片)with water, followed by one tablet every eight hours, as required, For maximum night-time and early morning relief, take two tablets at bed - time, Do not take more than six tablets in twenty-four hours.

For children six to twelve years old, give half the amount for a grownup. For children under six years old, ask for your doctor’s advice.

Reduce the amount if nervousness, restlessness, or sleeplessness occurs,”

1.The directions on this medicine bottle clearly warn the patient not to take more than     .

A.twenty-four tablets a day.                 B.eight tablets a day.

C.six tablets a day.                        D.three tablets a day.

2.We can infer from the directions that _______.

A.the medicine could cause some people to feel nervous.

B.children may take the same amount that grown-ups take.

C.one may not take this medicine before going to bed.

D.the medicine is a liquid.

3.If one cannot sleep, it is suggested that he _________ .

A.take two tablets before going to bed.

B.take less than two tablets before going to bed.

C.stop taking the medicine.

D.ask advice of a doctor.

4.Obviously the medicine _________ .

A.may be dangerous to small children.

B.cannot be taken by children under twelve years old.

C.may be taken by children but not by grown-ups.

D.may be taken by grown-ups but not by children.

5.What does the underlined word “ restlessness” in the last paragraph mean?

A.失眠             B.过敏             C.心悸             D.坐立不安



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