满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1 Reporters are _______ to get all facts...

 Reporters are _______ to get all facts straight and present their stories fairly.

 A. believed     B. supposed      C. thought      D. considered


B 【解析】 试题分析:重点理解句意,句意为:记者应该直截了当的获得所有的事实情况并且公平的报道它们。根据句意是“应该”的意思,即be supposed to ,别的选项意思均不满足。be believed to 被相信 be thought to 被认为是  be considered to 被认为是 考点:考查固定搭配。

John ______ in his room when he heard screaming.

 A. is studying      B. studied        C. was studying        D. has studied



Not only ______ in photography, but _____ an amateur courses to update my skills.

A. I am interested; I took          B. interested I am; did I take

C. I am interested; did I take       D. am I interested; I took



_____ is no doubt _____ John’s knowledge of first aid saved Ms Slade’s life.

  A. It; that     B. It; which        C. There; that      D. What; that



 In ____ accident _____ knowledge of first aid can make _____ real difference.

 A. the; a; the     B. an; a; a     C. an; the; 不填    D. a; a; 不填



—“Did you have any difficulty in yesterday’s homework?”

—   “No, in fact I found _____.”

A. it very easy to do    B. it very easy done   C. very easy for doing    D. very easy to do it



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