满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

短语填空:(每空一词,每题一分;共5分) 1. I am ______ ____...


1. I am ______ _______ (喜爱,喜欢) pop music .

2. He has ____ ____ _____ ______(下定决心) to kick his bad habits.

3. We should ______ _____ _______ (利用) this opportunity to learn more about the U.S.A.

4. Whether we can go hiking tomorrow _____ _____ (依靠;取决于) the weather.

5. They ____ _____ (搭起,建造) their tent at dawn .


1.fond of  2.made up his mind  3.make use of 4.depends on 5.put up 【解析】 1.原句意思是,我喜欢流行音乐。be fond of 喜爱,这是一个固定短语。 2.原句意思是,他已经下定决心剔除恶习。make需要用过去分词,因为这个句子使用了现在完成时。 3.原句意思是,我们应该利用这次机会更多的了解美国。情态动词should之后,应该用动词原形。 4.原句意思是,我们明天是否能徒步旅行,取决于天气。句子作主语谓语动词用单数。 5.原句意思是,拂晓时,他们搭起了帐篷。根据句意应使用一般过去时。put ( put, put ) 考点:词汇,语态考查题


1. ________ (奖学金) allowed her to go abroad to further her studies. 

2. __________ (现今) in the world exist (存在) many problems.

3. He is _________ (申请) to the government for financial aid.

4. We should take life ________ (认真地).

5. After the party, the dancing hall was totally in a ______ (混乱;脏乱).

6. He is __________ (流利的) in English.

7. To learn English well, you must build up your _________ (词汇量).

8. People from England made  _________ (海上旅行) to conquer the world.

9. She was too ________(固执的) to change her mind. 

10. He left his hometown , ________ (下定决心的) never to return.



根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项. 选项中有两项为多余选项. 请将答案涂在答题卡上.

 71  Because, from what I could see, it seemed that grown-ups often forgot. I never wanted to forget --- I wanted to be able to remind other adults and myself when the time came. I began consciously(有意识地) thinking this at quite an early age.

As soon as I was fully aware (意识到) of myself, I regarded me as a little person and liked adults who thought of and treated me the same way. I didn’t have a doll and I didn’t want one. I wanted animal toys, even a single animal. Why wouldn’t my parents give me the one thing I wanted?  72  

Instead, my dad somehow managed to buy me a full set of encyclopedia(百科全书) and books with maps and color pictures long before I could read. Well, guess what? I learned to read without realizing it! Later, I found out when I started school and it all came so easy especially geography.  73  Because of all the books my father bought me, I knew a lot of words that other children didn’t know at my age.

I love words. They opened up new worlds for me.  74  Parents, please make sure your kids have a computer. Let them explore — as safely as possible— let them do their own things and discover the world.

Now, most kids lead a happy life. They can get what they want from their parents. But children should learn to be independent.  75  Be independent to do your own things.

A.Because of them, I read and thought, and today, I write.

B.When I was a child, I promised myself to try to remember as much as I could.

C.I listened and heard everything, even if I didn’t understand everything.

D.I nearly knew every place on the map like the teacher.

E. But more than anything, it made me feel uncomfortable and I knew it wasn’t nice.

F. Later, I knew we didn’t have much money, but how expensive could a toy be?

G. Be independent to learn some useful knowledge.



We tried so hard to make things better for our kids but we made them worse. For my naughty boys, I’d know better. I’d really like for them to know about hand-me-down clothes and home-made ice cream and leftover meatloaf. I really would.

My cherished boys, I hope you learn humility (谦逊) by surviving failure and that you learn to be honest even when no one is looking. I hope you get a black eye fighting for something you believe in. I hope you have to share a bedroom with your younger brother. And it is all right to draw a line down the middle of the room, but when he wants to crawl (爬) under the covers (被子) with you because he’s scared, I hope you’ll let him. And when you want to see a Disney movie and your kid brother wants to tag along, I hope you take him.

  I hope you have to walk uphill with your friends and that you live in a town where you can do it safely. I hope you learn to dig in the dirt and read books, and when you learn to use computers, you also learn how to add and subtract (减) in your head.

May you skin your knee climbing a mountain, burn your hand on the stove and stick your tongue on a frozen flagpole (旗杆). I hope you get sick when someone blows smoke in your face. I don’t care if you try beer once, but I hope you won’t like it.

I sure hope you make time to sit on a porch with your grandpa or go fishing with your uncle.

I hope your father punishes you when you throw a baseball through a neighbor’s window, and that your mother hugs you and kisses you when you give her a plaster of pared mold (一个石膏模型) of your hand.

  These things I wish for you—tough times and disappointment, hard work and happiness.

1.Who wrote the letter?

A.A grandmother.

B.A grandfather.

C.A father.

D.A mother.

2.What does the author hope for the boys?

A.they learn a lesson from a fight with others.

B.they know how to calculate with computers.

C.they get on well with family members..

D.they burn their hand on the stove and stick their tongue on a frozen flagpole.

3.It can be inferred from the text that the boys _________________.

A.often fight with others

B.are to develop good qualities

C.always keep their grandpa company

D.score high in the exam

4. Why does the author write the letter?

A.To show the boys it’s not easy growing up.

B.To teach the boys dos and don’ts on the way growing up.

C.To help the boys to avoid making mistakes on the way growing up.

D.To encourage the boys to fully experience life on the way growing up.




Monday: Here I am, in the middle of nowhere. This camping trip idea is not getting off to a very good start. It’s raining and the tent leaks (漏). The hiking seemed to take forever, and I still can’t understand how it could all have been up hill! How did I ever let my brother persuade me into doing this? When we get home—if we ever get home—he’s going to have to do something great to get back on my good side. Maybe he should sponsor (赞助) a shopping spree(狂购)at the mall!

Tuesday: Things are looking up. The sun came out today, so we were able to leave the tents and dry out. We’re camped at the edge of a small lake that I couldn’t see before because of the rain and fog. The mountains are all around us, and the forest is absolutely beautiful. We spent most of the day dragging out everything out of our backpacks or tents and putting it where the sun could dry it out. Later in the afternoon we tried to catch the fish for dinner, but the fish were smarter than we were. At night we built a fire and sang songs happily.

Wednesday: We hiked to the far side of the lake and climbed to the top of a small peak. From there we could see how high the other mountains were and how far the forest spread around us. On the way up we passed through a snowfield!

Thursday: I caught my first fish! We followed the stream that fed the lake. After about two miles, we came to a section (区域) that Carol said looked “fishy”. She had a pack rod (竿) , which can be carried in a backpack. I asked to cast (投掷) it, and I caught a fish on my first try. Carol caught a few more. But they were just too pretty to eat for lunch, so we put them back in the stream.

Friday: I can’t believe we are going home already. It will be nice to get a hot shower, sleep in a real bed, and eat junk food, but the trip has been wonderful. We’re already talking about another camping adventure next year where we canoe (乘独木舟) down a river. It’s hard to believe, but I think this city girl has a little country blood in her veins.

1.The writer went on this camping trip because ____________.

A.she enjoyed camping.

B.she wanted to go fishing.

C.she was influenced by her brother.

D.she was tired of staying home.

2. The whole morning of Tuesday, the writer ____________.

A.hiked along the lake.

B.dried out her belongings.

C.climbed the mountain.

D.caught the fish for dinner.

3.It can be inferred that Carol had a pack rod with her because ____________.

A.she could not afford to buy a regular fishing pole.

B.she needed it to get their food.

C.she thought the writer of the journal might need it.

D.she expected to go fishing while they were hiking.

4. It is likely that the writer will ____________.

A.go on another camping trip.

B.invite Carol to go fishing together.

C.make her brother buy her something.

D.persuade her brother to go camping.




Pingyao, located (坐落于) in the center of Shanxi Province, is a famous historic cultural city of China and a world cultural heritage (遗产) site. It is 90 kilometers south of Taiyuan on the Fen River.

People lived in Pingyao during the New Stone Age. Its long period as a county government seat (县衙) has left Pingyao with lots of historic buildings and sites, with a 2,700-year history. Ninety-nine of them are under government protection, including Zhengguo Temple, Shuanglin Temple and Pingyao Ancient City.

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, businessmen organized commercial (商业的) groups that did business nationwide. Shanxi Province had some of the most important ones and Pingyao was their center. In 1823, a store, known as Rishengchang (Sunrise Prosperity), traded in bank checks (支票) rather than in silver or gold coins. It was the beginning of modern Chinese banking. Branch (分支) banks were soon set up in major cities in China and other parts of Asia, leading to great development in Pingyao. Its lacquer ware (漆器) became well known as well.

In Pingyao Ancient City are many traditional houses and commercial buildings, 3,797 of which are protected and more than 400 of which are in good condition. Not only do the houses in Pingyao show Shanxi’s history and culture, but this large number is valuable for studying its history, customs, ancient buildings and art. Most of these houses are still used as homes and shops of local people.

In 1997, Ancient Pingyao City was listed in World Heritage List as “World Culture Heritage Site”(世界文化遗产).

1.What does the underlined word “them” (in Paragraph 2) refer to?

A.Historic buildings and sites.

B.The three temples.

C.The county government seats.

D.The 2,700-year history.

2. Which of the following about Pingyao is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Its location.

B.Its tourism.

C.Its business.

D.Its history.

3.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Pingyao was a leading center in _____.

A.growing rice and corn .

B.raising cattle.

C.commercial trade.

D.making gold coins.

4.If you want to know about the history of banking in China, which of the following places should you visit?

A.Sunrise Prosperity.

B.Zhengguo Temple.

C.A lacquer ware store.

D.A commercial house.



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