满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



[1] Ashley Power’s mother bought a computer for her when she was eight. When she was thirteen, she was surfing the Internet regularly, but she couldn’t find anywhere for teenagers to meet and talk. And one day she thought, “If I had my own website, I’d make it a really interesting site for teenagers.”

[2]So, when Ashley was sixteen, she launched her own website, called Goosehead. She had no idea how big a success it would be, but three years later, the site was the most successful teen site in the USA! It was getting 100,000 hits every day, and Ashley had about 30 employees.

[3] After a few years, the website closed down. Then Ashley, who lives in Los Angeles, was asked to write a book called The Goosehead Guide to Life. The book is about how to design a website and start a business. It begins with a section called “All About Ashley,” where Ashley tells readers what it is like to be the boss of a company when you are only sixteen. “ I was so happy. But it was crazy in a lot of ways. I got very stressed. I mean, I was only sixteen — I didn’t even have a car! If you were sixteen and you had your own company, you’d be stressed, too!”

[4] In an interview Ashley gave advice to teenagers who wanted to start their own business, “Just be strong and have your dreams and work hard at them. And don’t listen when ______________, because I heard ‘no’ a lot. Just keep going until you hear ‘yes’!”

1.For what purpose did Ashley create GooseHead?(no more than 10 words) 


2.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2(no more than 6 words)


3.According to paragraph 3, what did Ashley do after GooseHead closed down?

(no more than 10 words)


4.How did Ashley feel as a young boss of a company? (no more than 5 words)


5.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.



1. She wanted to create an interesting website for teenagers. 2.Power’s website became a success. 3.She wrote a book. 4.She felt happy but stressed. 5.people tell you that you can not do it 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了Ashley Power的故事,她从16岁就创办了网站,并且非常成功,从中得到启示,我们要持续坚持做自己想做的事。 1.细节题;从“If第一段的句子: I had my own website, I’d make it a really interesting site for teenagers.”可知答案是She wanted to create an interesting website for teenagers. 2.段落大意题;从第二段的句子;but three years later, the site was the most successful teen site in the USA可知答案是:Power’s website became a success. 3.细节题;从第三段的句子:was asked to write a book called The Goosehead Guide to Life.说明是She wrote a book. 4.细节题:第三段中出现的I was so happy.和I got very stressed.可知答案是She felt happy but stressed. 5.推理题:从句子:I heard ‘no’可知人们经常会说你不能做:people tell you that you can not do it 考点:考查阅读表达

People with disabilities make up a large part of the population. It is estimated(估计) that over 35 million Americans have physical, mental, or other disabilities. About half of these disabilities are “developmental", i.e., they occur before the individual's twenty-second birthday, often from genetic conditions, and are severe enough to affect three or more areas of development, such as mobility, communication, employment, etc. Most other disabilities are considered “adventitious", i.e., accidental or caused by outside forces.

Prior to the 20th century, only a small percentage of people with disabilities survived for long. Medical treatment for these disabilities was unavailable. Advancements in medicine and social services have created a climate in which people with disabilities can expect to have such basic needs as food, shelter, and medical treatment. Unfortunately, these basics are often not available. Civil liberties such as the right to vote, marry, get an education, and gain employment have historically been denied on the basis of disability.

In recent decades, the disability rights movement has been organized to fight against these infringements(违反, 侵犯)of civil rights. Congress responded by passing major legislation recognizing people with disabilities as a protected class under civil rights statutes.

Still today, people with disabilities must fight to live their lives independently. It is estimated that more than half of qualified Americans with disabilities are unemployed, and a majority of those who do work are underemployed. About two-thirds live at or below the official poverty level.

Significant barriers, especially in transportation and public awareness, prevent disabled people from taking part in society. For example, while no longer prohibited by law from marrying, a person with no access to transportation is effectively excluded from community and social activities which might lead to the development of long-term relationships.

Only when public attitudes advance as far as laws have will disabled people be fully able to take their rightful place in society.

1.A “developmental" disability ______.

A.develops very slowly over time

B.occurs in youth and affects development

C.is caused by forces

D.is getting more and more severe

2.Most disabled people used to die early because ______.

A.disabilities destroyed major bodily functions

B.medical techniques were not available

C.they were not very well looked after

D.they were too poor to get proper treatment

3.In the author's opinion, to enable the disabled people to take their rightful place in society, ____.

A.more laws should be passed

B.more public facilities should be set up

C.government should provide more aids

D.public attitudes should be changed

4.Which of the following cannot be inferred from the passage?

A.Many disabled people may remain single for their whole life.

B.Discriminatory(带歧视性的)laws prevent the disabled from mixing with others.

C.The public tends to look down upon the disabled people.

D.The disabled people feel inferior to(低于)those surrounding them.

5.The best title for this passage might be ______.   

A.Handicaps(障碍)of People with Disabilities

B.The physical difficulties of the Disabled

C.The Causes for Disabilities

D.Medical Treatments for Disabilities



The Iceberg Was Only Part ofIt

What doomed the Titanic is well known, at least in outline. On a moonless night of April 15, 1912, the ship hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic ,with 1,500 lives lost.

A century later many people presented new theories to explain the real reason for the disaster. Now two new studies argue that rare states of nature played major roles in the disaster.

The first says Earth’s nearness to the Moon and the Sun — a proximity not matched in more than 1,000 years — resulted in record tides that help explain why the Titanic met with so much ice, including the fatal iceberg.

Recently, a team of researchers found an apparent explanation in the heavens. They discovered that Earth had come unusually close to the Sun and Moon that winter, enhancing their gravitational pulls on the ocean and producing record tides. The rare orbits took place between December 1911 and February 1912 — about two months before the disaster came about. The researchers suggest that the high tides refloated masses of icebergs traditionally stuck along the coastlines of Labrador and Newfoundland and sent them adrift into the North Atlantic shipping lanes.

And a second, put forward by a Titanic historian from Britain, contends that the icy waters created ideal conditions for an unusual type of mirage(海市蜃楼) that hid icebergs from lookouts whose duty was to watch carefully for danger ahead and confused a nearby ship as to the liner’s identity, delaying rescue efforts for hours.

Most people know mirages as natural phenomena caused when hot air near the Earth’s surface bends light rays upward. In a desert, the effect prompts lost travelers to mistake patches of blue sky for pools of water. But another kind of mirage occurs when cold air bends light rays downward. In that case, observers can see objects and settings far over the horizon. The images often undergo quick distortions — not unlike the wavy reflections in a funhouse mirror.

Now, scholars of the Titanic are debating these new theories. Some have different opinions on it. Over all, though, many experts are applauding the fresh perspectives. 

1.The underlined word "It" in the title probably refers to _______.

A.the Titanic

B.the cause of the disaster

C.the record tide

D.an unusual mirage

2.According to Theory First, what was the right chain of causes leading to the Titanic’s disaster?

① record tides’ forming and icebergs’ being refloated

② icebergs’ being drifted into the North Atlantic shipping lanes

③ the Earth’s strange closing to the Sun and the Moon

④ increasing of the gravitational force on the ocean





3.According to Theory Second, the disaster happened to the Titanic mainly because______.

A.the freezing weather made the watcher not be able to watch clear

B.the mirage made the watcher not find icebergs and a nearby ship delay rescuing

C.the mirage on the sea attracted the watcher and made him forget his work

D.the high tides drove the icebergs float so fast that the watcher didn’t respond to them

4.What is the chief function of the sixth paragraph?

A.to explain to the readers the ways of the mirage forming

B.to infer the possibility of the mirage appearing

C.to summarize the various kinds of the mirage

D.to analyze the conditions of the mirage arising

5.This passage is organized generally in the pattern of________.

A.comparison and contrast

B.conclusion and proof

C.time and events

D.definition and classification(分类)



The China Daily newspaper group is looking for English-language senior business editors, senior copy editors, copy editors and graphic designers to strengthen its international team. We offer a competitive salary package, accommodation with utilities paid for 90 percent, medical reimbursement, a seven-day paid leave, eleven­-day public holidays and a return ticket to the country of residence.

Senior Business Editor

You must:

(1) Assist the business editor in setting goals and working on achieving them;

(2) Be an excellent team person who can generate ideas and think creatively and be able to rewrite totally if needed and mentor junior staff;

(3)Ideally have been working or have worked in a position of responsibility and understand what leadership entails;

(4) Have had at least five years’ editing experience working on editing the Business Desk and be familiar with industry software.

Senior Copy Editor

You must:

(1) Work on shifts in the Business Desk and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;

(2) Edit or rewrite copy and give snappy headlines and captions;

(3) Have had at least two years’ editing experience working on editing desks and be familiar with industry software.

Copy Editor

You must:

(1) Be good at editing or rewriting copy and writing snappy headlines and captions;

(2) Be able to work on shifts for different pages, and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;

(3) Have two years of editing experience working on copy desks, and be familiar with industry software.

Graphic Designer

You must:

(1) Have excellent skills in information graphics;(2) Be good at illustrations and freehand drawings;

(3) Be experienced in newspaper or magazine layouts

(4) Have a good sense of typography(活版印刷术).

(5) Have good new judgment;

(6)Be fluent in English.

For enquiries or to apply, write to job @ chinadaily.com.cn.   

1.What is the purpose of this passage?

A.To describe the positions of the China Daily newspaper group.

B.To advertise for recruiting some good employees.

C.To describe the working conditions of the China Daily newspaper group.

D.To tell you how to become part of this group.

2.What is not required about Graphic Designer?

A.Be well-versed in Photoshop.

B.Writing snappy headlines and captions.

C.Have excellent skills in information graphics.

D.Having a good sense of typography.

3.How many positions need editing experience?





4.Which can be the best title of the passage?

A.China Daily:New Employees Wanted

B.China Daily:Newspaper

C.China Daily:An International Team

D.China Daily:The Best Working Condition

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Free accommodations are available to the workers.

B.The workers there can enjoy a seven-day leave without pay.

C.The employees have the right to enjoy eleven-day public holidays.

D.The senior business editor’s only job is to help the business editor to set goals.



Grandma Moses is among the most famous twentieth-century painters of the United States, yet she did not start painting until she was in her late seventies. As she once said to herself: " I would never sit back in a rocking chair, waiting for someone to help me." No one could have had a more productive old age.

She was born Anna Mary Robertson on a farm in New York State, one of five boys and five girls. At twelve she left home and was in domestic service until, at twenty--seven, she married Thomas Moses, the hired hand of one of her employers. They farmed most of their lives, first in Virginia and then in New York State, at Eagle Bridge. She had ten children, of whom five survived; her husband died in 1927.

Grandma Moses painted a little as a child and made embroidery (刺绣) pictures as a hobby, but only changed to oils in old age because her hands had become too stiff to sew and she wanted to keep busy and pass the time. Her pictures were first sold at the local drugstore and at a market and were soon noticed by a businessman who bought everything she painted. Three of the pictures exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art, and in 1940 she had her first exhibition in New York. Between the 1930's and her death, she produced some 2,000 pictures: detailed and lively portrayals of the country life she had known for so long, with a wonderful sense of color and form. "I think really hard till I think of something really pretty, and then I paint it" she said.

1.According to the passage, Grandma Moses began to paint because she wanted to_______.

A.make herself beautiful

B.become famous

C.earn more money

D.keep active

2.Grandma Moses spent most of her life ________.





3.The underlined word “portrayals ” means ________.

A. expressions       B explanations     C. descriptions  .  D. impressions

4.From Grandma Moses' description of herself in the first paragraph, it can be inferred that she was ________.





5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.The Children of Grandma Moses.

B.Grandma Moses: Her Life and Pictures.

C.Grandma Moses: Her Best Exhibition.

D.Grandma Moses and Other Older Artists.




There was a boy who was walking home from school when he saw a large, tempting (attracting) apple on one of the branches of an apple tree hanging out over a tall fence. The  boy wasn’t much of a fruit-eater, _36_ a bar of chocolate if given the choice, _37_, as they say, the forbidden fruit can be tempting. Seeing the apple, the boy wanted it. The more he looked at it, the _38_ he felt and the more he wanted that apple.

He stood on tiptoe, _39_as high as he could, but even at his tallest _40_he was unable to touch it. He began to _41_ up and down, as high as he could, at the _42_of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple. Still it remained out of _43_.

Not giving up, he thought, if only he had something to _44_on. His school bag wouldn’t give enough height and he didn’t want to _45_the things inside, like his lunch box, pencil box, pencil case, and Gameboy. Looking _46_, he hoped he might find an old box, a rock, or, _47_ luck, even a ladder, but it was a tidy neighborhood and there was nothing he could use.

He had tried everything he could think to do. _48_seeing any other choices, he gave up and started to walk_49_. At first, he felt angry and disappointed thinking about how hungry he had become from his _50_, and how he really wanted that apple. The more he _51_like this, the more unhappy he became.

_52_, the boy of our story was a pretty smart guy, even if he couldn’t get what he wanted. He started to say to himself, “This isn’t_53_.I don’t have the apple and I’m feeling sad as well. There is _54_ more I can do to get the apple— that is unchangeable —but we are supposed to be able to _55_our feelings. If that is the case, what can I do to feel better?






2.A so             B then            C. or              D. but












5.A. strength       B. height              C length           D. range       




























































































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