满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Everything _____ doing is worthy of ___...

 Everything _____ doing is worthy of _____ well.

A.worthy; being done 

B.worth; being done

C.worthy; doing

D.worth; doing


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查worth和worthy的区别:be worth doing和be worthy of being done/be worthy to be done值得被做,所以第一空填worth,第二空填being done,句意:值得做的事都值得做好。选B。 考点:考查worth和worthy

For a long time they walked without saying __word, Jim was the first to break ___ silence.

A.the; a

B.a; /

C.a; the

D.the; /



微电影(micro movie) 是最近很流行的一种网络电影形式。请你根据以下提示写一篇介绍微电影的英语短文,向某英语杂志投稿。要点如下:

1. 放映时间短(几分钟至半小时左右);

2. 制作周期短(一天至一周左右);

3. 资金投入少(1万元以下);

4. 主题宽泛,故事情节完整;

5. 可在手机、平板电脑上播放。

注意:1. 词数:120左右;

2. 参考词汇:繁荣boom; 拍摄(电影等)shoot(shot, shot);

平板电脑 tablet PCs



If you want to join the club, you need to fill in the a______________ forms.

With so many problems a_______ unexpectedly, the manager was at a loss about what to do next.

A red light is a s___________ of danger.

I picked up a few good b______________ in the second-handed market.

If you do wrong, you d_____________ punishment.

Don’t look down upon the person who have a __________(身体的) disability.

We use flowers and balloons to __________(装饰)our classroom on New Year’s Day.

I got a very friendly ______(接待) in the meeting room when I arrived at their school.

My heart __________(下沉)when I knew that I failed in the job interview.

To write a good essay you must first organize your ideas _____________(有条理地).









3.参考词汇:孤独(寂寞)get lonely




Everyone makes mistakes. How do you react(反应) when a family member, a friend, or a classmate makes a mistake? Some of us may shout out, complain, or punish. Unfortunately, these reactions to mistakes greatly hurt both sides. In fact, there is a better way to deal with a mistake.

Reframe(重组) “MISTAKE”: Change “MISTAKE” into “MIS-TAKE”. Doesn’t that have a different feeling? Therefore, a mistake is not so bad as expected. We can learn from it and it is likely to lead to success in the end.

Use mistakes as an opportunity for learning. Most of us want to hide our mistakes, but we may be more willing to share our “MIS-TAKES” and let others learn from them. Either an individual(个人) or a family can benefit by openly recognizing and correcting mistakes, rather than pretending that they didn’t happen. In fact, a mistake, if corrected quickly and in a creative way, can become ____________ for learning.

Think of mistakes as opportunities to prove yourself. A mistake may become an opportunity to create a close friend or customer. For example, in business, studies show that one of the things all customers want is recovery when the organization has made a mistake. They want us to apologize sincerely. With creative thinking, we can make them satisfied with the way we deal with a mistake.

We have learned to allow people around us to make mistakes. Now give them “protection” when they make a mistake. If you give people both permission and protection, you will get along well with them. Show them how they can turn a mistake into learning something about themselves so they don’t make the same mistake again.

1. What is the passage mainly about? (no more than 10 words)


2. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)


3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 4 words)


4. Complete the following statement with proper words? (no more than three words).

   If we think creatively, we are able to make people feel pleased with the way in which a mistake is ____________________.


5.Why should you show people how to turn a mistake into learning something about themselves? (no more than 12 words )




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