满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




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Here are two types of cars may some day take place of todays big cars. If all the people drive such cars in the future, there will be fewer pollution in the air. There will also be more space for parking cars in the cities, but the streets will be less crowded. Three such cars can fit in the space now need by one car of the usually size. The little cars will cost much less to own and drive. Drive will be safer, too, though these little cars can go only 65 kilometers per hour. But it will not be of any use for long trips.


 cars之后加 which/that   take之后加 the  fewer改为 less  but改为and  in去掉  need改为needed   usually改为usual  Drive改为 Driving  though改为because  it 改为they 【解析】  which/that引导定语从句,在句中作主语,不可省略。  take the place of代替。  pollution为不可数名词,故用less.  此处是并列关系,不是转折关系。  fit是个及物动词,fit sth. 故去掉in。  needed by被…所需要的过去分词作后置定语。  形容词修饰名词  动名词作主语  解释驾驶更安全的原因,故用because.  前面用的是复数cars,故用they来代替。


1.There are plenty of jobs ________(可利用的)in the western part of the country. 

2. A week ago, father bought a Christmas tree ________ (装饰)with coloured lights.

3.The local government take ______(措施) to bring down the high price .

4.A great celebration was held on his _________(90岁)birthday.

5.The news he __________ (传播) around the town was not true.

6.In fact, China is a_________(多山)country.

7.At that time in the southern states, the scenery looks good ________(衬托) the blue sky.

8.John was ______(严重 ) ill when I saw him in Beijing last year .   

9.The man is carrying a heavy bag, __________ (重量达..) about thirty kilos.

10.Mike’s family used to live in a __________(亚洲) country.



---I need to advertise for a roommate for next term.

   ---______ ? Mary is interested.

A. Why bother        B. Why not      C. So what          D. What for



It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. _____ , we’d  better take it to the garage immediately.

A. Otherwise                     B. If not

C. But for that                    D. If so



Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours ______ a decision.

A. they reached                   B. did they reach

C. they reach                     D. do they reach




Jane: Oh, that’s Mr Taylor. He is so boring.

Mother :What do you mean?

Jane:  6  And he’s so tempered, Mum.

Mother :  7  Are you sure, daring?

Jane: Yes, he gets angry very quickly.

Mother:  8

Jane: And do you know , he spends all his time looking at his reflection in the window , admiring himself?

Mother : Really?   9

Jane: Because he is in vain, that’s  why ! And conceited (自负的).He thinks he knows everything.

Mother: Oh, Jane. Be reasonable. I’m sure you are exaggerating

(夸张). Mr Taylor seems such a nice and kind man.

Jane:  10 He’s mean and cruel.

Mother: Cruel? Now how can a history teacher be cruel?

Jane: Because he only gave me two out of ten marks in my history test .

Mother: Oh , now I understand, Jane. I think you’d better get on with your homework.

A.       Well, he isn’t.

B.       And why does he do it?

C.       His lessons send me to sleep.

D.       That doesn’t sound like Mr Taylor at all.

E.        Quick tempered? Mr Taylor?

F.        Yes, he does.

G .He doesn’t like me.



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