满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Daniel Radcliffe, starring Harry Potter,...


Daniel Radcliffe, starring Harry Potter, has entered _____ Guinness World Records book as

one of ______ highest earning actors of the decade.

A.the ; /                     B./ ; the                    C.the ; the                  D./ ; /


C 【解析】


It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____ he or she wants.

A.however                 B.whatever                 C.whichever        D.whenever






假如你是三峡(Three Georges)高中学生会科技部部长(secretary)李华,请用英语就下面的内容提示给某大学物理系外籍专家Thomas Hawking 写封邀请函,邀请他参加学校科技艺术节活动并就“How Science Can Be Related To Art” 进行主题演讲。


邀请Thomas Hawking 教授










Dear Professor Thomas Hawking.


Yours sincerely.

Li Hua





第II卷(非选择题, 共35分)








Dear Annie.

    You asked me about the relationship between our students         76.          

in China. To tell you the truth, I was not clear about it,                77.         

either. You see, some boys and girls begin to make friend             78.         

with each other at too early age, though they know little                79.         

about love and responsibility. Another thing that bring us             80.         

trouble is parents and teachers often mistake us for the normal           81.         

relationship between which we have in or out of school.               82.         

For example, if a girl student accepts a call from a boy, her               83.         

parents would sometime like to be told who has made it,                84.         

Will you often have such kind of trouble in your life?                    85.         


Wang Ying





Does your older brother think he’s cleverer than you ? Well, he’s probably right. According to a new research published in the journal Intelligence, the oldest children in families are likely to have the highest IQs and the youngest the lowest ,

A number of studies have suggested that IQ scores decline with birth order. In the most recent study, at Vrije University, Amsterdam,researchers looked at men and women whose IQ had been tested at the ages of 5,12 ,and 18.

The results , which show a trend for the oldest to score better than the youngest in each test, involved about 200,000people. That showed that first-borns had a three-point IQ advantage over the second-born, who was a point ahead of the next in line.

The order of birth can also affect personality, achievement, and career, with first-borns being more academically successful and more likely to win Nobel prizes. However,eldset children are less likely to be radical and pioneering . Charles Darwin, for example, was the fifth child of six.

Exactly why there should be such differences is not clear, and there are a number of theories on environmental influences on the child.

The so-called dilution(稀释法) theory suggests that as family resources, both emotional and physical, as well as economic, are limited, it follows that, as a result , as more children come along, the levels of parental attention and encouragement will drop. Another theory is that the intellectual(智力) environment in the family favors the first-born who has, at least for some time, the benefit of individual care and help.

The theory which enjoys the most support is that the extra time and patience that the earlier-borns get from their parents, compared with those arriving later, gives them an advantage.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.IQ scores have little to do with the order of birth.

B.Intellectual families favor the first-born

C.The order of birth can have an effect on IQ

D.The order of birth can affect personality, achievement, and carrer.

2.By using Charles Darwin as an example, the author wants to prove that         

A.eldest children are the smartest in a family

B.youngest children will usually become experts

C.first-borns are more likely to win Nobel prizes

D.eldest children are less likely to try something new

3.What do we know about the dilution theory?

A.Intellectual parents love the first –born better

B.Parents’ attention will drop with more children coming

C.Family resources,both emotional and physical are endless.

D.First-born get less care and help from their parents.

4.The passage is developed mainly by         

A.offering opinion with further explanation

B.pointing out similarities and difference

C.comparing opinions from different fields

D.providing typical examples





Chocolate which hepls you lose weight by actually burning calories as you eat it ? It sounds wonderful.

But unfortunately , for anyone who spent £ 37 on a 40-day supply of Slim Choc, the idea is nothing more than daydream.

The product was one of a lot of “miracle cures” marketed to Britons which had no evidence to back up their grandiose(夸大的) claims, according to the Office of Fair Trading.

The OFT said that such tricks affect 200,000 of us a year, at a cost £ 20 million . Some 78 per cent of the victims(受害人)are female, but a large number of men are also taken in by “cures”for hair loss.

OFT Director of Consumer Protection Mike Haley said,“Miracle health tricks target people who are eager to lose weight or find a cure. The products are often worthless and can even be dangerous with untested and possibly harmful ingredients(成分)。”

The OFT yesterday warned consumers about the adverts for Slim-Choc, which were contained in junk mail sent to thousands of homes acorss Britain.

     The company chaimed that eating the “slimming chocolate”could help users lose 20lbs in just 20 days, without exercising or cutting back on food.

The tricks claimed this was a “brand new revolutionary cure for the overweight”,and it was “the first and only cholcolate that burns off fat”. Thousands were persuaded to pay £ 37 for a 40-day supply.

Alice Tuff, of the Sense About Science charity, said :“The emotional and financial costs for the people who get drawn in can be huge and it is very important that we keep promoting public vigilance(警惕)in dealing with this serious problem.”

1.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Chocolate And Health   B.Dangerous Chocolate

C.Too Good To Be True    D.Weight-loss Chocolate

2.Which of the following best states Mike’s idea?

A.The emotional and financial costs for victims can be great

B.Eating the “slimming chocolate” could help users lose weight.

C.We should deal with this weight-loss chocolate problem seriously.

D.Weight-loss chocolate may contain dangerous ingredients.

3.The company promises if you pay £ 37 for the product, you will         

A.turn to normal in 40 days,   B.loss weight without exercising

C.lose 40lbs in 20 days       D.lose weight anywhere anytime

4.The passage is written mainly for         

A.doctors   B.experts    C.consumers    D.advertisers




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