满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

.—Did you hear Tom was scolded for his s...


.—Did you hear Tom was scolded for his spelling mistakes in his English composition?

—Yes, but a more careful person _____ so many mistakes.

         A.wouldn’t make                      B.needn’t have made

         C.shouldn’t make              D.wouldn’t have made 


D 【解析】


.—The film Avatar made by James Cameron is fantastic.Don’t you think so?

    —_____.For years to come it will be beyond what movies can achieve.

         A.Actually    B.Extremely      C.Exactly      D.Surprisingly




— Don’ t be so naughty! Be your _____.

— Got it.

A.manners         B.age        C.behavior        D.politeness







Dear Sally,

Hi! I’m Li Ying, your new pen friend from Fujian, China. I got your name

and address from a magazine and thought I would w      to you. Well,             76.       

let me start by telling you something about         . I’m a high school              77.       

student of seventeen. I have many hobbies, among __ reading novels and              78.       

collecting        (邮票) are my favorites. I love the outdoors, especially           79.       

the sea and I’ve been on several tours abroad. I also enjoy            (听)          80.       

to both pop and classical music. In a word, I’m a            (谦虚的) ,             81.       

patient and caring person. I guess life in London must            wonderful         82.       

with so many places of i          to visit and so much tasty food to enjoy. I         83.       

hope to visit London d          my holidays because I really like to                84.       

learn more about your culture. I’m 1          forward to hearing from you.         85.       


Li Ying




When we Americans shop at the grocery stores today, we don’t seem to be surprised at the sight of strawberries in the winter or perfect tomatoes from Holland. In the space of a generation, we’ve become accustomed to eating food that’s never grown roots in local soil. In fact, most produce(农产品) grown in the United States travels an average of 1,500 miles before it gets sold.

Trucking, shipping and flying in food from around the country and the globe has a very bad effect on the environment and on public health. Take grapes for example. Every year, nearly 270 million pounds of grapes arrive in California, most of them shipped from Chile to the Port of Los Angeles. Their 5,900-mile journey in cargo ships and trucks gives off 7,000 tons of global warming pollution each year, and enough air pollution to cause dozens of asthma(哮喘) attacks and hundreds of missed school clays in California.

The way we eat has a great influence on the health of the planet. By choosing to eat lower on the food chain, and focusing on local and organic(有机的) produce, we can reduce global warming and air pollution, avoid poisonous chemicals, support local farmers and enjoy fresh, tasty food.

People are rediscovering the benefits of buying local food. How your food is grown, stored, transported, processed and cooked can all influence how it affects climate and the environment. Transportation-related influences are particularly important for imported foods. NRDC calculated the transportation influences of importing fresh produce and wine widely consumed in California. They directly compared the climate and air quality influenced by importing these foods instead of growing and consuming them in California. Their analysis shows that—all else being equal—locally grown foods are a better choice.

72. From the passage we can learn that most produce sold at the grocery stores in the US     .

A. is grown by local farmers                          B. is from foreign countries

C. comes from far away                              D. is out of season

73. What would be the effect of transportation of foods?

A. It pollutes the foods during the transportation.

B. It makes the cost of the foods much higher.

C. It makes the foods less fresh and tasteless.

D. It causes air pollution and global warming.

74. Which of the following may have a bad effect on the health of the planet?

A. Eating higher on the food chain.                 B. Eating locally grown foods.

C. Eating more organic produce.                   D. Eating fresh and tasty foods.

75. The main purpose of the passage is         .

A. to help the local farmers grow and sell their produce

B. to tell people that imported foods are less healthy

C. to warn people of the harmfulness of food transportation

D. to get local people to reject the imported foods




“You’re going to the United States to live? How wonderful! You’re really lucky!”

Does this sound familiar? Perhaps your family and friends said similar things to you when you left home. But does it seem true all the time? Is your life in this new country always wonderful and exciting? A great many facts show that it’s not easy for newcomers to adjust to life in a new culture. They have to experience culture shock.

What causes culture shock? Maybe the weather is unpleasant.  Perhaps the customs are different. Perhaps the public service systems such as the telephone, post office, or transportation are difficult to figure out and you make mistakes. The simplest things seem difficult. The language may be difficult. The food may seem strange to you. If you don’t look similar to the natives, you may feel strange. You may feel as ff everyone is watching you. In fact, you are always watching yourself.

Everyone experiences culture shock in some form or another. But culture shock comes as a surprise to most people. A lot of the time, the people with the worst culture shock are the people who never had any difficulties in their own countries. They were active and successful in their community(社区). They had hobbies or pastimes which they enjoyed. When they come to a new country, they do not have the same positions or hobbies as they already had in their countries. They find themselves without a role, almost without an identity. They have to build a new self-image.

Culture shock produces a feeling of disorientation(晕头转向), which may be homesickness, imagined illness, or even paranoia(偏执症). When people feel the disorientation of culture shock, they sometimes feel like staying inside all the time. They want to protect themselves from the unfamiliar environment. They want to create an escape within their room to give themselves a sense of security. This escape does solve the problem of culture shock for the short term, but it does nothing to familiarize the person more with the culture. Familiarity and experience are the long-term ways to settle the problem of culture shock.

67. Who is the passage mainly for?

A. The family and friends of those who came to the US.

B. Those who have got rid of culture shock.

C. People who have just moved to a foreign country.

D. People who can easily adjust their life in the US.

68. The underlined part “you are always watching yourself’” (in Paragraph 3) means         .

A. you are always feeling homesick

B. you are always worried too much about yourself

C. you are always looking at yourself in the mirror

D. you are always nervous about meeting other people

69. Which of the following would be a case of culture shock for newcomers?

A. They have trouble using public telephones.

B. Their positions or hobbies stay the same.

C. They are active and successful in the new community.

D. They have got used to the life in the new country.

70. Which of the following may cause newcomers to lack a sense of security?

A. A new identity.                                      B. Local food.

C. A new serf-image.                                    D. Strange environment.

71. The best way for the newcomers to overcome culture shock is         .

A. to stay inside to protect themselves

B. to make a study of the new hobbies

C. to adapt themselves to the new environment

D. to ask people for help when having difficulties



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