满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— I will come to attend your lecture at ...

— I will come to attend your lecture at 10:00 tomorrow.  

— I’m sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and I _____ in my office.

         A.am working   B.will work                 C.will be working      D.will have worked


C 【解析】

         — Will you go to the World Expo in Shanghai by bullet train after the Examination?

—_______  I may go by air.

A. Why not?                B. Not really.                C. How come?               D. Oh, great.










参考词汇:国际贸易博览会 the International Trade Exposition   使者 carrier

Dear Sir ,




Li Hua





Dear Ellen,

How is everything going?

It's been a long time _______ we met last time. I'm writing                   79.______

to s______ with you my unforgettable experience this weekend. On Saturday 80._____

my family drove to our hometown,________ I spent the first five years of my        81.______

life. Great c_____ have taken place here. It has become a scenic spot attracting 82._____

thousands of tourists worldwide. All the villagers _____ a happy, relaxed life,  83._____

which is so much admired _____ city people like us.                     84.______

H______, life here was hard in the past. When my parents were young,       85._____

most villagers couldn't _______(生产)enough food to feed their children.        86.______

As a result, many children _______(挨饿)to death. Now not only can every 87.______

villager has enough to eat but also they can afford to send their children to

study abroad. What great changes! I'm looking forward _____ meeting you    88._____

soon and telling you more. I believe you'll be interested.






V. 选用正确的词组填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分;其中有三个多余项)

leave alone;   was aware ;   came across;    as far as he was concerned;    adjust to;

fit in with;    in the meantime;  dying to;  all in all;  had no difficulty;      upside down;

71.He has his faults, but _______________ he is an honest man.

72.You buy the fruit, ________________ I'll cook breakfast.

73.Besides,____________________ ,what other people thought was not the most important thing.

74.His ideas didn't __________________ our aims.

75.How difficult do you think it is to ________________ living in another country?

76.I ______________ this book in an old bookstore near the Palace Museum.

77.I know you're ________________ hear all about my life here.

78.You'd better turn the bottle _________________ to empty out the oil.




Like cats, geckos(壁虎)always land on their feet. If they happen to fall from a wall or leaf they’ve been climbing, a quick move of the tail makes sure that they always land on their feet first, a new study finds.

Geckos are truly built for climbing: their feet have hairy toes that can fix themselves to a wall or other vertical(竖直的)surfaces. However, geckos’ feet can’t always keep hold and they may fall to the ground. When geckos fall or jump off a wall, they always land stomach-side down. Geckos’ long tails become necessary during their falls, the new study shows.

Researchers did an experiment. They placed geckos up-side-down on the underside of a leaf. When they lost their foothold and fell, the geckos pitched (倾斜)their tails for balance. They then rotated(旋转)their tails to make their bodies rotate. As soon as they were right-side up, they stopped rotating. On average, it only took the geckos about a tenth of a second to right themselves so that they would land on their feet.

Cats use a different way to land on their feet after a fall. As their tails don’t have the power like geckos’ tails, cats can’t use them to right themselves. Instead they twist their bodies around mid-air.

Engineers are trying to build a robot that imitates the geckos’ climbing ability. A tail will be fixed to the robot to allow it to keep balance.

54. What do we know about geckos?

A. Their toes make it possible for them to walk on walls.

B. Their tails can fix them to a wall or other vertical surfaces.

C. They often land on their backs when they jump off walls.

D. It takes them a second to right themselves in mid-air.

55. How do cats avoid their injury during a fall?

A. By twisting their bodies.                 B. By fixing their toes to the ground.

C. By using their tails to right themselves.        D. By landing upside-down.

56. Geckos’ special abilities have given engineers some new ideas to _________.

A. allow robots to climb vertical surfaces       

B. reproduce geckos like robots

C. invent robots that can rotate on the ground

D. invent robots that can balance themselves using their tails

57. What is the text mainly talking about?

A. The interesting living habits of geckos.   B. The differences between cats and geckos.

C. Why geckos always land on their feet.      D. How geckos climb up vertical walls.



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