满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The man _______ the little boy and said ...

The man _______ the little boy and said , “You are so clever and lovely . I love you very much.”

A.glared at

B.aimed at

C.stared at

D.laughed at


A 【解析】略

________ work has been done to improve the people’s living standard.    

A.A large amount of

B.A large number of

C.A great deal

D.A great many




VII. 书面表达(满分25分)













VI. 短文填空(10%)

Your chance to be a millionaire

How’s your ability to manage wealth? If you are given 1

million yuan, do you have any i______on how to invest (投资)     1. ________

it to _________(挣) more money?                            2. ________

In   3  (真实的)life we probably won’t have the chance.   3. _________

But a board game o______us an opportunity to test our financial      4. _________

abilities while still having some f_____(乐趣). You may have already  5. _________

played Monopoly(地产大亨), _____ is set in the US and has been a   6. ________

popular game there for many years. Now there is Monopoly Beijing Version.

Using a map of the city, you compete to gain w______through         7. ________

economic______ (活动) such as the buying, renting and trading of     8. __________

properties(财产). So how would you invest your money?

Will you buy Zhongguancun, China’s “Silicon Valley”(硅谷) or do you

prefer a  c______place? The winner of course is the one           9. ________

who earns the _________ money.                             10. ________





V 根据提示完成下列句子。(每小题1分,共10分)

1. 众所周知吸烟对身体健康危害很大。

As is known to us, smoking ________________________________________________.

2. 至于那一大笔钱, 我也不知该如何处理。

______________________________________, I don’t know how to deal with it.

3. 任何人不得再实验室里抽烟

Nobody is ________________________________________________________.

4. 这个话题我不觉得乏味,正相反,我觉得它很有趣。

The topic doesn’t seem boring to me; ______________________, I think it’s very


5. 我们应该想办法防止有害气体的蔓延。

We should find some ways to _____________________________________.

6. 水对于生命的发展会起关键作用,这一点在当时并不明显

It was not obvious at that time that water was to be _______________________.

7. 吃饭时擤鼻涕是不礼貌的。

_________________________________________ to blow your nose at dinner.

8. 他的话铭刻在我的记忆里。

His words ____________________ themselves ________ my memory.

9. 母亲有一种使客人感到宾至如归的能力。(gift)

Mother always _____________________________ making guests feel at home.

10. 依我看,你没有做错任何事

_________________________________________, you’ve done nothing wrong.




Many parents find that their children act very mean to their friends. They wonder what they can do about this behavior without squashing their spirit. Here is what parenting experts explain and suggest:

Pre-schoolers have no idea how others feel. They are in the process of understanding their own feelings and have not yet developed “emotional intelligence”. Children of this age also do things just because it can make them feel powerful when they are able to make others respond.

Here are some things you can do to reduce the mean talk: When the child’s in a good mood, look her in the eyes and lovingly tell her how you feel when she speaks in a mean way to another child. Have a look of disappointment on your face and role-play with her to show her the behavior you would like to see. Then, every time you see her demonstrating the “nice” interaction with others, stop what you’re doing, give her eyes contact and make a big deal out of it. Young children need to know what good behavior looks like with regular encouragement. When you catch her being mean to a child, get down on your knees next to her, and, with your arm around her, face the child that is receiving her meanness, and apologize to the child for both of you, then walk away. As soon as the other child is away, let your daughter know how disappointed you are in her behavior and quickly let it go.

Parents should set up a consequence when this negative behavior occurs. You can give these other ideas a try first. If you’re not seeing any results after a few times, then go ahead and set up the consequence(such as not being able to play with that child). Avoid using “time out” because it doesn’t work. It gives the child too much power and too much attention. The most effective consequences are those that are directly tied to the behavior. If she is being mean to children, then the play session ends. And most importantly, set up this consequence in advance when the negative behavior is NOT occurring.

If you should catch her being a “bully” to another child, and she has somehow hurt him or her, immediately put all your attention on the victim, not her. Don’t scold or punish your daughter. Softly, gently, and immediately, nurture the hurt child and get your daughter to assist you in the nurturing. When things have calmed down, let her know face to face how disappointed you are in her behavior, not her as a child.

65. When a child talks mean to his friend, the best way to correct it is to___________.

A. tell him directly that it is a wrong doing   

B. demonstrate what a good behavior is

C. make him apologize to his friend

D. ask his friend not to play with him anymore

66. The underlined phrase “make a big deal out of it ” in paragraph 2 probably


A. show some disappointment B. say a few words of praise

C. exchange gifts with the child      D. present a surprised look

67. When dealing with a child’s mean action, you shouldn’t___________.

A. punish her in the presence of her friend.   

B. put on a disappointed look on your face

C. tell her that you are unhappy to see that   

D. nurture the hurt child immediately

68. The passage is mainly about how to___________

A. bring up children                     

B. solve pre-school children’s problems

C. help children make friends             

D. guide children when bad behaviors occur 



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