满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分3...





Balzac was good at buying things at its lowest price. One day he wanted to buy a vase in a shop window that was much more expensive than he could offer. Not being able to make the shopkeeper cut down its price very much, he left without further talking. Collecting a half dozen of his friends, he explained his wish to them and they worked a plan. The first would enter the shop and make an offer, lower than the marked price. Not getting the vase at his price, he would walk out. Shortly after another would enter and ask for a price lower than the first. In this way, each of the others would offer a price lower than the one before, and the last of his friends made a great effort to attempt to get it at the lowest price. Before long Balzac himself would return, offer more than the last two or three persons made and trust to luck. The plan worked--- Balzac got the vase at his price!

41.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.vase in the window was placed much higher than Balzac could reach.

B.At first the price of the vase was much higher than Balzac could offer.

C.Balzac always wanted to buy a vase that was much more expensive than he could pay

D.Balzac was very poor. He couldn’t buy the vase at a high price.

42.How many friends did Balzac gather?

A.Six          B.Twelve          C.Ten         D.Five

43.Who asked for the lowest price?

A.The first one.    B.The second one.     C.The last of his friends.   D.Balzac.

44.What kind of person does the writer try to tell us about Balzac and his friends?

A.Unkind      B.Dishonest     C.Selfish      D.Clever


41--44   BACD     【解析】略



I’ve loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pen, and white paper, I decided that the act of ___21___ must be the most ___22___ thing in the world.

Years later, during her final illness, mother ___23__ different things for my sister and brother. “But the ___24___”, she said, “is for Elizabeth”.

I never saw her angry, and never saw her cry. I knew she ___25___ me, she showed it in action. But ___26___ a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks ___27___ mother and daughter. They never happened. And a gulf(深渊) opened between us. I was “too emotional”. ___28___ she lived “on the surface”.

As years passed and I graduated from college, I loved my mother and I wrote to her in ___29__ words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did ___30___ me.

I posted the letter and waited for her answer. ___31___ came. My hope turned to ___32___, then little interest, finally, peace --- it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn’t be sure that the ___33___ had even got to Mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could ___34___ trying to make her into someone she was not.

Now the ___35___ of her desk told me, as she’d ___36___ been able to, that she was ___37___ that writing was my chosen work. I ___38___ the desk carefully and found some papers ___39___---- a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded and refolded many times.

“Give me an answer”, my letter asks, “in any way you chose”. Mother, you always chose the ___40___ that speaks louder than words.

21. A.Speaking         B.writing                   C.looking                  D.listening

22. A.Wonderful       B.tiring                     C.funny                    D. Productive

23. A. bought               B. gave                        C. designed                  D. kept

24. A. pen                    B. paper                       C. chair                       D. desk

25. A. loved                 B. disliked                   C. appreciated              D. sympathized

26. A. like                   B. as                        C. be                        D. unlike

27. A. with                  B. among                     C. beside                     D. between

28. A. So                     B. And                         C. But                     D. Or

29. A. careful               B. active                      C. thankful                  D. serious

30. A. ignore                B. accept                      C. forgive                    D. dislike

31. A. No one              B. None                    C. Something               D. Neither

32. A. surprise           B. joy                       C. disappointment         D. happiness

33. A. ides                   B. information              C. news                       D. letter

34. A. stand                 B. stop                         C. continue                D. practice

35. A. present               B. appearance               C. shape                      D. sight

36. A. always               B. ever                        C. never                      D. often

37. A. sorry                 B. encouraged              C. regretful                  D. pleased

38. A. moved               B. cleaned                 C. fixed                       D. emptied

39. A. inside                B. outside                    C. below                      D. above

40. A. gesture               B. method                    C. action                   D. way



20.The actress looks very young but _______she is more than forty years old. 







19.We were       that the Wenchuan earthquake left the whole city in ruins.


B.worried about





18.——would you like to go and see the film with me this evening?

——I am sorry, I can’t because I ________my homework.



C.am doing

D.has done



17.——Honey, please don’t play the computer games.

——Pardon ?

——I ______ play the computer games.

A.ask you don’t

B.asked you not to

C.tell you not to

D.told you didn’t



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