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第二节书面表达(25分) 在寄宿制高中,大部分学生住校,但仍有一部分学生选择走读...














2、参考词汇:寄宿制学校 boarding school 住校 live on campus;


Recently,a survey has been made in Our school on whether we students should live on campus in a boarding school.The opinions are divided.


One possible version Recently, a survey has been made in our school on whether we students should live on campus in a boarding school. The opinions are divided. 70% of us are in favor of it as living on campus can help develop a good habit of studying and living. Besides, they can spend less time on the way to school and home. What’s more, they can consult teachers and discuss with classmates, which will contribute to their improvement. However, 30% of them are against it for the reasons below: First, the school canteen can’t meet the various needs of students. Second, if they live on campus, they’ll have little chance to get in touch with society. Last, without parents accompanying, they communicate less with them. Personally, I think it’s necessary to live on campus because we can live, study and play together happily. 【解析】略









My cousin and I were decided to go to Beijing in our                              76.       

car for weekend.We set off on Saturday morning and                                  77.       

stopped for lunch on the way.In the afternoon when we did                   78.       

some shopping and then called at some friends living                              79.       

there.We had planned to see a film in the evening and                              80.       

our friend said the concert was very wonderfully.But the                      81.       

ticket had been sold out when we got to the theatre.In the                            82.       

end,we go to a play instead.The next morning we had a                      83.       

Walk in the Summer Palace.We had a very big meal with                      84.       

the friends before they drove back.We were tired but happy.               85.    




Some time ago during my vacation period, I traveled to Europe to tour the various parts of France.Our tour group was made up of forty—five travelers from different countries.My three friends and I made up the Canadian team on the bus.

As time passed we got to know each Other better and in some ways the new friendships that grew became as valuable and as memorable as the trip itself.

On the last day of the tour we were traveling through the peaceful French countryside when our guide came on the microphone.He said,“We are presently passing through World War I battlefields just south of Vimy Ridge.If you look to your right, just across the field there, you will see the war memorial that the people of France built to the Canadian soldiers who fought so bravely here.Even today some residents from the surrounding towns place flowers on the memorial regularly.My dear Canadian friends at the back of the bus, I would like to say thank you for the unselfish acts of your Canadian soldiers.”

Across the grassy field, the stone monument stood proud against the French sky.A Canadian flag rippled softly in the calm breeze.Lost in the moment, I could imagine the sights and sounds of war.Suddenly an unexpected wave of emotion swept over me.I felt great sadness for those men who never returned home to Canada, but at the same time my heart was filled with an enormous sense of pride.Tears welled up in my eyes.I was embarrassed by my uncontrolled reaction.As I turned around I realized that each of my friends had experienced the same feelings, their eyes also wet with tears.

72.From the passage we know the writer was traveling in Europe with    .

A.only his Canadian friends                 B.his foreign classmates

C.some foreigners as well as his friends        D.his colleagues and friends

73.It can be inferred from the passage that    .

A.the Canadian group didn’t know other members well at first

B.this must be a group for both traveling and study

C.the group was made up of people who got on well in real life

D.the numbers of the group must be students of history

74.The action of the local French shows that    .

A.they had made the battle field a place of interest

B.they still remember all the Canadians who have died

C.they honoured those Canadian soldiers who lost their lives m World War I

D.the numbers of the group must be students of history

75.At the guide’s words, as a Canadian, the writer     .

A.had complicated feelings

B.was only proud of those soldiers

C.thought it was his duty to help France

D.controlled his feelings so as not to be embarrassed




One of the most popular new online games is Second Life.These games are also called MMOs for short.But unlike other MMOs, Second Life is not about winning or losing.Second Life is technically a computer game.But people involved in it do not consider it a game, because the players Create everything.Second Life is more for socializing and creating communities.

Users of Second Life are called residents.To take part, they must create an electronic image of themselves.Some look like humans, while others look like animals.Inside the Second Life world, residents build homes, run business, buy and sell things, work, play, and attend school.They even have relationships and get married.

Second Life was created in 2003 by Linden Lab in San Francisco, California.Linden Lab controls the website where the ever—changing world is being created.There are now about one million people around the world who are active in Second Life.The number has grown quickly since the beginning of the year when there were about one hundred thousand users.

The average age of people involved with Second Life is about thirty.However, Linden Lab recently created Teen Second Life for young users.Second Life has its own economy and its own money called Linden dollars.Millions of dollars are made and spent each month in Second Life.Users can enter Second Life for free.But they must pay for a membership if they want to own land or buy and sell goods and services.

Lately, several major companies have become involved with Second Life.They want to be part of the growing business world that exists within the made—up reality.The car maker Toyota, music producer Sony BMG, and even Reuters news agency are among businesses now existing within Second Life.

68.The best title for the passage may be    .

A.Popular Computer Games                     B.Users of Second Life

C.Business within Second Life                 D.A Million People Get a Second Life

69.According to the passage, Second Life refers to a new online game    .

A.about winning or losing

B.in which players can create everything

C.mostly for children

D.designed for only one player role

70.We can see from the passage that the users of the Second Life    .

A.can’t create the electronic images

B.become humans and animals

C.don’t work or play

D.can even get married

71.It can be inferred from the passage that    .

A.these major companies want to become the players inside the Second Life world

B.these major companies: want to make profits from Second Life

C.we can’t believe in the made—up reality inside the Second Life world

D.these major companies show no interest in Second Life




Can you train your cat to actually use your toilet? Can you not have to deal with litter boxes any more? Well for many people the answers to these questions are yes.

You may have heard that some people have managed to train their cats to use the human toilet, Well this is correct.One advantage to this is the fact that you no longer have to lug heavy bags of litter home from the supermarket, or worry about cleaning out the dirty litter everyday.

Like any other cat training program, training your cat to use the toilet takes times and patience, you just can put your cat on the toilet and hope that they can use it.

By slowly shaping your cat’s behavior over a couple of weeks, you too can end lugging heavy bags of cat litter home from the supermarket.First, start by slowly moving the litter box closer and closer to the toilet each day, so your cat gets used to being in the bathroom and being around the toilet.

Next, when you have had to litter box next to the toilet for several days, slowly raise the litter box higher and higher each day until it is at the level of the toilet.Then find an insert for the top of the toilet, like a shallow pan that can sit in the rim of the toilet and hold litter.

Once your cat gets used to using this litter pan on top of the toilet for a week or so, try removing the pan and your cat should be able to use the toilet.

Like any cat training program, it takes time and effort on the part of the cat owner to do this.Don’t get frustrated with your cat if she is not learning as fast as you would like, many cats learn at their own pace.With a little effort you too can have a toilet trained cat.

64.The author advises you to train your cat to use a toilet so that may    .

A.keep the toilet clean

B.keep the cat clean

C.save a lot of trouble

D.save a lot of money

65.According to the passage, cat toilet training is a     process.

A.quick                     B.Complicated            C.difficult           D.gradual

66.When you have managed to get your cat to use the toilet, the litter box    .

A.is no longer needed                B.is still needed

C.should be kept where it is                 D.should be put back where it was

67.We can see from the passage that“a shallow pan”(in Para 6 )    .

A.is used instead of the litter box               B.is used to protect the cat

C.helps to raise the litter box             D.helps to clean the toilet




See in your mind’s eye where you really want to be in ten years’ time.Choose your own values, activities, and relationships rather than copying tubers.

While working with troubled teens, I used to haste them do a Ten Years game in the Future exercise.I asked them to write a letter to a friend as if it was ten years in the future.Most of these boys and girls didn’t think about the next week, much less ten years to come.This lack of “foresight”was a major reason why their lives were pretty messed up.But the real story is what happened to me.I did the exercise right along with them on many occasions, writing my dreams in detail.In my letter to a friend, I had moved to the country, built my own home, authored a book, and started my own business.

Over the next ten years, something magic happened.All my dreams became true, almost as if orchestrated (精心安排) by an unseen hand.I realized that something very powerful was happening, more powerful than expected.I did write books and start my business.We did move to the country and I did build my own home.

This letter to a friend will become a magnetic factor in your life.Your vision will guide you in your yearly goals, your monthly goals, and your daily activities.

You must write your letter as if it has already happened.For example:

“Leslie, I just wanted to make contact again and tell you about my life.I started my own gardening business in 2012 and it’s really taken off.”

“Dear Harold, I met the love of my life in 2016 and we moved to Hawaii where Frank works in a bookstore and I give surfing lessons everyday.We love it.”

Remember, describe all the details as if they have already happened.This will help you make it more real for you.

Sit down and write (or type) your Ten Years in the Future letter today.

60.It seems that the author’s dream and vision became a reality because the author    .

A.had put something magic in the letter

B.could foresee what would happen

C.was experienced in writing the Ten Years letter

D.took what was written in the letter as a guide in life

61.According to the author,“Leslie”in your letter should be the person that    .

A.does the same exercise as you

B.will become your friend in ten years

C.you know now and may still know in the future

D.you can imagine when you write your letter

62.The author advises you to write the Ten Years in the Future letter    .

A.as soon as possible

B.in ten years’ time

C.when you have time

D.as often as possible

63.Which of the following covers the topics in this text?

a.The author’s own experience with the Ten Years in the Future exercise.

b.How the author got the idea of the Ten Years in the Future exercise.

c.How to write the Ten Years in the Future letter.

d.The author’s experience of working with troubled teens.

e.The difficulty in dealing with troubled teens.

f.How to improve your letter writing skill.

A.a, d, f                     B.a, c, d              C.b, c, d             D.a, c, e



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