满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

24.I wonder why Ann didn’t get______the ...

24.I wonder why Ann didn’t get______the job.She is the right person for it.

A.to be offered

B.to offer




D 【解析】略

23.Well,that’s just the deal._____price will be out of my reach.

A.The higher

B.A higher

C.The highest

D.A highest



22.The earliest coins were made in Lydia,a little county in_______s now called turkey.










21.Come along.There’s________room for another_______few people at the back of the bus.

A.a;a                       B.the;a                    C.\;\                        D.\;a






I’ll graduate from our school soon. How a          76. __________        

great three – year school life! I just find this                 77. __________        

really difficult to say goodbye to the nice

teachers or my dear good friends. They are always      78. __________        

kind for me and I will miss them forever.              79. __________         

Walk around the campus. I can still see               80. __________        

my footsteps through the colorful school life                 81. __________        

and everything will be careful kept in my              82. __________         

memory. I’m going to study harder than ever

to improve my English. I believe you work            83. __________        

hard, you’ll surely make a great progress. Let’s          84. __________        

try to make your dreams come true together.                 85.  __________       



The benefits of telling a bedtime story should never be neglected by any parent. It is important to your child’s overall development.

Telling bedtime stories helps your child expand his vocabulary, improves his listening skills, and develops his ability to understand events and characters. His oral communication skills will improve. Storytelling is a great way to make your child interested in reading and also in expressing their thoughts through writing.

There are various thinking skills that are mastered by your little one as he listens to a story. He learns to recall the information and use it in real life. As your child listens to different ideas, he will be more open to accept new ideas. He learns to be more flexible in his thinking but, at the same time, have his own points of view.

Your child also learns to solve problems through stories. For instance, he may behave appropriately in various situations. Your child will learn a lot from the story and pay attention to his behavior.

Some tales tell us of moral values, which are important for your child’s moral development. Knowing that other kids also learn basic manners and respect for elders in stories, he will son develop a set of moral values for his own.

The last but not least benefit would be the quality time you spend together with your child. This close and personal time between the parent and the child is not easily copied in other situations. Your child will have a good relationship with you.

1.The main idea of Paragraph 2 is that telling bedtime stories can help children__________

A.acquire communication skills  B.change their attitudes to learning

C.develop good characteristics    D.improve their learning abilities

2.How can children learn to solve problems through stories?

A.By applying what others do to similar situations.

B.By comparing different kinds of problems.

C.By accepting various new thoughts and ideas.

D.By trying to be more flexible with new things.

3.Telling bedtime stories contributes to a better parent – child relationship because__________

A.parents spend more time together with their children

B.children’s thinking ability grows through the stories

C.children can learn a log from bedtime stories

D.bedtime stories tell children of moral values

4.How is the text mainly developed?

A.By comparing details.     B.By listing examples.

C.By explaining reasons.    D.By telling stories.



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