满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A youth lay in a bath of tomato juice du...

A youth lay in a bath of tomato juice during the “Tomatina” Tomato Fight in the town of Bunol, near Valencia, eastern Spain.

Tens of thousands of people took off their shorts and threw tons of juicy tomatoes at each other in the Tomatina food fight, creating knee-deep rivers of tomato sauce (酱) on the streets of this Spanish town.

Five trucks carried 130 tons of the fruit for the hour-long fight which attracted foreign tourists. Among them are British, French, Argentineans and Japanese, as well as locals.

On the bell of noon the signal was given and for the next 60 minutes participants (参加人) hurled tomatoes at each other until a gunshot signalled the end of the festival.

The clean-up followed, with fighters washing the signs of battle away in the local river or under hundreds of temporary (临时的) showers. While the front of buildings were watered, they seemed brighter than ever after their bath.

The Tomatina, held on the last Wednesday in August, is said to be the world’s largest tomato fight. In the past people have been hurt during the tomato fight but no one was killed or injured this year.

The origin (起源) of the festival is unknown, but everyone in Bunol seems to have a favorite story. However, most agree it started around 1940.

1.The passage shows that the tomato fight this year is __________.





2.The underlined word “hurled” means “__________”.

A.presented (赠送)




3.According to the passage, we can learn that __________.

A.participants can have a good rest after the fight ends

B.the festival came from a favorite story

C.only adults are permitted to attend the festival

D.no one was hurt in this year’s tomato fight

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.A Youth Lay in a Bath of Tomato Juice

B.Tomato-hurling Festival in Spain

C.The History of “Tomatina” Tomato Fight

D.Festivals in Spain


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 【解析】 1.推断题,从第二段可以看出,西红柿大战很受人欢迎。从倒数第二段可以看出今年的大战没有什么危险事件发生。 2.猜测词义题,西红柿大战当然是扔西红柿了,所以选throw。 3.推断题,从倒数第二段可以看出,今年没有人受伤。 4.文章介绍的是西红柿大战的情况,主要讲今年的战况以及它的历史,这里只有B比较全面的概括了文章大意。

Pingyao, in the center of Shanxi Province, is a famous historic cultural city of China and a world cultural heritage site (世界文化遗址). It’s 90 kilometers south of Taiyuan on the Fen River.

People lived in Pingyao during the New Stone Age. Its long period as a country government seat has left Pingyao with lots of historic buildings and sites, with a 2,700-year history. Ninety-nine of them are under government protection, including Zhengguo Temple, Shuanglin Temple and Pingyao Ancient City.

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, businessmen organized commercial (商业的) groups that did business nationwide. Shanxi Province had some of the most important ones and Pingyao was their center. In 1823, a store, known as Rishengchang(Sunrise Prosperity), traded in bank checks rather than in silver or gold coins. It was the beginning of modern Chinese banking. Branch banks were soon set up in major cities in China and other parts of Asia, leading to great development in Pingyao. Its Lacquer ware (漆器) became well known.

In Pingyao Ancient City are many traditional houses and commercial buildings, 3,797 of which are protected and more than 400 of which are in good condition. Not only do the houses in Pingyao show Shanxi’s history and culture, but this large number is valuable for studying its history, customs, and ancient buildings and art. Most of these houses are still used as homes and shops of local people.

In 1997, Ancient Pingyao City was listed in World Heritage List as “ World Culture Heritage Site”.

1.What does the underlined word “them”(in the 2nd paragraph) refer to?

A.Historic buildings and sites.

B.The three temples.

C.The country government seats.

D.The 2,700-year history.

2.Which of the following about Pingyao is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Its location (位置).

B.Its tourism.

C.Its business.

D.Its history.

3.During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Pingyao was a leading center in __________.


B.raising cattle

C.commercial trade

D.making gold coins

4.If you want to know about the history of banking in China, you’ll visit __________.

A.Sunrise Prosperity

B.Zhengguo Temple

C.A lacquer ware store

D.A commercial house



Nanjing and Hangzhou summer camps offered

We are looking for hard-working and open-minded English teachers to join the Nanjing ( Jiangsu Province) and Hangzhou (Zhejiang Province) summer camps!

Both of the summer camps will run from the beginning of July to the end of August. You will be expected to teach spoken English to Chinese students of different ages. We encourage you to bring your own culture to the classes to make things more interesting.

The information of the Nanjing camp:

l Working hours: 40 hours per week, 5 working days per week.

l Salary: about 7,000 RMB per month.

l Accommodation(食宿): free (single room).

The information of the Hangzhou camp:

l Working hours: 5 hours per day (="50" min./class×6 classes), one day rest per week.

l Salary: 20,160 RMB in total (420 RMB per day=70RMB/class×6 classes)

l Accommodation: free (shared room)

The requirements (要求) of the summer camps:

l Native English speakers (US, England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)

l A university degree.

l Teaching experience.

Please send us your resume (简历), copies of certificates (证书) and passport if you are interested in the camps.

E-mail: teacher 1324@sina.com.cn

For more information you can visit our website at http://www.Englishsummercamps.com.cn

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

1.What kind of people is the passage mainly written for?

A.Teachers of English in China.

B.Foreign English teachers.

C.Chinese-speaking students.

D.English-learning students.

2.How long will a teacher work for the summer camps?

A.Less than one month.

B.About five weeks.

C.About eight weeks.

D.More than two months.

3.Who might be accepted as a teacher at the summer camps?

A. Abhishek, an excellent teacher from India.

B. Robert, a high school student from the USA.

C. Linda, an experienced university teacher from Canada.

D. Jerry, a university student from Australia.

4.Compared with the Nanjing camp, the Hangzhou camp __________.

A.has longer working hours

B.has younger students to teach

C.provides better accommodation

D.pays a higher salary



When Jackie Robinson walked onto Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York, on April 15, 1947, he changed baseball forever. As the first African American to play in the Major League in modern times, many believe he changed the country forever.

Robinson was born in 1919. He lived in a time when rules controlled what African Americans could do. He was a top athlete, playing football, basketball and baseball. But playing for a major League team was off limits to Robinson because of his race.

Branch Rickey, president and manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, signed (和……签约) Robinson in 1947. He believed that Robinson not only had the skills, but the courage to face the challenge of becoming modern baseball’s first black player.

It wasn’t easy. Robinson sometimes faced boos (嘘声) from fans. But he became a star, anyway. In 1962, he became the first African-American player chosen to enter the Baseball Hall of Fame. In 2005, he was awarded a Congressional Gold Medal, the highest award Congress can give to an American.

By breaking baseball’s color barrier (肤色障碍), Robinson opened the door for many to follow his footsteps, not only in baseball, but in other areas of life as well. After he stopped playing the game, Robinson worked as a manager for a coffee company. He wrote a newspaper column (专栏). He also  started a bank.

1.Before Jackie Robinson, no African-American players could __________.

A.play baseball

B.play in the Major League

C.play football and basketball

D.watch Major League games

2.According to Branch Rickey, Jackie Robinson was __________.

A.poor but clever

B.unlucky but confident

C.proud and strong

D.brave and skilled

3.We can know that Jackie Robinson’s story __________.

A.changed many Africans’ ideas

B.had an effect on many black people’s lives

C.encouraged black people to fight with whites

D.started a hot discussion about the color barrier

4.Which of the following is NOT what he once did?

A.a newspaper column writer

B.a banker

C.a university teacher

D.a manager in a company




On my first day of the sixth grade, I noticed one little girl called Amy on the school bus. “Don’t __26__ her,” Lauren said, who sat beside me. “Or they will make fun of you.”

Amy had many __27__ differences — lots of reasons for other kids to make fun of her. Her eyes weren’t straight. Her glasses were an inch thick. And she had really ugly teeth.

Every day __28__ we drove to and from school, kids would shout insults (侮辱) at Amy. “God, what a (n) __29__ face! Stop looking at me!” “Mr. Rolland (the driver)! Amy took off her __30__, and now her eyes are __31__ me! Make her put them back on!” For a while I shouted my share of insults, just so I’d fit in (合群). __32__, I didn’t want them to treat me the same way they treated Amy.

But while I was insulting her, my heart __33__ for the girl. I could see that the insults were making her look __34__, because she was so ashamed (羞愧) and alone. Then I wanted to __35__ her. I just didn’t know how to stop my schoolmates __36__ the night of our class roller-skating party.

Our whole class was there, including Amy. Amy didn’t know how to __37__, but I could see how much she wanted to __38__ like the rest of us. So I skated over to her and took her by the hand; we began the journey together around the skating rink (溜冰场). She just smiled, and sometimes she would laugh in __39__.

On the school bus the next morning there was much news about Amy and me __40__ together, __41__ nobody insulted her or me. And they didn’t do that for the rest of the year.

After graduation, I never __42__ Amy again. However, I never forget her and I’ve always __43__ if I changed her life for the better. But I know for sure she changed my __44__. After becoming her friend, I no longer tried to impress (给……留下印象) people by trying to __45__ like them. I became myself.

26. A. laugh at     B. ask about    C. talk to      D. be afraid of

27. A. common       B. small        C. social       D. physical

28. A. as           B. though       C. after        D. before

29. A. pretty       B. strange      C. ordinary     D. lovely

30. A. glasses     B. coat        C. shoes       D. hat

31. A. frightening  B. interesting  C. encouraging  D. injuring

32. A. Instead      B. After all    C. If so        D. Therefore

33. A. beat         B. lost         C. ached        D. opened

34. A. happier      B. taller       C. prettier     D. uglier

35. A. give in to   B. deal with    C. stand up for D. believe in

36. A. until        B. except       C. before       D. after

37. A. stand        B. skate        C. play         D. walk

38. A. catch up     B. have fun     C. sit down     D. fall over

39. A. fear         B. surprise     C. comfort      D. joy

40. A. talking     B. chatting     C. skating      D. travelling

41. A. so          B. because     C. but         D. still

42. A. wrote to     B. laughed at   C. heard from   D. made fun of

43. A. hoped        B. wondered     C. thought     D. considered

44. A. life         B. mind         C. interest     D. friend

45. A. study       B. fight        C. act         D. play



All the villagers set out to the forest __________ the lost boy.

A.in need of

B.in charge of

C.in hope of

D.in search of



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